Control Your Negative Thoughts and Reduce Unwanted Anxiety

As we move throughout our day we respond to different things that happen whether they are good or bad. You may get some bad news, or someone may cut you off in traffic and we have the ability to respond with either positive or negative thinking. We can choose to look at situations positively but this can be difficult when situations are problematic or overwhelming. Negative thinking leads to more negative thoughts, which in turn leads to feeling poorly. Telling yourself to “just think of the positives” can seem silly, as we certainly don’t want to think negatively.

So, what can we do to control our negative thoughts and reduce unwanted anxiety?

1. Challenge yourself to focus on what is good:

What are you grateful for in this moment? What about this current problem can be shifted to positive viewpoint? For example, not having a lot of money can cause you to think about the things you do not have but we can challenge ourselves to think of the things we do have.

2. Think of things that make you happy:

Stop and make a mental (or tangible) list of things that make you happy. Carry this around with you, or think of it often as the more often you recognize negative thinking the more awareness you will have.

3. Talk to a loved one or friend:

Sometimes our loved ones know what can make us feel positive even if we don’t feel like we do. Call or text someone you love and tell them to ell you their favorite memory with you, or plan to meet up with them.

4. Take a step back:

When negative thoughts enter your mind you can stop and take a step back. Ask yourself, is there any good in this situation? Even pausing for a moment can give your mind and body more time to respond.

5. Don’t let it affect your self-esteem:

It is easy to see negatives, but far more challenging to see positives. Getting stuck in a line of negative thinking is normal and happens to many of us frequently; be kind to yourself and remember that you have the ability to think positively.

Remember you do control your thoughts. It is a hard concept to understand if you are stuck in your own head. Take a step back and recognize that being self aware can help you overcome any thoughts that are setting you back.

Control Your Negative Thoughts and Reduce Unwanted Anxiety