5 Benefits of Mental Health Therapy

Are you still questioning what therapy can do for you? Therapy is a great place for anyone who needs to learn, find support and guidance. In therapy, your therapist will be your facilitator. You will be encouraged to set goals, understand your emotions, improve your relationships and find new perspectives.

What does therapy offer me that my parents, friends, pets or other loved ones will not?

1. Meeting goals and setting realistic expectations:

  • Often when you have your first session, or even throughout your sessions, you will create goals that represent the growth you want to achieve.

  • Working with your counselor helps meet these goals. You can discuss over time how you are progressing and make changes when necessary.

  • Counselors can also help gauge the scale of your goals and help you understand if they are reasonable.

2. Understand your own emotions: often we become distressed, we may not know why?

  • Therapy can help you make sense of and understand your emotions. When you recognize what is happening in your body you can gain more control over your feelings.

  • Learn about the chemicals and functions of your brain to help you understand how to create a healthy lifestyle.

  • Recognize emotions to manage them.

3. Benefits you and your relationships:

  • Therapy can help you learn how to best communicate.

  • There are many relationships you may have all with different dynamics. Your relationship with your supervisor at work may be different than your relationship with your best friend but it is equally important to communicate effectively with both.

  • Counselors can and will work with you on active listening, stepping back from conflict, setting boundaries, and working with others that do not agree with you. In turn, these skills can help build positive relationships.

4. Provide a safe place to process:

  • Many people find comfort and reassurance in speaking with someone with no judgement.

  • A counselor is skilled and has attended school to be able to help you, listen, and provide support and being open with your counselor is critical to problem solving

  • The counseling room is a safe space to practice what your counselor is teaching you.

5. Find a new perspective:

  • When we are in our own head it is hard to see anything past this point.

  • We may think we are being logical but our own logic might be illogical.

  • Through therapy you can shift your perspective and widen your sense of what is actually logical.

  • This can help you regain a better sense of yourself and improve your relationships.

Therapy is a unique place where you go to reset your mind, learn about yourself and grow into the you, that you know you would like to be. The gift of therapy is called insight and no one can take this from you once you have experienced it.

5 Benefits of Mental Health Therapy