How + Why to Prioritize Your Self Care

In a culture and society that is all about the hustle and bustle, self-care often takes a backseat to things we find ”productive” like work, exercise, and chores around the house. What is important to learn is that self-care is productive, and very important for our health and wellbeing. Self-care helps us give our minds a break and to relax.

Unplugging from the constant stimulation of texts, busy work schedules, to-do lists and helps us feel more into our parasympathetic nervous system and release from the on-edge feelings of always being connected.

Taking the time for self-care will actually improve your productivity- helping you feel energized and refreshed.

  • Eat Well

  • With our fast-paced lifestyle, it is easy to swing by a drive-thru fast-food restaurant or pick up a grab-n-go meal from your local grocery store. Grant yourself just 30 minutes each week to create a meal plan for yourself. Meal prepping is helpful to create an easy and quick meal that can be stored in the fridge and heated up in minutes. By taking a small amount of time during the week to prep and plan meals, you are saving more time (and money!) in the long run- not to mention fueling yourself with higher quality ingredients and important nutrients that fast food and frozen/prepackaged meals can’t provide.

  • Take a Break from Social Media

  • Find yourself constantly scrolling? This is a hint that you may be overstimulated or bored. Let yourself rest by unplugging, even if it is just for an hour. Constantly staying connected keeps our brains on overdrive, taking away from the present moment.

  • Maintain your Sleep Schedule

  • Up late to meet that deadline? Staying up to cram for an exam? Indulging in a Netflix marathon until 2am? When these habits pile up, it starts to take a toll on your physical, and even mental health. Sleep is the body’s way of regenerating, and it should be treated as a non- negotiable self-care routine. Create a schedule that works best for you and try to stick with it. Go to bed around the same time each night so your body creates a natural rhythm. Waking up feeling rested and refreshed will help you feel even more productive in your day-to-day tasks and activates.

  • Social Time

  • Connect with you friends (in person!) Need we say more? Social time is so important for our health and wellbeing. Feeling connected and that we belong is crucial to our sense of self-esteem and emotional health. Call up a friend or family member and make plans, even if it is just for a quick coffee meet-up. Even short interactions can help foster and nourish the foundation of our relationships and help us feel supported and secure.

  • Get Bored; Embrace Leisure

  • It is easy to pick up your phone and scroll when you are feeling bored or uneasy. When you’re feeling bored, let the creativity take over. Pick up the paintbrushes and create something new! Or maybe grab your notebook and start those journaling prompts you’ve been piling up. Sign up for that last minute cycle class.

  • When you give yourself space to be bored and have free time, you’ll start to remember the things you enjoy and want to engage in more often. Sometimes the spur of the moment leisure activities can spark even more creativity and inspiration in other areas of your life!

Looking for a therapist or life coach to help you on your self-care journey? We are here to help. Email us at or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

How + Why to Prioritize Your Self Care  Serene Mind Blog - Tampa 33606 33611 33629 33609 Women's Group