Is Group Therapy Right For Me?

Group therapy can be an incredibly healing experience. Connecting with others who are going through or have gone through similar experiences can create a sense of validation, belongingness, and community. Often times, individuals are intimidated to start the therapeutic process on their own, or to open up to a therapist one-on-one at first. Group therapy is a great way to introduce yourself to the therapeutic process, and also to connect with others. Group therapy is built on a common foundation and grows through understanding and empathy.

How does Group Therapy work?

Typically, group therapy is based on a common topic or focus that all participants can relate to. Once the focus of the group is established, the therapist creates discussion prompts, group goals, and group guidelines. Each therapist is different in their approach, but the foundation of group therapy truly encompasses the purpose of connection and affirmation of all participants. Some therapists prefer to keep groups simple and only facilitate discussion in group sessions, while other therapists may incorporate books, shows, movies, therapy materials, quotes, journaling, and even homework into these group sessions. Be sure to get as much detail about groups you are considering ensuring it is a good fit for you.

How many people are in group sessions?

This depends on the type of group, the size of the therapeutic space, and the number of facilitators present. Usually, therapists will cap their registration to a specific number to be able to speak to all participants and give each group member an opportunity to speak and contribute if they would like to. For example, at Serene Mind, we typically cap in person group sessions to 12 individuals per therapist.

How long do sessions last?

Session duration depends on the group size and the group agenda that is created by the facilitator. Group sessions can be as short as an hour, and last up to several hours. Some groups meet monthly on a rolling basis, while other groups are held on a specific day and time for a planned time period that requires a commitment of attendance from all participants.

How does group therapy work?

Are there virtual groups I can join? Yes! Virtual groups are a great option for individuals who have a busy schedule, lack of transportation, or just need some flexibility in attendance due to their lifestyle. Virtual group sessions still create a space that fosters community connection and acceptance.

I’m shy. Do I need to speak up in a Group Therapy session?

No! You do not need to share if you don’t feel comfortable to. Sometimes being in the presence of others who are walking a similar path, or even listening to the discussion can cultivate connection and acknowledgment of your thoughts and feelings. Therapeutic success is not a one size fits all and can look differently for each person.

We have many groups starting at Serene Mind this year, including in-person and virtual groups. Visit us at, email us at, or call us at 813.321.8280 for more information about out group sessions.

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