How to Communicate Better as a Family - From a Family Therapist

Speaking is just one way that we can effectively tell a person how we feel. By communicating to others what is happening in our body we can gain a sense of empathy, understanding and awareness. Families who have positive communication with each other create a healthy environment for their children and teens.

Now, it is easy to say this, but to practice healthy communication is a hard reality. Most parents are stressed, working endless hours, cooking, cleaning, trying to balance their own lives. It is hard to communicate positively or effectively if our own stress is high.

How can you lower your stress and communicate in a healthier way to your kids and teens?

  1. Know that stress happens: Stress can cause a giant breakdown in communication. Knowing your own stress levels can help encourage you to try and relax before starting a conversation. When we are stressed conversations do not flow, we say hurtful things and do not communicate effectively.

  2. Model behavior that you would like modeled back: By showing your family how you behave, you are setting them up to copy the way you act. If you yell, become stern or are set off easily. You can expect your kids and teens to follow your lead.

  3. If you can not communicate effectively, don’t: It is important to know if you in this very moment can communicate effectively and in a healthy way. If you are not able to, please just take a pause. Take a break, walk around and reset your mind. It is important to take a break if you need to.

  4. Listening is also a form of communication: Remember that listening is communication. Yes, sitting, pausing and hearing what someone says to you is communication. This is actually called actively listening and this is an excellent way to hear how your family member is feeling and needs in that moment.

Families that try and work on communicating more effectively can succeed. It is important to be patient with yourself, practice and make an effort. Communication is not easy, specially in our tense world. Regroup, reset and try your best.

How to Communicate Better as a Family