Our Counselors Confirm, 3 Ways to Navigate Pressures Placed on Teens

Teens have great expectations placed on them these days- getting good grades, maintaining a social life, contributing to the family household- the list goes on and on. The expectations and pressures placed upon teens in our modern day and age can be stressful, overstimulating, and sometimes even debilitating. Learning to balance and juggle all the responsibilities in adolescents can be a challenge.

Here are some tips from our therapists to help you alleviate the stressors of pressure and expectations teens experience:

Prioritize Downtime and Take Time to Rest

Team sports, school clubs, social events- all these activities add up. Give yourself the time and space to get bored. Although it is important to be socially connected and physically active, it is equally important to rest.

Our culture is centric around the “hustle”, constantly moving, evolving, creating, and conversing. Prioritizing time to rest and integrate can help you focus better and become more present when you are engaged in enrichment activities and social settings. Avoid making down time a space to check your social media. Try to engage in gentle activities like reading, watching a movie, taking a nap! Find something that works for you and helps to fill your cup to the brim. It is not lazy to rest and rejuvenate- give yourself the grace and courtesy to honor self-care.

Unplug from Social Media and Technology

Teens today are constantly connected through text, social media, emails, and so many countless apps that keep them up to date. Create blocks of time to unplug and exist in the present moment. Most smart phones have “Do Not Disturb” functions where you can even eliminate the distraction of notifications coming through. You can track your screen time within your settings app as well. Becoming aware of your screen time usage can be a wake-up call to how connected you are to your phone but disconnected to your waking life.

Schedule Blocks for Creative Time

Creativity can look different for every person. Give yourself an opportunity to get in tune with and embrace your creativity. Finding this through tangible art, playing music, participating in yoga, or even organizing your closet drawer can ignite creativity. Think of activities that feel resonate to you that can connect your mind and body. Maybe try something new! Scheduling a block of time to give yourself space to spark creativity can increase your problem-solving skills, create a calming outlet, and foster confidence.

Is your teen overstimulated? Do they need extra support in navigating the stress of pressure and expectations? We offer teen counseling and rolling groups for teens that focus on many areas of life during the teenage years. Wanting to deepen the connection between you and your teen? We also offer family therapy. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or call us at 813.321.8280 for more info.

Check out our upcoming teen social skills group starting this summer here: https://www.serenemindpsych.com/teen-social-skills-group

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