Postpartum or Newish Mom

Postpartum or Newish Mom

The postpartum transition from pregnancy to being a new mom can be very challenging. Your postpartum period may include an unexpected delivery, experienced physical trauma during labor, breastfeeding concerns, taking care of a tiny human can feel like a tremendous task, you may have a lack of support and your body can seem unknown. It is easy to forget yourself and who you are when you are responsible for a little human.

New moms have the hardest job and it is easy to forget about ourselves when we focus so much attention on our little one. As a new mom you may feel lost or like you are doing it all wrong.

Postpartum is the most important time for you and your baby to connect, but you may feel more disconnected as a mom than ever. Your postpartum thoughts may overwhelm you and you may feel unable to meet your baby's needs. This can be frustrating and lead to feelings of postpartum mom guilt, sadness, anger and resentment. If you find yourself crying, lonely, isolated, overly worried or anxious and you have had a baby in the last 12 months, therapy can help you regain the beauty in your postpartum period.

As moms we are pressured. Moms have overwhelming pressure from society to be the perfect and ideal mom. This vision is unrealistic and you could be setting yourself up for maternal expectations that are not meant for you. Being a mom does not mean you have to keep neglecting yourself and being overwhelmed by your baby. Our therapy team can show you how to mom with ease.

We are members of the Tampa Bay Birth Network

Learn about Seasonal Affective Disorder and Your Pregnancy

Our Therapists are Here for Moms

Our Therapists are Here for Moms

By talking to our therapists you can overcome negative maternal thoughts and behaviors that may be holding you back from enjoying your mom time with your baby. Finding postpartum support in other postpartum women is important after the life changing experience of becoming a mom.

In therapy you can gain control mentally as you work towards regaining stability in your mom life, home life and work life. By coming to therapy you can start to remember who you are as a person, your likes, dislikes and recall that you are much more than just a mom.

Our therapists love supporting moms who need a boost in self confidence, improve work life balance and to regain a visual of the person they are. We empathize and as mothers, we are here to support you as a mom.

Learn about our therapist, Mrs. Stephanie's postpartum journey

Our therapists would love to support you.