5 Ways to Help Your Child Mentally Thrive

As parents, we want our children to grow and thrive in their lives. It is our responsibility to teach our kids, coach them, and support them in their journey of navigating the lessons of early life. Our influences shape how our children view the world, and even how to conduct themselves socially and how to treat others. Your presence and encouragement are conductors to promote and foster so many foundational aspects in your child’s life such as their self-esteem, confidence, and self-image. You are a key piece in promoting your child’s growth.

What are some ways to help my child mentally thrive?

1) Instill boundaries and limits:

Instilling boundaries and limits with your children is imperative to their social and emotional growth. This fosters a sense of expectations and values that your family may have and can encourage your child to formulate their own boundaries and limits that feel right for them. This also teaches children that their preferences may differ from others- and that is okay. Remember, consistency is key when enforcing boundaries and limits with children.

2) Promote and encourage independence:

Children feel safe when they are able to lean on us as their parents. It is important to instill that we are there for them, but it is equally important to promote your child’s independence, even in the smallest of things. Encouraging independence can bolster a child’s confidence and self-esteem by teaching them to trust themselves and innately tap in to what is best for them in any situation.

3) Demonstrate self-respect:

Children learn from what we show them- we are their first role models. By taking care of yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally- you are showing your child by example how to treat themselves with self-respect. This cultivates a habit of self-care and a sense of self-love. Avoid speaking about yourself if in a negative fashion. Hearing comments like, “I look fat in this outfit”, or, “I am such an idiot for forgetting that” can imprint on your child’s view of what talking about oneself is.

4) Acknowledge all feelings are valid and real:

When our children are upset, angry, or distraught, we often want to try and step in to comfort them and “fix” their feelings. It is important for children to learn that ALL emotions are real and valid. Expressing feelings like anger and sadness are healthy and should not be repressed. Show empathy when your child expresses emotions other than happiness and let them sit in these emotions and feelings. Help your child explore these feelings and where they came from. Feelings and thoughts do not need immediate resolution, sometimes they need deeper exploration. Explore those feelings with your child.

5) Let them fail:

We want our children to constantly succeed- because we want them to be happy and feel good about themselves. Failing builds character, enhances their problem-solving skills, and builds skills of empathy and compassion towards their self and others. These are extremely important traits to raise a happy, healthy, and competent (child) individual. Avoid stepping in and let your child make mistakes. These experiences will help them learn and grow.

Do you need more tools and resources to help your child grow and thrive? Do you want to learn more about parenting or maybe want to create a deeper connection with your child? Serene Mind would love to help you reach your goals. We offer individual and family therapy, for children as young as 4 all the way to adults into their senior years. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or call us at 813.321.8280 for more info.

5 Ways to Help Your Child Mentally Thrive