Rising Above the Shadows: Empowering Women to Reduce Depression Symptoms

Depression can cast a heavy shadow, affecting various aspects of life. Women, often juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, may find themselves grappling with this silent struggle.

This blog aims to provide actionable strategies and empowering tips for women to reduce depression symptoms, fostering a path towards healing and resilience.

I. Understanding Your Own Journey: Acknowledging Depression

The first step towards reducing depression symptoms is acknowledging and understanding your own journey.

A. Recognizing the Signs: 1. Reflect on emotional indicators such as persistent sadness or hopelessness. 2. Identify cognitive signs like difficulty concentrating or negative thought patterns. 3. Be aware of physical symptoms, behavioral changes, and interpersonal challenges.

B. Seeking Professional Guidance: 1. Reach out to a mental health professional for a comprehensive evaluation. 2. Consider therapy or counseling to explore and address underlying issues. 3. Collaborate with a psychiatrist for a personalized approach, including medication if needed.

II. Building a Foundation of Self-Care: Nurturing Your Well-Being

Self-care forms the cornerstone of managing depression symptoms effectively.

A. Prioritizing Sleep: 1. Establish a consistent sleep routine. 2. Ensure a comfortable and calming sleep environment. 3. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

B. Nutrition and Hydration: 1. Focus on a balanced and nutritious diet. 2. Stay hydrated throughout the day. 3. Limit caffeine and sugar intake for mood stability.

C. Regular Physical Activity: 1. Engage in activities you enjoy, whether it's walking, dancing, or yoga. 2. Start with small, manageable exercises and gradually increase intensity. 3. Leverage the mood-boosting benefits of endorphins through regular workouts.

III. Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Cultivating Inner Peace

Practicing mindfulness can be a powerful tool in reducing depression symptoms.

A. Mindful Breathing: 1. Incorporate deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. 2. Practice mindfulness meditation for a few minutes each day. 3. Focus on the present moment to alleviate anxiety.

B. Visualization and Guided Imagery: 1. Create mental images of serene and calming environments. 2. Use guided imagery to shift your focus away from negative thoughts. 3. Explore apps or online resources for guided meditation sessions.

IV. Empowering Cognitive Strategies: Reframing Your Mindset

Addressing negative thought patterns is crucial for reducing depression symptoms.

A. Positive Affirmations: 1. Create a list of positive affirmations and repeat them daily. 2. Challenge and reframe negative thoughts with affirming statements. 3. Cultivate a habit of self-encouragement.

B. Goal Setting: 1. Establish realistic and achievable goals. 2. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps. 3. Celebrate each accomplishment, no matter how minor.

V. Connecting with Others: Building Supportive Relationships

Social connections play a pivotal role in reducing depression symptoms.

A. Open Communication: 1. Share your feelings with trusted friends or family members. 2. Seek support from those who understand and empathize. 3. Foster open communication to break the silence around mental health.

B. Joining Supportive Communities: 1. Participate in local or online support groups. 2. Connect with organizations focused on mental health advocacy. 3. Surround yourself with positive influences.

Reducing depression symptoms is an ongoing journey, and each woman's path is unique. By embracing self-care, mindfulness, cognitive strategies, and building supportive connections, women can empower themselves to rise above the shadows of depression. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and with the right tools and support, it is possible to navigate towards a brighter and more fulfilling life.

Rising Above the Shadows: Empowering Women to Reduce Depression Symptoms Women's Therapy Group Tampa Postpartum Maternal Health

Unleashing the Power of Psychology: A Roadmap to Achieving Your Goals in 2024

As we step into a new year, the pursuit of our goals becomes a focal point for many. This blog explores the fascinating realm of psychology and its application in helping you reach your goals in 2024.

By understanding and implementing psychological techniques, you can maximize your chances of success and transform your aspirations into tangible achievements.

Set SMART Goals:

Psychology tells us that well-defined goals significantly increase the likelihood of success. The SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound—provide a structured framework for goal-setting. Clearly outline what you want to achieve, break it down into smaller milestones, and assign deadlines to keep yourself accountable.

Visualize Your Success:

Utilize the power of visualization, a psychological technique that involves creating a mental image of your desired outcome. By consistently visualizing your success, you enhance your motivation and focus. Imagine the emotions, the sights, and the sounds associated with achieving your goals, creating a mental blueprint that guides your actions.

Develop a Growth Mindset:

Psychologist Carol Dweck introduced the concept of a growth mindset, emphasizing the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, learn from failures, and see effort as the path to mastery. Cultivating a growth mindset will empower you to persist in the face of setbacks.

Utilize Positive Reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement is a powerful psychological tool that involves rewarding yourself for achieving small milestones along the way. Celebrate your successes, no matter how minor, to reinforce positive behavior and build momentum. This approach taps into the pleasure centers of the brain, making the journey towards your goals more enjoyable.

Leverage the Zeigarnik Effect:

The Zeigarnik Effect is a psychological phenomenon that highlights our tendency to remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks more than completed ones. Break down your goals into smaller tasks, creating a sense of unfinished business that motivates you to continue working. This technique keeps your goals at the forefront of your mind, driving consistent progress.

Build a Support System:

Psychology underscores the importance of social support in achieving goals. Surround yourself with individuals who share your aspirations or offer encouragement. Sharing your goals with others not only creates accountability but also provides a network of support during challenging times.

Practice Mindfulness:

Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can enhance your focus, reduce stress, and increase self-awareness. By incorporating mindfulness into your routine, you create a conducive mental environment for goal pursuit. Clearing mental clutter allows you to channel your energy towards meaningful tasks.

Incorporating psychology into your goal-setting strategy can significantly enhance your chances of success in 2024. From setting SMART goals to leveraging positive reinforcement, each technique taps into the intricate workings of the human mind. As you embark on your journey, remember that the fusion of psychological insights with dedicated effort is a potent formula for turning aspirations into reality. Embrace the power of psychology, and let this be the year you accomplish your most ambitious goals.

Unleashing the Power of Psychology: A Roadmap to Achieving Your Goals in 2024 Tampa Counselor Jacksonville Counselor Depression Anxiety Trauma

Unveiling Empowerment: The Profound Benefits of Women's Therapy Groups

In the heart of community support and mental health advocacy, women's therapy groups emerge as transformative spaces where individuals can navigate the intricate tapestry of their lives. Nestled within the embrace of shared experiences, these groups offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond the therapy room.

In this exploration, we delve into the profound advantages of participating in women's therapy groups, understanding how they empower and uplift women in a multifaceted manner.

1. Camaraderie and Shared Understanding: Fostering Connection in Shared Experiences

Women's therapy groups provide a unique setting for individuals to share their experiences, realizing that their struggles, triumphs, and aspirations are not isolated. This sense of camaraderie cultivates a shared understanding, offering solace and comfort in knowing that one is not alone in navigating life's challenges.

2. Empowerment Through Shared Wisdom: Harnessing Collective Knowledge

Within the diverse fabric of a women's therapy group, participants bring a wealth of experiences and perspectives. The exchange of personal stories, insights, and coping strategies becomes a wellspring of collective wisdom. This shared knowledge empowers each participant with a broader perspective, fostering personal growth and resilience.

3. Safe and Supportive Environment: A Sanctuary for Vulnerability

In the supportive cocoon of a women's therapy group, vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. Creating a safe and non-judgmental space, these groups encourage open and honest communication. Participants feel liberated to share their thoughts and feelings, fostering an environment where healing can flourish.

4. Enhanced Self-Expression: Finding Voice and Agency

Women often face unique challenges in expressing themselves authentically in various aspects of life. Therapy groups provide a platform for enhanced self-expression, allowing participants to explore and articulate their thoughts, emotions, and desires. This newfound ability to communicate contributes to increased self-awareness and personal empowerment.

5. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: A Journey to Self-Acceptance

Women's therapy groups serve as incubators for building confidence and self-esteem. The positive reinforcement and support received from peers and facilitators become catalysts for self-acceptance. As women recognize their inherent worth, they embark on a transformative journey toward heightened confidence and self-assuredness.

6. Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Equipping Women for Life's Challenges

Life is replete with challenges, and women's therapy groups provide a space to explore and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Participants learn to navigate stress, anxiety, and adversity through shared experiences and coping strategies. This newfound resilience becomes a valuable asset in facing life's complexities.

7. Navigating Relationships: Developing Interpersonal Skills

Women often play diverse roles in their relationships, be it as partners, mothers, friends, or colleagues. Therapy groups offer a platform for exploring and refining interpersonal skills. Participants gain insights into effective communication, conflict resolution, and boundary setting, contributing to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

8. Identity Exploration: Embracing Personal Growth

The journey to self-discovery is a lifelong process, and women's therapy groups provide a dedicated space for identity exploration. Participants have the opportunity to delve into their values, aspirations, and personal narratives. This introspection fosters personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.

9. Validation and Affirmation: Acknowledging Personal Narratives

In the validating environment of a women's therapy group, participants receive affirmation for their experiences and emotions. This acknowledgment plays a pivotal role in diminishing feelings of isolation and self-doubt. As women share and receive validation, a collective strength emerges, fostering a sense of empowerment.

10. Reducing Stigma and Fostering Mental Health Advocacy: Breaking Barriers

Participating in a women's therapy group contributes to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. As women openly discuss their mental health journeys, they become advocates for mental health awareness within their communities. This ripple effect helps break down societal barriers and fosters a culture of understanding and support.

11. Mind-Body Connection: Holistic Well-Being

Women's therapy groups often incorporate holistic approaches, recognizing the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness practices, yoga, and other therapeutic techniques contribute to a holistic approach that addresses the mind-body connection, promoting overall well-being.

12. Peer Support: Strength in Numbers

The power of peer support within women's therapy groups cannot be overstated. Through shared experiences, participants become a source of strength for each other. Whether navigating a challenging moment or celebrating achievements, the camaraderie forged within the group serves as a bedrock of support.

13. Embracing Diversity: Learning from Varied Perspectives

Women's therapy groups are melting pots of diversity, encompassing individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. This diversity enriches the collective experience, offering participants the opportunity to learn from varied perspectives and broaden their understanding of the world.

14. Goal Setting and Accountability: Nurturing Ambitions

Therapy groups provide a structured environment for setting personal goals and aspirations. Through collaborative goal-setting, participants receive support and accountability from their peers. This collective encouragement becomes a driving force for women to pursue and achieve their dreams.

15. Life Transition Support: Navigating Change Together

Life is a series of transitions, and women's therapy groups offer invaluable support during times of change. Whether navigating career shifts, relationship changes, or other significant life events, participants find solace in the shared experiences and guidance offered within the group.

In the heart of Tampa, Florida, women's therapy groups stand as beacons of empowerment and resilience. These transformative spaces go beyond traditional therapy, offering a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses connection, empowerment, and personal growth. As women come together to share, learn, and uplift each other, the profound benefits of these therapy groups resonate far beyond the therapy room, shaping empowered and resilient individuals who carry the torch of support into their communities and beyond.

Unveiling Empowerment: The Profound Benefits of Women's Therapy Groups Tampa St. Petersburg 33606 33629 33611 33609 Women Counseling Group Depression Anxiety

Embracing the Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Holiday Self-Care

As the holiday season approaches, the festive cheer often comes hand-in-hand with increased stress and overwhelming demands. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it's crucial to prioritize self-care to ensure a joyful and rejuvenating holiday experience.

In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips and strategies to nurture your well-being during the holidays, allowing you to truly savor the magic of the season.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations:

    • The pressure to create the perfect holiday can be overwhelming. Begin by setting realistic expectations for yourself and your celebrations. Understand that imperfections are a natural part of the season and that the most important aspect is the quality time spent with loved ones.

  2. Create Boundaries:

    • Establishing boundaries is key to maintaining balance during the holidays. Learn to say no to commitments that may contribute to excessive stress. Communicate your limits to friends and family, ensuring that you have the time and energy to engage in activities that bring you joy.

  3. Prioritize Self-Reflection:

    • Take moments for self-reflection amidst the holiday chaos. Consider the significance of the season for you personally and what aspects bring you the most fulfillment. This introspection can guide your choices and help you align your activities with your values.

  4. Mindful Holiday Planning:

    • Plan your holiday activities mindfully, focusing on what truly matters to you. Prioritize events and traditions that bring joy, and consider scaling back on those that feel more like obligations. Quality over quantity is the mantra for a fulfilling holiday experience.

  5. Self-Care Rituals:

    • Integrate self-care rituals into your daily routine. Whether it's a warm bath, a few moments of meditation, or a brisk winter walk, carve out time for activities that replenish your energy and promote relaxation. These small rituals can be a source of calm amidst the holiday frenzy.

  6. Healthy Eating Habits:

    • While indulging in holiday treats is part of the fun, be mindful of your overall eating habits. Ensure a balance between festive delights and nourishing meals to support your physical well-being. Staying hydrated is equally crucial, especially in colder climates.

  7. Connect with Loved Ones:

    • Prioritize meaningful connections with loved ones. Engage in activities that foster a sense of togetherness, whether it's a family game night, a cozy movie marathon, or a heartfelt conversation over a cup of cocoa. These moments contribute significantly to the joy of the season.

  8. Embrace the Power of "No":

    • Recognize that it's okay to decline invitations or opt-out of certain activities. Saying "no" when necessary is an act of self-care that allows you to preserve your energy for the things that truly matter.

In the midst of holiday celebrations, it's easy to overlook personal well-being. However, by incorporating these self-care strategies into your holiday routine, you can navigate the season with grace and mindfulness, ensuring that the festivities are not only joyful but also rejuvenating for your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace the spirit of the season by prioritizing yourself and creating a holiday experience that aligns with your well-being goals.

Embracing the Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Holiday Self-Care Tampa Jacksonville Therapist 33606 33629 33611 33609

Our Grief Therapists Explore Different Kinds of Grief

Grief comes in different shapes and sizes. It can be expressed in so many ways, in different amounts of time, and it can even evolve. When we think of the word “grief”, we usually associate it with death; however, we can experience feelings of grief in other events and experiences throughout our lives. In all these experiences, there is a common theme of endings.

Other events in life where we can experience grief:

-Ending of a friendship

-Leaving a job or changing work positions

-Having a baby

-Moving homes

-Getting married


-Changes in traditions

While all these things listed above can be viewed as positive and can signify growth in a person’s life, it is common and normal to experience feelings of grief around these events.

How can I navigate grief?

1) Accept how you naturally feel and lean into it:

Many people feel guilt when they experience grief. Some feel paralyzed, some feel like they must hide their emotions with others, or even themselves. In whichever way you start to acknowledge and process your experience with grief- it is normal. Lean into how you feel and accept that this is the way your body an mind grieve. Take your time with this process and honor where you are at.

2) Practice self-care

Ensure that you are taking care of yourself, even if it is the basics of brushing your teeth, showering, and eating. If you feel able, take some time to do things you love. Spending time with friends, taking a walk, listening to music, working out, or maybe even just taking a nap. Give yourself the space to take what you need during this time.

3) Express your thoughts and feelings in a way that is comfortable and authentic to you

Maybe talking to others during this time is hard and you need space. Many individuals like to draw, write, or create to express their feelings. Others may feel the need to connect with friends, family, and even mental health professionals to process how they are feeling and what thoughts arise. Don’t pressure yourself to talk if you aren’t ready.

It is important to remember that grief means that you have once loved. Although all events relating to grief are associated with endings, every ending has a subsequent beginning. We have several therapists at Serene Mind who can help you process through experiences of grief. If you feel you need support, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@serenemindpysch.com, or call us at 813.321.8280. We are here to help.

Serene Mind Counseling Mindfulness Blog:  Exploring Different Kinds of Grief 33606 33629 33611 33609

Our Depression Therapists Share, How Do I Know if I am Experiencing Depression?

With the everyday stressors of life, sometimes we get caught up in the moment and forget to check in and reflect with how we are feeling. We may fall into patterns and even new lifestyles that we don’t recognize.

Here are some indicators that could hint to you experiencing depression:

1) Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy

Activities you used to love participating in may start to feel stale. You may feel physically unable to partake in these activities, or they may feel boring to you now. You may start to feel neutral, or even negative to things that used to spark joy to you. You may feel like your sense of purpose has diminished or you are starting to become confused about what you are interested in.

2) Lack of motivation

Instilling effort takes a great deal of energy, sometimes both physically and mentally. When feeling depressed, you may have a lack of, or a reduced drive to complete even the simplest of tasks. This may start with tasks at work, then trickle into your home tasks. Sometimes, you may even feel a lack of motivation to take care of your basic needs such as bathing, brushing your teeth, and eating.

3) Change in appetite

Changes in appetite are common in individuals experiencing symptoms of anxiety. Some people may experience a lack of or loss in appetite, while others may feel they are eating more than usual. You may notice that you opt for more pre-packed or fast foods to avoid having to cook or prepare food. Both changes are possible indicators that you may be experiencing depression.

4) Isolating yourself from others

When experiencing depression, you may start to withdraw from interacting with others as much as you used to. Socializing may become more difficult to engage in. Putting in effort in conversations and social events may feel draining and impossible. You may not even want to speak or be around people you trust and love. You may start to distance yourself from your inner circle.

Depression does not have to last forever.

There are many techniques and tools to help aid you in traveling this journey. It is very important to remember, just because you may be experiencing symptoms of depression, does not mean you must embody and claim it as a part of your identity. We have seasons in our lives, and we have the power to navigate each season.

Are you struggling with feelings of depression? Do you feel stuck and need some support? We are here to help. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

Our Depression Therapists Share, How Do I Know if I am Experiencing Depression? Tampa Jacksonville Oregon 33606 33609 33611 33629

Does Depression Last Forever? - Our Therapists Share Their Thoughts

Depression is defined as: Feelings of emptiness, sadness, and sometimes even confusion. All people who live experience feelings and symptoms of depression in their lifetime. These feelings can come in waves or feel like a cloud that follows up for days, months, and even years of our lives. Depression does not have to last forever.

Depending on your lifestyle, there are many different therapeutic modalities and services that may resonate with you to ignite a path of healing and overcoming depression.

Taking the first step into the healing process is the most difficult step to heal depression, and it is important to remember that healing is not linear. Healing from depression takes time, and sometimes we need to take a step forward then 3 steps back in order to learn and heal.

What are ways that I can help myself when I am feeling depressed or if I get diagnosed with depression?

 Journaling (to record thoughts and feelings related to depression for self-reflection)

 Exercise (to release endorphins and encourage a mind-body connection and overcome depression)

 Practicing mindfulness (to challenge negative or intrusive thoughts related to depression)

 Evaluating diet, sleep, and physical hygiene (are these habits healthy and supportive for you? are certain foods triggering more depression symptoms?)

 Establishing a hobby (Igniting a sense of purpose and passion in your life to overcome depression)

 Reaching out to a friend or family member (connecting with someone who loves and cares about you to offer support and help you through symptoms of depression)

What are some resources or what kinds of professionals can I reach out to when I am feeling depressed or if I get diagnosed with depression?

 Reach out to a mental health therapist (to help you map out your feelings of depression and ways to approach them)

 Schedule an appointment with your doctor (to explore physical health related barriers, and medication therapy if necessary for depression)

 Enroll in group therapy (in-person or online to help overcome depression)

All of these resources and options are potential tools to aid in your path when navigating feelings of depression. Even if you are diagnosed with depression by a medical or mental health professional, it does not mean it must define you. You do not have to own or embody depression just because you are experiencing it and its symptoms.

Are you struggling with feelings of depression? Do you feel stuck and need some support? We are here to help. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

Does Depression Last Forever?

3 Ways to Help You Overcome Depression

Feeling depression and the symptoms that come along with depression can be challenging and discouraging. Depression symptoms can arise for anyone at any point in their life, this is nothing to be ashamed of. These feelings are natural and there are many ways to manage (and even overcome depression) these feelings of depression and symptoms of depression - with or without supplements or medication.

What are some ways I can overcome feelings of depression?

1) Evaluate your lifestyle (influences, diet, sleep, etc.) Some important things to think about and ask yourself when these feelings of depression arise are: How is my physical environment contributing to my mindset and feelings? How are the people I am surrounded by affecting and influencing my emotions and thought patterns? (Work, school, family, friends, etc.) Does my sleep hygiene and physical hygiene support me emotionally and mentally? Does my diet support my body? Do I have a support system that helps me feel loved and safe?

After asking yourself these questions, you may be able to find the origins of where these feelings of depression have come from.

2) Establish an interest that can turn into a passion or hobby.

Having a focus, passion, or interest that you can direct your attention can create inspiration in your life. This can create self-motivation and self-encouragement - which battle feelings of depression. These kinds of activities can grow into many different areas of your life, expanding into social circles where you can connect with others and find even more support in your life. Having an interest that you connect with ignites a sense of purpose and drive. Ultimately, helping you overcome depression.

3) Reach out to a mental health, functional doctor or medical professional If you are diagnosed with depression, this diagnoses or “label” does not define who you are.

You are not depression; you are experiencing it. Depression is NOT something you need to own or embody. There are many different reasons why these depression feelings can make their way into your life- it can be from a situation, a traumatic experience, patterns in your lifestyle, or from many other cascading things. Some mental health and medical professionals believe that symptoms of depression can be hereditary as well.

If you need help identifying contributing factors for your depression symptoms, reach out to a mental health therapist to help guide you through this process. There are many different therapeutic techniques and tools that therapists can provide to you that are tailored to your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Some individuals benefit from supplements or medication therapies, which would require a visit or consult with a medical doctor or naturopathic professional. Medication or herbal therapy can also be used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities, such as psychotherapy, coaching, exercise, diet change, and so much more.

Are you struggling with feelings of depression? Do you feel stuck and need some support? We are here to help. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

Ways to Help You Overcome Depression

5 Signs of High Functioning Depression - From a Depression Therapist

Being trapped in a high pace world, with your every day routine and demands can be exhausting. Your day may appear to be full of just everyday happenings without realizing or being in tune with how you actually feel (are you depressed?). Our society promotes living in a high pace, stressful and demanding life. This makes depression even harder to spot. We can live in a depressed state that is functioning and just used to mechanically producing.

Here are 5 signs of functional depression:

  1. Seeking Perfection: The want to always be perfect, not make mistakes is a sign that you are depressed. Not allowing yourself to make mistakes takes away from your growth and learning. If you are unable to fall and get back up, you may eventually just stop trying.

  2. Poor eating habits: Over eating or under eating, skipping meals can be signs of being busy. However, depression can also have fluctuating eating habits due to our emotions and neurotransmitters related to hunger.

  3. Lack of Energy: Being permanently exhausted is a sign that you are depressed. Not having the social or emotional energy to be with loved ones can be due to depression. Depressed people isolate and feel lonely.

  4. Irritability: Being quick to react, high strong and always defensive are signs that you are depressed. Depression can cause you to feel own edge, highly critical of yourself and lead to thinking of yourself in a negative light.

  5. Sleep Problems: When we have depression we tend to under or over sleep. Our brains are working hard and this exhaustion can cause our deep sleep to suffer. Depression makes it hard for us to rest and relax.

Depression is a struggle to live with. You may think you have your life under control but depression may be seeping in. Having depression can make everyday feel like a daunting chore. If you are feeling depressed, talking and expressing yourself in therapy can help you better learn what path you want to take. Depression does not have to last forever.

5 Signs of High Functioning Depression

If I am Depressed, Do I Need Medication?

Clients often wonder if depression always requires medication treatment to go along with it. The short answer is, no. Depression is a feeling of overwhelming guilt, sadness, isolation and loneliness. It comes with waves of negative thinking, including but not limited to thoughts about our worth, our purpose and our life. It can take you down a spiral of negativity that you can get stuck in.

Thankfully, depression does not have to last forever and medication is not always the first or even best option.

Depression treatment can start with therapy, and continue with changing life habits, such as:

  1. Getting plenty of sunlight and vitamin D: Sunlight helps our bodies produce Vitamin D. By being outside, specially in the morning hours we help our body recognize the time and to start helping us feel awake. This is part of our sleep, wake cycle and contributes to us having a productive and positive day. Get your Vitamin D levels checked!

  2. Getting plenty of restful sleep, REM sleep to be precise: Sleep. Such a nice thought. Getting restful sleep can help keep our depression away. Sleep helps us detox our brain, keeping our brain working at the best rate possible. Without sleep and REM cycles, our body can not recover and regenerate. This makes not only depression prevalent, but illness, such as dementia, alzheimer’s and cancer.

  3. Moving your body and walking: Depression wants us to stay still, lay win bed and do nothing. By moving your body, gently, you can start to get your blood flowing and your mind working in the best way possible. Our bodies need movement to help our lymph highway to flow. Our lymph system is responsible for illness and immunity. Movement can help you say goodbye to depression and keep illnesses away.

  4. Connecting with loved ones: Texting, calling or emailing the people you love is a great way to help you overcome depression. Take the time to spend at least one minute a day trying to make the effort to connect. This can help your neurotransmitters release happy chemicals in your body.

  5. Enjoying time relaxing and clearing your mind: It sounds cliche, “self-care.” But it is not, self care is exactly what someone who has depression needs. They need time to love themselves and every aspect of who they are. Self-care is a potential depression reducer.

  6. If needed, potential herbal supplements or medications: Herbal remedies to help depression include but are not limited to adrenal supports, SAMe, minerals, Vitamin D, B vitamins, Aswhaghanda and more. Medications can also play a role in treatment, but are not an end all be all. As always please consult your treating physician to see which supplements or medications may be right for you.

Depression is dreaded and people do not want to get stuck in the depression cycle. Having the ability to use resources, besides medication can be helpful in helping you overcome your depression. Our counselors are trained in helping clients overcome negative thinking and can help you regain control of your life.

I am Depressed, Do I Need Medication?

5 Signs of Depression - A Mental Health Perspective

Depression symptoms can hit many of us hard, just like a wave of spring allergies. Depression is typically based on negative thoughts about ourselves that may be surfacing and it feels like these thoughts may have no where to go. It is hard to overcome these thoughts on our own, since they are trapped in our own head.

As we enter into spring and a warmer climate full of new beginnings it may be harder to recognize the symptoms of depression. Depression can present in different ways, but here are five major signs our therapists say can be a feeling of depression:

1. Low energy and fatigue-

Depression is mentally exhausting. Lacking motivation to make a meal or see a friend can be a sign of fatigue.

2. Becoming easily upset-

Profuse crying, angry lash-outs, and feeling the need to off-load your feelings are signs that you may be depressed.

3. No longer interested in things that used to bring joy-

Depression can make doing what you enjoy difficult. Maybe you once enjoyed painting, cooking, playing baseball, but no longer feel joy from it or no longer have an interest in it. We can also lose interest in our partners.

4. Hygiene starting to slip-

Things like brushing teeth, showering, and drinking enough water can become harder to do when we are depressed. Sometimes depression can bring on feelings of worthlessness which makes these tasks even more difficult.

5. Negative thoughts-

When we are depressed sometimes our thoughts can spiral downwards. These thoughts typically can be harsh and reflect poorly of who we are.

There are many symptoms of depression and many types of depression and they can be caused by a multitude of things. Talking with a professional can help you understand your depression and manage it. Depression is treatable and you can overcome these symptoms with the right team!

5 Signs of Depression - A Mental Health Perspective

Our Therapists Share 5 Depression Do's

A change in the weather is oftentimes what we need to pick ourselves up, get outside, and take a deep breath to begin a new day. Breaking out of the cold weather funk can be a real hassle and we can only hope the dawn of a bright, warn day can help us accomplish this. But what do we do when the funk doesn’t clear for the people around us?

How can we be there to help and support our loved ones who are having a tough time getting out of a depressive episode? 

1.The first step is finding what support looks like to them. 

Some people simply need space, but others may need some help or guidance. Reminding them that they are enough allows them to remove themselves from that overwhelming feeling of guilt, as they may feel guilty about not being at their “normal” level of functioning or appearance. It’s always a good reminder to let someone know that what they are experiencing is not their fault and that you can get through it together. 

2. Have empathy for their feelings. 

Sometimes it may be difficult to understand why someone thinks the way they do. It may be hard to conceptualize why your perfectly healthy teenager thinks they aren’t good enough or why your amazing husband is having a hard time with his appearance. Try your best to listen and ask how you can help. 

3. Promote self care!

Sometimes self-care becomes the last box we check on our to-do lists, and with depression, that box may be nonexistent. Without guilting someone into doing something they don’t want to do, you can use encouraging words to help get them out of bed to brush their teeth or wash their face. Try to encourage them to sit in a brighter room in the house, or open the blinds in their own room, getting out of a dark room can help them start to feel better.

4. Get outside and enjoy the sun! 

Just like the sun can brighten our moods after a cold winter, someone dealing with depression may feel this same kind of relief. Often, people suffering from depression stay indoors for long periods of time and become deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin is vital for keeping bones, teeth, and muscles happy and healthy. It also supports brain function and your body’s immune response.

5. Or maybe just be a quiet supporter. 

It is common for those suffering with depression to also be in the dark about their feelings so asking them to explain why they are feeling that way may become exhausting. Being a quiet presence, so you can be there if they do need you, is more than enough.

Knowing they are not alone is the best way to help someone get onto the other side of depression.

Our Therapists Share 5 Depression Do's