Our Grief Therapists Explore Different Kinds of Grief

Grief comes in different shapes and sizes. It can be expressed in so many ways, in different amounts of time, and it can even evolve. When we think of the word “grief”, we usually associate it with death; however, we can experience feelings of grief in other events and experiences throughout our lives. In all these experiences, there is a common theme of endings.

Other events in life where we can experience grief:

-Ending of a friendship

-Leaving a job or changing work positions

-Having a baby

-Moving homes

-Getting married


-Changes in traditions

While all these things listed above can be viewed as positive and can signify growth in a person’s life, it is common and normal to experience feelings of grief around these events.

How can I navigate grief?

1) Accept how you naturally feel and lean into it:

Many people feel guilt when they experience grief. Some feel paralyzed, some feel like they must hide their emotions with others, or even themselves. In whichever way you start to acknowledge and process your experience with grief- it is normal. Lean into how you feel and accept that this is the way your body an mind grieve. Take your time with this process and honor where you are at.

2) Practice self-care

Ensure that you are taking care of yourself, even if it is the basics of brushing your teeth, showering, and eating. If you feel able, take some time to do things you love. Spending time with friends, taking a walk, listening to music, working out, or maybe even just taking a nap. Give yourself the space to take what you need during this time.

3) Express your thoughts and feelings in a way that is comfortable and authentic to you

Maybe talking to others during this time is hard and you need space. Many individuals like to draw, write, or create to express their feelings. Others may feel the need to connect with friends, family, and even mental health professionals to process how they are feeling and what thoughts arise. Don’t pressure yourself to talk if you aren’t ready.

It is important to remember that grief means that you have once loved. Although all events relating to grief are associated with endings, every ending has a subsequent beginning. We have several therapists at Serene Mind who can help you process through experiences of grief. If you feel you need support, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@serenemindpysch.com, or call us at 813.321.8280. We are here to help.

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Our Therapists Agree, It is Okay to Have "All the feels"

There are many emotions that we experience from day to day; anger, joy, excitement, happiness, guilt, sadness, fear, jealousy and the list goes on. Sometimes our emotions can make us feel overwhelmed and can be hard to understand. Knowing that emotions are normal and healthy can help you in see them in a healthy way.

It is easy to see why it’s important to feel happiness and joy, but why is it healthy to have uncomfortable emotions? What can anger, sadness, or fear do for us? Can our emotions benefit others as well as ourselves?

1. Anger and Sadness-

A lot of times we become angry, but anger comes from being passionate about something. We may honk at a driver that pulled out in front of us but you do so because you are passionate about your safety or the safety of those in your car. There are healthy ways we can cope with and control our anger. We can always talk with a professional or a loved one about things that make us angry. We can also take a step back and think about why this particular thing is making you feel anger. Sadness on the other hand can be harder to control as the things that make us sad at times may or may not be helped. We may not be able to retake a test, or find something that we lost. This propels us to avoid feeling sad in the future for the same reasons. Being sad means you care, just like being angry does.

2. Joy and Happiness-

Conversely, happiness and joy are positive emotions. When we hug someone we love or do well at work we can feel joy and happiness. When we are happy we are more likely to do things like exercise and be with friends and loved ones. We can often share this emotion and others sometimes will join you in feeling happy too.

3. Fear and Worry-

Experiencing fear and anxiety can help us avoid dangerous situations and are healthy and at times positive. You may experience fear before you ride a new roller coaster or you may be worried about a job interview. We can do things to alleviate these worries; prepare for situations in advance and anticipate being nervous. Talking with a professional about your fears can also be helpful in working through them.

All emotions are okay to feel.

Without emotions we would just be a bunch of robots. Understanding that every emotion we have plays an important part of who we are and what we need, is the key to becoming more self aware.

Our Therapists Agree, It is Okay to Have "All the feels"

It is Cool to Be kind - From a Mental Health Perspective

November is upon us, and it’s finally starting to feel like fall. In many ways, this is a good thing; the air is cooling down, pumpkin spice is everywhere, and Thanksgiving is only weeks away. However, this also means the days are starting to get shorter, which can negatively impact mental health.

During this season it is especially important to be kind to yourself and others, as both those who give and receive acts of kindness experience improvements in mental health. There are so many ways we can be kind to one another, it’s impossible to list them all.

So, to keep it simple, here are 4 ways to be kind:

1. Express appreciation!

Saying “thank you” can go a long way. Acknowledging and valuing peoples’ effort always makes them feel good.

2. Offer help!

Whether it be giving advice to a friend or assisting a coworker with a difficult task, extending support to others will ease their burden. Being kind through both your actions and words really shows how much you care.

3. Practice small acts of kindness!

These include: holding the door for the person behind you, genuinely asking service workers “how are you?”, letting the person with fewer items cut in front of you at the grocery store, and so many more! While these might not seem like a big deal, they can make someone’s day.

4. Be compassionate!

We’re all human, which means nobody is perfect. Make the effort to treat yourself and others with patience, understanding, and empathy.

Kindness can go a long way. We do not realize how much treating people with empathy, compassion and love can really just let someone feel valued. Remember that you are amazing and we are thankful for you!

It is Cool to Be kind