Our Grief Therapists Explore Different Kinds of Grief

Grief comes in different shapes and sizes. It can be expressed in so many ways, in different amounts of time, and it can even evolve. When we think of the word “grief”, we usually associate it with death; however, we can experience feelings of grief in other events and experiences throughout our lives. In all these experiences, there is a common theme of endings.

Other events in life where we can experience grief:

-Ending of a friendship

-Leaving a job or changing work positions

-Having a baby

-Moving homes

-Getting married


-Changes in traditions

While all these things listed above can be viewed as positive and can signify growth in a person’s life, it is common and normal to experience feelings of grief around these events.

How can I navigate grief?

1) Accept how you naturally feel and lean into it:

Many people feel guilt when they experience grief. Some feel paralyzed, some feel like they must hide their emotions with others, or even themselves. In whichever way you start to acknowledge and process your experience with grief- it is normal. Lean into how you feel and accept that this is the way your body an mind grieve. Take your time with this process and honor where you are at.

2) Practice self-care

Ensure that you are taking care of yourself, even if it is the basics of brushing your teeth, showering, and eating. If you feel able, take some time to do things you love. Spending time with friends, taking a walk, listening to music, working out, or maybe even just taking a nap. Give yourself the space to take what you need during this time.

3) Express your thoughts and feelings in a way that is comfortable and authentic to you

Maybe talking to others during this time is hard and you need space. Many individuals like to draw, write, or create to express their feelings. Others may feel the need to connect with friends, family, and even mental health professionals to process how they are feeling and what thoughts arise. Don’t pressure yourself to talk if you aren’t ready.

It is important to remember that grief means that you have once loved. Although all events relating to grief are associated with endings, every ending has a subsequent beginning. We have several therapists at Serene Mind who can help you process through experiences of grief. If you feel you need support, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@serenemindpysch.com, or call us at 813.321.8280. We are here to help.

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