12 Holiday Affirmations for Your Mental Health

During this busy time of year, it’s easy to get swept up in holiday plans and focus more on the world around you than yourself. But as always, it is important to make the time to stay present and prioritize self-love. To nurture feelings of gratitude, peace, and cheerfulness during the holidays, practice giving yourself positive affirmations.

Examples of holiday self-love affirmations include:

  1. I choose to love and accept myself exactly as I am

  2. I deserve happiness and respect

  3. I will treat myself with kindness

  4. I am strong

  5. I am worthy of receiving love from others

  6. I am not selfish for setting boundaries

  7. I am allowed to eat holiday treats without feeling guilty

  8. I am brave

  9. I will make the best of the situations I am in

  10. I am proud of the person I am today

  11. I will look towards the future, rather than dwell on the past

  12. I am enough

You can say these affirmations out loud, in your mind, or write them down. You may not believe these affirmations in the moment, but that will change with time and repetition.

12 Holiday Affirmations for Your Mental Health