Our Counselors Confirm, 3 Ways to Navigate Pressures Placed on Teens

Teens have great expectations placed on them these days- getting good grades, maintaining a social life, contributing to the family household- the list goes on and on. The expectations and pressures placed upon teens in our modern day and age can be stressful, overstimulating, and sometimes even debilitating. Learning to balance and juggle all the responsibilities in adolescents can be a challenge.

Here are some tips from our therapists to help you alleviate the stressors of pressure and expectations teens experience:

Prioritize Downtime and Take Time to Rest

Team sports, school clubs, social events- all these activities add up. Give yourself the time and space to get bored. Although it is important to be socially connected and physically active, it is equally important to rest.

Our culture is centric around the “hustle”, constantly moving, evolving, creating, and conversing. Prioritizing time to rest and integrate can help you focus better and become more present when you are engaged in enrichment activities and social settings. Avoid making down time a space to check your social media. Try to engage in gentle activities like reading, watching a movie, taking a nap! Find something that works for you and helps to fill your cup to the brim. It is not lazy to rest and rejuvenate- give yourself the grace and courtesy to honor self-care.

Unplug from Social Media and Technology

Teens today are constantly connected through text, social media, emails, and so many countless apps that keep them up to date. Create blocks of time to unplug and exist in the present moment. Most smart phones have “Do Not Disturb” functions where you can even eliminate the distraction of notifications coming through. You can track your screen time within your settings app as well. Becoming aware of your screen time usage can be a wake-up call to how connected you are to your phone but disconnected to your waking life.

Schedule Blocks for Creative Time

Creativity can look different for every person. Give yourself an opportunity to get in tune with and embrace your creativity. Finding this through tangible art, playing music, participating in yoga, or even organizing your closet drawer can ignite creativity. Think of activities that feel resonate to you that can connect your mind and body. Maybe try something new! Scheduling a block of time to give yourself space to spark creativity can increase your problem-solving skills, create a calming outlet, and foster confidence.

Is your teen overstimulated? Do they need extra support in navigating the stress of pressure and expectations? We offer teen counseling and rolling groups for teens that focus on many areas of life during the teenage years. Wanting to deepen the connection between you and your teen? We also offer family therapy. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or call us at 813.321.8280 for more info.

Check out our upcoming teen social skills group starting this summer here: https://www.serenemindpsych.com/teen-social-skills-group

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Our Therapists Share 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Overcome Isolation in the Age of Social Media

In our previous blog, we discussed The Importance of Social Skills for Teens, but today we wanted to expand on how we can support our teens with social skills when it comes to online use. In today's digital age, where social media platforms like TikTok have become ubiquitous, it's not uncommon for teenagers to feel isolated despite being seemingly connected. 

As a parent or guardian, we understand how tough this can be because, as a parent, you play a crucial role in supporting your teen's emotional well-being and helping them navigate the challenges of social isolation. 

That’s why, in today's blog, we will discuss five practical ways to assist your teen in overcoming isolation and fostering meaningful connections in the digital era.

1. Encourage Offline Interactions

We know that social media platforms can offer a sense of connection, but they often fall short of providing genuine human interaction. That's why we suggest you encourage your teen to engage in offline activities and spend quality time with friends and family.

Encourage them to participate in hobbies, join clubs or sports teams, and engage in face-to-face conversations. By fostering offline connections, your teen can experience the richness of real-life interactions, build lasting friendships, and overcome the isolating effects of excessive screen time.

2. Facilitate Open Communication

Create a safe and non-judgmental environment at home that encourages open communication.

Don't be afraid to initiate conversations with your teen about their online experiences at the dinner table, including how they are using social media platforms like Instagram or Snapchat, among others. Make sure you discuss the positive and negative aspects and emphasize the importance of balance.

3. Teach Your Teen Digital Well-Being

We recommend helping your teen understand the impact of social media on mental health and self-esteem early on! Discuss the concept of digital well-being, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries, limiting screen time, and being mindful of the content they consume. Also, encourage your teen to follow accounts that promote positivity, self-acceptance, and mental well-being as well!

By teaching your teen healthy digital habits, you empower them to navigate social media responsibly and mitigate the negative effects of isolation.

4. Foster Empathy and Kindness

In a digital world where interactions can be impersonal, it's crucial to instill the values of empathy and kindness in your teen. Encourage them to show empathy towards their peers online and offline. Let them know about the dangers of Cyber-Bullying and make sure they know to alert adults when they recognize it happening. Also, remind them that everyone faces challenges and insecurities, and a kind comment or gesture can make a significant difference in someone's day. 

In the real world, don’t be afraid to encourage your teen to participate in volunteer work or community service; this can help promote a sense of belonging and connection beyond the virtual realm.

5. Cultivate Real-Life Social Skills

While online communication has its merits, it's essential for your teen to develop real-life social skills.

Help your teen build confidence in initiating conversations, try to educate them on the benefits of active listening, and help them with verbal and non-verbal communication skills. By honing these skills, your teen will feel more comfortable and connected in various social settings, reducing feelings of isolation.


Remember, every teen's journey is unique, and it's crucial to provide ongoing support and understanding. By implementing these five strategies, you can empower your teen to overcome isolation, build meaningful connections, and navigate the digital landscape with resilience and confidence.

If you feel that your teen could benefit from professional guidance in navigating social isolation, we invite you to reach out to us at Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations in the Tampa area. We have experienced counselors who specialize in teen counseling and can provide personalized strategies to support your teen's emotional well-being and help them build meaningful connections. 

Also, we have a teen social skills group launching this summer that can help your teen connect with new friends in a safe and supportive environment. Learn more here!

Don’t hesitate to contact us today and take the first step towards empowering your teen's journey.

Note: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional advice. If you or your teen are experiencing severe emotional distress or mental health concerns, please seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

Serene Mind Blog 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Overcome Isolation in the Age of Social Media Social Skills Teen Group

Our Therapists Share 3 Ways Social Media Impacts Mental Health

In our modern day and age, social media has dominated communication in many different areas. Connecting with friends and family through messages, sharing pictures of your life, shopping, dating, and even networking to further your career can be done all from a tiny screen that you can tote in your pocket. There are thousands of apps that can fit virtually any need, and most have a social component within the app. Although there can be many positives with the rise of social media, there are also some attributes to these apps that can negatively impact mental and emotional health.

1. Instant Gratification

Getting an immediate reward, or instant gratification is a common product of regular social media use. Being able to speak to someone immediately, purchase goods, or even scrolling constantly being introduced to different stimuli can create a sense of power and control.

A chemical in the body called dopamine is released when we partake in instant gratification behaviors, and when participated in often, can change an individual’s behavior completely. Needing to be constantly stimulated (example: scrolling, checking texts or emails, etc.) releases dopamine and when this is done frequently, the body becomes overstimulated. This can create feelings of anxiety and overwhelm when instant gratification is unavailable to an individual who is used to it. This is also a way to disconnect and disassociate from needing to problem solve or wait for stimuli to present itself.

The more we become accustomed to the instant gratification, the more we seek this pleasurable activity. This can lead us down a spiral and ultimately lead to great disappointment.

2. The Comparison Game

Seeing others on social media posting their achievements, purchases, and even daily life can create a “comparison game” within. This game can turn into a rabbit hole of feelings and thoughts such as, “Why can’t I have those things?”, “They are so much more attractive than me”, “They must be rich to afford that”. These comparisons are hurtful, lead to expectations that are unattainable and unrealistic.

Most people post the best of their worlds on their social media platforms. When seeing the best parts of someone’s life through pictures or word on a screen, it is easy to forget that they are humans too- people that have challenges, difficulties, and vulnerabilities.

The Comparison Game can also lead to FOMO, or “Fear of Missing Out”, where individuals feel like they don’t fit in or belong with their peers. Constant exposure to these platforms can create feelings of shame, guilt, not feeling worthy, and even missing out on things they think they may deserve or wish they could have. It is important to keep in check the realities of each post and person posting.

3. Cyberbullying

Within the last 10 years the popularity of social media platforms has increased, and so has cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can have tremendous effects on a person’s self-image, self-esteem, and social skills.

Many individuals find it easier to argue, make fun of, and even harass others through a digital format rather than in real life, face-to- face interactions. When prolonged and unreported, cyberbullying can take an extreme toll on a person’s mental and emotional health, and even start to affect their physical health. It is hard to escape bullies on social media, they are constantly there and you may feel as if it is out of control.

The world of social media is a new territory for many of us. We have no way of knowing what further studies or future generations will be impacted by the decisions we make on social media today. It is a scary and unfamiliar world for ourselves, our kids and teens. Always remember that you have the power to control the amount you use, the platforms you access and how accessible you are in the realm of social media.

Are you feeling that you are experiencing negative thoughts or feelings due to social media use? We are here to help. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

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