How to Support the Women in Your Life

Being a woman is hard work. We live busy lives and are expected to have multiple responsibilities. We are always on the go, trying to do more to satisfy the people around us. The expectations placed upon on us by our kids, families and society can be greatly consuming. Our world is not always the most empathetic place towards people who want to slow down, take a break or recharge.

Here are 4 ways to support women and lift each other up:

  1. Set realistic expectations:

    Having expectations that are realistic can help encourage everyone to do the best they can without creating unwanted pressure. The pressure we feel as women to navigate both home and work life is already daunting. Having boundary that gives us space to navigate home life and work life at different times of the day, can help create a better balance and let us take a moment to focus on one task at a time. This can in turn make us more productive and reduce stress.

  2. Ask them if they need help:

    It is okay to see your mom or wife and ask them if they need help. It is also okay for a woman to say yes to accepting help. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own needs and self worth that we forget we can pause and ask for help. Asking for help is a sign of self awareness and it means you are more in tune with your needs.

  3. Ask them how they are feeling:

    On the same note, it is okay to ask a woman how they feel. Sometimes giving us space to talk about how we actually feel can help ground us and reconnect us to what is actually important. When we get caught up in the everyday go, go, go of life we forget to pause and enjoy the life we have created and the people around us.

  4. Remind them to take a break:

    Tell the women in your life the importance of resting, reseting and relaxing. We are told that our society only values the constant worker and the one who does the most. The opposite is actually needed at times. the more we learn that everything we have is in the right here and right now, the more fortunate we can actually see that we are. We do not need anything more, we have it all and now can take a moment to rest.

Women are at times undervalued and this can present setbacks for many of us. We are the doers, the go getters, the soccer moms and caretakers. Women are known to neglect themselves. By realizing that taking time to rest and support each other can actually be healthy and healing, we can become the best version of ourselves.

Do you want more support from women like you? Come join our Women’s Group, every last Friday of the month from 6 pm to 7:30 pm.