Life Coaching + Wellness  | Teens, Young Adults and Women

What is life coaching?

Life coaching is about creating a plan, reaching your goals and helping you move any obstacles out of your way. When people feel lost, confused, or stuck a life coach can help a client formulate a plan. With a plan you can make it easier to visualize your goals. Your life coach can hold you accountable for these goals in an empathetic manner. Your plan is meant to help you reach your goals.

The goals you have can be calculated and precise, or more broad and long term. Life coaches at Serene Mind Coaching + Wellness help clients who want to find a new job, improve their relationships, become more organized, improve their self esteem, and gain success. Our life coaches are trained to help you overcome setbacks and move forward with your life plans.

Life can throw obstacles in your way and life coaches are here to help you overcome these obstacles that could be holding you back. As life coaches we know obstacles can be hard to manage, that is why we are here to help you overcome these set backs. Sometimes getting out of our own way, can actually be the key to success.

Who is life coaching for?

Kids, teens, young adults, moms, adults and people who want to grow and better themselves. Life coaching is for people who want to reach their life goals. They may need some guidance, orientation and a set plan.

Growth takes hard work and we are here to guide clients who want to reach their goals. If you have a goal in mind and do not know how to get there, coaching is for you. Life coaching can help you reach your dreams.

Is life coaching, also counseling?

No, they are both different and we offer both services through our two companies. Serene Mind Coaching + Wellness is only for coaching clients. Coaching is not therapy. During a coaching session you are not diagnosed, we do not explore your past and deep memories.

In coaching we explore the here and now, and your future self. Coaching is meant to help you set goals, move obstacles and get you to the finish line. Counseling is more in depth and reaches inner turmoils and possible traumas holding you back.

Our life coaches would love to support you.