The Healing Power of Animal-Assisted Pet Therapy: Exploring Its Importance and Scientific Basis for Mental Health

In recent years, the field of mental health therapy has seen a growing interest in alternative approaches to traditional treatments. Among these alternatives, animal-assisted pet therapy has emerged as a promising avenue for promoting mental well-being.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of animal-assisted pet therapy and explore the science behind its effectiveness in improving mental health.

The Importance of Animal-Assisted Pet Therapy:

  1. Emotional Support:

    Animals have an innate ability to provide unconditional love and companionship, which can be incredibly comforting for individuals struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD. The presence of a beloved pet can offer a source of solace during difficult times and reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  2. Stress Reduction:

    Research has shown that interacting with animals can lead to a decrease in levels of the stress hormone cortisol and an increase in the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the "love hormone." These biological responses contribute to a sense of relaxation and calm, helping individuals manage stress more effectively.

  3. Improved Mood:

    Spending time with animals has been linked to improvements in mood and overall emotional well-being. The playful antics of a pet or the gentle touch of their fur can evoke feelings of happiness and joy, making pet therapy an enjoyable and uplifting experience for many.

  4. Social Connection:

    Animals can serve as social catalysts, facilitating interactions between individuals and promoting feelings of connection and belonging. Whether it's striking up a conversation with fellow pet owners at a therapy session or simply enjoying the company of an animal, pet therapy can help combat feelings of social isolation and loneliness.

The Science Behind Animal-Assisted Pet Therapy:

  1. Biological Mechanisms:

    Interacting with animals triggers the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which play key roles in regulating mood and emotions. These neurochemical changes contribute to the therapeutic effects of pet therapy, promoting feelings of relaxation and well-being.

  2. Psychophysiological Responses:

    Studies have demonstrated that petting or cuddling with animals can lead to physiological changes, including a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension. These responses indicate a state of relaxation and reduced arousal, which can help individuals manage symptoms of anxiety and stress.

  3. Psychological Benefits:

    Research has shown that animal-assisted therapy can lead to improvements in various mental health outcomes, including reductions in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The presence of an animal can provide a sense of comfort and security, fostering a supportive environment for therapeutic exploration and healing.

In conclusion, animal-assisted pet therapy offers a unique and valuable approach to promoting mental health and well-being. Through their unconditional love, companionship, and therapeutic presence, animals have the power to uplift our spirits, soothe our minds, and heal our hearts. As we continue to explore the science behind pet therapy, it's clear that the bond between humans and animals holds immense potential for enhancing mental health and enriching our lives.

Unveiling Empowerment: The Profound Benefits of Women's Therapy Groups

In the heart of community support and mental health advocacy, women's therapy groups emerge as transformative spaces where individuals can navigate the intricate tapestry of their lives. Nestled within the embrace of shared experiences, these groups offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond the therapy room.

In this exploration, we delve into the profound advantages of participating in women's therapy groups, understanding how they empower and uplift women in a multifaceted manner.

1. Camaraderie and Shared Understanding: Fostering Connection in Shared Experiences

Women's therapy groups provide a unique setting for individuals to share their experiences, realizing that their struggles, triumphs, and aspirations are not isolated. This sense of camaraderie cultivates a shared understanding, offering solace and comfort in knowing that one is not alone in navigating life's challenges.

2. Empowerment Through Shared Wisdom: Harnessing Collective Knowledge

Within the diverse fabric of a women's therapy group, participants bring a wealth of experiences and perspectives. The exchange of personal stories, insights, and coping strategies becomes a wellspring of collective wisdom. This shared knowledge empowers each participant with a broader perspective, fostering personal growth and resilience.

3. Safe and Supportive Environment: A Sanctuary for Vulnerability

In the supportive cocoon of a women's therapy group, vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. Creating a safe and non-judgmental space, these groups encourage open and honest communication. Participants feel liberated to share their thoughts and feelings, fostering an environment where healing can flourish.

4. Enhanced Self-Expression: Finding Voice and Agency

Women often face unique challenges in expressing themselves authentically in various aspects of life. Therapy groups provide a platform for enhanced self-expression, allowing participants to explore and articulate their thoughts, emotions, and desires. This newfound ability to communicate contributes to increased self-awareness and personal empowerment.

5. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: A Journey to Self-Acceptance

Women's therapy groups serve as incubators for building confidence and self-esteem. The positive reinforcement and support received from peers and facilitators become catalysts for self-acceptance. As women recognize their inherent worth, they embark on a transformative journey toward heightened confidence and self-assuredness.

6. Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Equipping Women for Life's Challenges

Life is replete with challenges, and women's therapy groups provide a space to explore and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Participants learn to navigate stress, anxiety, and adversity through shared experiences and coping strategies. This newfound resilience becomes a valuable asset in facing life's complexities.

7. Navigating Relationships: Developing Interpersonal Skills

Women often play diverse roles in their relationships, be it as partners, mothers, friends, or colleagues. Therapy groups offer a platform for exploring and refining interpersonal skills. Participants gain insights into effective communication, conflict resolution, and boundary setting, contributing to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

8. Identity Exploration: Embracing Personal Growth

The journey to self-discovery is a lifelong process, and women's therapy groups provide a dedicated space for identity exploration. Participants have the opportunity to delve into their values, aspirations, and personal narratives. This introspection fosters personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.

9. Validation and Affirmation: Acknowledging Personal Narratives

In the validating environment of a women's therapy group, participants receive affirmation for their experiences and emotions. This acknowledgment plays a pivotal role in diminishing feelings of isolation and self-doubt. As women share and receive validation, a collective strength emerges, fostering a sense of empowerment.

10. Reducing Stigma and Fostering Mental Health Advocacy: Breaking Barriers

Participating in a women's therapy group contributes to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. As women openly discuss their mental health journeys, they become advocates for mental health awareness within their communities. This ripple effect helps break down societal barriers and fosters a culture of understanding and support.

11. Mind-Body Connection: Holistic Well-Being

Women's therapy groups often incorporate holistic approaches, recognizing the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness practices, yoga, and other therapeutic techniques contribute to a holistic approach that addresses the mind-body connection, promoting overall well-being.

12. Peer Support: Strength in Numbers

The power of peer support within women's therapy groups cannot be overstated. Through shared experiences, participants become a source of strength for each other. Whether navigating a challenging moment or celebrating achievements, the camaraderie forged within the group serves as a bedrock of support.

13. Embracing Diversity: Learning from Varied Perspectives

Women's therapy groups are melting pots of diversity, encompassing individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. This diversity enriches the collective experience, offering participants the opportunity to learn from varied perspectives and broaden their understanding of the world.

14. Goal Setting and Accountability: Nurturing Ambitions

Therapy groups provide a structured environment for setting personal goals and aspirations. Through collaborative goal-setting, participants receive support and accountability from their peers. This collective encouragement becomes a driving force for women to pursue and achieve their dreams.

15. Life Transition Support: Navigating Change Together

Life is a series of transitions, and women's therapy groups offer invaluable support during times of change. Whether navigating career shifts, relationship changes, or other significant life events, participants find solace in the shared experiences and guidance offered within the group.

In the heart of Tampa, Florida, women's therapy groups stand as beacons of empowerment and resilience. These transformative spaces go beyond traditional therapy, offering a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses connection, empowerment, and personal growth. As women come together to share, learn, and uplift each other, the profound benefits of these therapy groups resonate far beyond the therapy room, shaping empowered and resilient individuals who carry the torch of support into their communities and beyond.

Unveiling Empowerment: The Profound Benefits of Women's Therapy Groups Tampa St. Petersburg 33606 33629 33611 33609 Women Counseling Group Depression Anxiety

How + Why to Prioritize Your Self Care

In a culture and society that is all about the hustle and bustle, self-care often takes a backseat to things we find ”productive” like work, exercise, and chores around the house. What is important to learn is that self-care is productive, and very important for our health and wellbeing. Self-care helps us give our minds a break and to relax.

Unplugging from the constant stimulation of texts, busy work schedules, to-do lists and helps us feel more into our parasympathetic nervous system and release from the on-edge feelings of always being connected.

Taking the time for self-care will actually improve your productivity- helping you feel energized and refreshed.

  • Eat Well

  • With our fast-paced lifestyle, it is easy to swing by a drive-thru fast-food restaurant or pick up a grab-n-go meal from your local grocery store. Grant yourself just 30 minutes each week to create a meal plan for yourself. Meal prepping is helpful to create an easy and quick meal that can be stored in the fridge and heated up in minutes. By taking a small amount of time during the week to prep and plan meals, you are saving more time (and money!) in the long run- not to mention fueling yourself with higher quality ingredients and important nutrients that fast food and frozen/prepackaged meals can’t provide.

  • Take a Break from Social Media

  • Find yourself constantly scrolling? This is a hint that you may be overstimulated or bored. Let yourself rest by unplugging, even if it is just for an hour. Constantly staying connected keeps our brains on overdrive, taking away from the present moment.

  • Maintain your Sleep Schedule

  • Up late to meet that deadline? Staying up to cram for an exam? Indulging in a Netflix marathon until 2am? When these habits pile up, it starts to take a toll on your physical, and even mental health. Sleep is the body’s way of regenerating, and it should be treated as a non- negotiable self-care routine. Create a schedule that works best for you and try to stick with it. Go to bed around the same time each night so your body creates a natural rhythm. Waking up feeling rested and refreshed will help you feel even more productive in your day-to-day tasks and activates.

  • Social Time

  • Connect with you friends (in person!) Need we say more? Social time is so important for our health and wellbeing. Feeling connected and that we belong is crucial to our sense of self-esteem and emotional health. Call up a friend or family member and make plans, even if it is just for a quick coffee meet-up. Even short interactions can help foster and nourish the foundation of our relationships and help us feel supported and secure.

  • Get Bored; Embrace Leisure

  • It is easy to pick up your phone and scroll when you are feeling bored or uneasy. When you’re feeling bored, let the creativity take over. Pick up the paintbrushes and create something new! Or maybe grab your notebook and start those journaling prompts you’ve been piling up. Sign up for that last minute cycle class.

  • When you give yourself space to be bored and have free time, you’ll start to remember the things you enjoy and want to engage in more often. Sometimes the spur of the moment leisure activities can spark even more creativity and inspiration in other areas of your life!

Looking for a therapist or life coach to help you on your self-care journey? We are here to help. Email us at or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

How + Why to Prioritize Your Self Care  Serene Mind Blog - Tampa 33606 33611 33629 33609 Women's Group

Our Therapists Share 3 Ways Social Media Impacts Mental Health

In our modern day and age, social media has dominated communication in many different areas. Connecting with friends and family through messages, sharing pictures of your life, shopping, dating, and even networking to further your career can be done all from a tiny screen that you can tote in your pocket. There are thousands of apps that can fit virtually any need, and most have a social component within the app. Although there can be many positives with the rise of social media, there are also some attributes to these apps that can negatively impact mental and emotional health.

1. Instant Gratification

Getting an immediate reward, or instant gratification is a common product of regular social media use. Being able to speak to someone immediately, purchase goods, or even scrolling constantly being introduced to different stimuli can create a sense of power and control.

A chemical in the body called dopamine is released when we partake in instant gratification behaviors, and when participated in often, can change an individual’s behavior completely. Needing to be constantly stimulated (example: scrolling, checking texts or emails, etc.) releases dopamine and when this is done frequently, the body becomes overstimulated. This can create feelings of anxiety and overwhelm when instant gratification is unavailable to an individual who is used to it. This is also a way to disconnect and disassociate from needing to problem solve or wait for stimuli to present itself.

The more we become accustomed to the instant gratification, the more we seek this pleasurable activity. This can lead us down a spiral and ultimately lead to great disappointment.

2. The Comparison Game

Seeing others on social media posting their achievements, purchases, and even daily life can create a “comparison game” within. This game can turn into a rabbit hole of feelings and thoughts such as, “Why can’t I have those things?”, “They are so much more attractive than me”, “They must be rich to afford that”. These comparisons are hurtful, lead to expectations that are unattainable and unrealistic.

Most people post the best of their worlds on their social media platforms. When seeing the best parts of someone’s life through pictures or word on a screen, it is easy to forget that they are humans too- people that have challenges, difficulties, and vulnerabilities.

The Comparison Game can also lead to FOMO, or “Fear of Missing Out”, where individuals feel like they don’t fit in or belong with their peers. Constant exposure to these platforms can create feelings of shame, guilt, not feeling worthy, and even missing out on things they think they may deserve or wish they could have. It is important to keep in check the realities of each post and person posting.

3. Cyberbullying

Within the last 10 years the popularity of social media platforms has increased, and so has cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can have tremendous effects on a person’s self-image, self-esteem, and social skills.

Many individuals find it easier to argue, make fun of, and even harass others through a digital format rather than in real life, face-to- face interactions. When prolonged and unreported, cyberbullying can take an extreme toll on a person’s mental and emotional health, and even start to affect their physical health. It is hard to escape bullies on social media, they are constantly there and you may feel as if it is out of control.

The world of social media is a new territory for many of us. We have no way of knowing what further studies or future generations will be impacted by the decisions we make on social media today. It is a scary and unfamiliar world for ourselves, our kids and teens. Always remember that you have the power to control the amount you use, the platforms you access and how accessible you are in the realm of social media.

Are you feeling that you are experiencing negative thoughts or feelings due to social media use? We are here to help. Email us at or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

Serene Mind Counseling Blog: Our Therapists Share 3 Ways Social Media Impacts Mental Health 33606 33629 33611 33609

How to Choose the Best Therapist for You?

Starting the therapeutic process can be intimidating, especially when researching different therapists. There are so many kinds of therapists, counselors, and coaches that can help individuals in many different areas of their lives. Often times it can be difficult to decide which therapist to choose to work with because of the different options available.

Our therapists have created a guide to help make that decision making process easier for you!

1. Create a list of non-negotiables

Are you looking for a therapist with a specific specialization, niche, or focus? Do you want to work with a professional with a particular certification? Are you willing to self-pay, or do you need to utilize your health insurance? Do you like to work with someone in office, or is Telehealth or virtual sessions more appealing to you? Perhaps working with a therapist who shares your race, culture, gender, or religion is important to you. These are some important factors you may want to think about when looking for a therapist that will be a good fit for you. It will be much easier to narrow down your choices on therapy providers when you can jot down a list of characteristics that you would like your therapist to have.

2. Research therapeutic modalities and therapy styles

Prior to starting therapy, many people do not know that there are different styles of therapy that they are able to choose from. In the USA, some popular types of therapy include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), but there is a plethora of different styles that can serve a patient or client depending on their personal views, lifestyle, and presenting concerns. Do some research on the different styles available in your area to see which aligns with you best. Many therapists practice several kinds of therapy

Styles and can curate your treatment plan based on your preferences and interests. Some styles we recommend researching are:

-Adlerian psychology

-Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

-Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

-Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

-Person Centered Therapy

-Internal Family Systems

-Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

-Mindfulness-based Therapy (MBCT)

-Narrative Therapy

There are also different specialized therapy modalities that can enhance the talk therapy experience, such as:

-Animal Assisted Therapy

-Art Therapy

-Reiki Therapy

-Neurofeedback therapy


-Yoga Therapy

-Movement Therapy

-Music Therapy

-Play Therapy

Incorporating a different therapy modality into your therapy journey can deeply enrich your experience and healing journey. There are so many different kinds of healing work that can appeal and align with anybody-the options are endless!

3. Book an Intake session and Interview Providers

Once you narrow down the type of therapist and therapy style or modality you would like to try, book an intake session with a few of the therapists you think may good a good fit for you. This is a time where you will learn about the provider’s scheduling, payment methods, and practices/policies. You will be able to ask them specific questions pertaining to why you are considering therapy and what you are looking for in a therapist.

You will be able to decide if you like the office environment or feel comfortable in the virtual therapy space. Ask yourself: Is the location convenient now that I am here? Am I comfortable in the office/space I am doing this work?

This is also a time where you will be able to gauge if you and the potential therapist align in what you want your goals to be on your healing journey and if you click.

Rapport is paramount in the therapy relationship- if you feel comfortable with your therapist, your therapy journal will feel resonate and authentic.

Are you beginning to embark on your healing journey? Are you looking to find a therapist that fits your needs?

At Serene Mind, we have several different therapists that practice many different styles and modalities. We pride ourselves in the diverse range of practices we offer, as well as the diverse population we serve. Explore our website to see who our therapists are and what they offer. You can also email us at or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists is a good fit for you! Our administrators are skilled in matching the therapist to client based on your needs.

Serene Mind Blog Tampa Jacksonville: How to Choose the Best therapist for You 33606 33629 33611 33606

5 Notable Women Who Have Worked to Normalize Mental Health Conversations

In honor of Women’s History Month, today we wanted to shine a light on women who have helped spread awareness of mental health and made a difference in the world. At a time when discussions of mental health are still considered taboo in many communities, it is important to recognize the role that women have played in paving the way for greater acceptance and understanding.

These women have inspired others to seek help, find solace in their stories, and ultimately strive to become their best selves.

Audre Lorde - Audre Lorde was a trailblazing poet, activist, and professor who pioneered conversations around critical topics such as race equity, gender oppression, LGBT rights, class struggles, and more. She also coined the iconic term "self-care." While her artistic and academic achievements were remarkable - she additionally brought to light important discussions about black women’s mental health by openly discussing her battles with depression.

Janice Johnson Dias - the founder of GrassROOTS Community Foundation (GCF), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the overall health outcomes of girls and women of color in low-income communities. Her work is about fairness and the need to train and develop young women who want to make a difference by investing in them and making their voices and ideas heard.

Brené Brown - For the last two decades, renowned shame researcher Brené Brown has been researching topics such as courage, vulnerability, and empathy. She is praised for her six bestselling books on the New York Times bestseller list and hosts two award-winning podcasts that promote self-acceptance and connecting with people. She has helped many people (especially women) redefine what it means to be perfect.

Cleo Wade - As an artist, poet, and activist hailing from New Orleans, the work of this amazing individual strives to promote kindness, empathy, and equality. Through her books, she offers readers a source of inspiration on how to lead a life with purpose and contentment while also highlighting mental health issues. Moreover, she serves as a mentor for many young people, providing them with support in their journey toward self-love and recognition.

Anastacia Tomson - Dr. Tomson is a proud LGBTQIA+ activist and author based in Cape Town, South Africa. As a transgender woman who specializes in primary care medicine, she provides gender-affirming healthcare services as well as mental health support, with informed consent and respect for individual autonomy at the forefront of her practice. Guided by values that prioritize compassion, inclusiveness, respect, agency, and ethics, Dr. Tomson seeks to make sure everyone has access to quality medical treatment where they can be understood without fear or judgment.

Of course, many more inspirational women deserve recognition; however, we wanted to start by honoring these extraordinary individuals here today. We highly recommend looking into their work to further understand the importance of mental health for All women. 

Serene Mind Counseling Mindfulness Blog: Notable Women who Have normalized mental health conversations

Mindful Nutritional Habits for Your Mental Health

What if I told you that consuming fewer processed foods could lead to the betterment of your emotional and mental health? Would you consider making small changes to your diet? We definitely would!

Did you know that a lot of the processed food we eat on a day to day basis stimulate the dopamine centers in our brain? This area of our brain is associated with pleasure and reward.

Meaning that it becomes highly addictive to the point where we need these foods to feel good, but lets be honest, we only ever feel good for a quick moment. It never truly helps us in the longterm neither emotionally, mentally or even physically.

Here are a few healthy eating tips that can help you make small changes:

  1. Create a healthy shopping list and stick to it.

  2. Do not go shopping while hungry! When we are hungry we are more likely to grab everything that looks appetizing at the time. Typically causing us to make unhealthy choices and a lot of impulse purchases. Try to have a small meal or snack before your next trip to the grocery store.

  3. Incorporate healthy fats such as avocado oil, olive oil, and coconut oil into your diet to help support brain function.

  4. Do your best to limit processed snacks such as potato chips and soda. These can impair your ability to concentrate and tend to cause your energy levels to fluctuate. (It is perfectly okay to still enjoy these foods in moderation! Simply do your best to have them in moderation.)

  5. When you’re hungry do your best to opt for a healthier option instead of the donuts or the chips sitting on your kitchen counter. Hard boiled eggs, fruits, or even nuts are all great options and will give you more energy than processed foods.

  6. Try to be aware of when and where you eat. Do you usually eat in front of the television? Doing so can distract you and before you know it you’ve overeaten. Do your best to find a place where you can sit, relax and really acknowledge the food that you’re putting into your body. This will allow you to stop eating when you’re full because you will actually be aware of the food you’re intaking and listening to your body’s signals!

Although it may seem difficult to start changing your nutritional habits for the better, we promise you that taking small steps will ultimately help you jumpstart your journey to better nutrition and overall better emotional, mental and physical health.

Mindful Nutritional Habits for Your Mental Health

Summer is for Mental Health Days

Even during the summer we need a few things to help us disconnect from the hustle and bustle of work, meetings, summer classes and more. Summer is a calmer pace and taking it easy can help you boost your energy.

Since summer is practically around the corner, here are five things that could help you boost your mental health this summer:

1. Go outside -

Many studies have shown that stress is relieved within minutes of going outside. When time is spent in green spaces such as parks, grassy fields, or even a trail your cortisol levels drop. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone so reducing this can definitely improve your mental health. Nature also boosts endorphin levels and dopamine production which in turn promotes happiness!

2. Be active -

Exercise in any form can help to decrease anxiety, depression, and negative mood by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. It helps to improve our cardiovascular and overall physical health and even helps to reduce skeletal muscle tension which in turn allows you to feel more relaxed.

3. Stay hydrated -

Being dehydrated can lead to fatigue, mood swings and difficulty concentrating. Make sure to hydrate with electrolyte drinks to boost your energy and keep you going. Drinking water is good but you have to replenish what you loose.

4. Meditate -

Having time and space to clear your mind can help you feel more grounded and connected. Make time to meditate. Even 5 or 10 minutes can help you gain clarity and peace.

5. Start a new hobby you’ve always wanted to try! -

We all have a lot of things that we want to do but constantly put off. Since summer is around the corner, this means that it is the absolute perfect time to try that one thing you’ve always wanted to do. There is no better way to relax than to do something you truly enjoy. Doing something you enjoy and trying something new is definitely a way to boost your mental health this summer.

It is summer time and this is the best time to start a mental health routine. Making your mental health a priority now can help you keep going for the busy fall to come. What are you waiting for?

Summer is for Mental Health Days

Your Healing Journey is Not Linear - A Therapy Perspective

Whether you have experienced mental or physical pain, healing takes time. When we scrape our knee the mark doesn’t go away over night. It has to heal and there is a process involved. When we are hurt emotionally how do we heal from that pain?

It is also a process. There are things we can do to help the process move along but it is important to know that everyone is moving at different paces.

Here are some ways to help you grow at your own pace:

  1. Recognize that no one is perfect:

    The idea that perfection exists can stop us from making progress. We forget that we can be novice, make mistakes and learn.

  2. Getting better, can make us feel all over the place:

    Self growth takes us wanting to sometimes feel a little worse, just before making the most progress and actually getting better. That is okay, lean into the discomfort and explore this area. You may find some answers you did not even know you had.

  3. There is no right way to heal:

    Some may fall backwards and some may accelerate; healing is not the same for everyone. When we grieve for example; some people heal rather quickly and are able to get on with things for the moment but after a few months those people may start to feel more pain than they did initially. Some people may grieve for years. There are no step-by-step- lists for healing as people heal in different ways.

  4. Be kind to yourself and having compassion for your own journey:

    Do what makes you feel comfortable and happy. If you are healing slowly, be comfortable with that and work from where you are. No one is feeling your personal pain but you and therefore no one has experience in how long it “should” take.

Talking with a professional can help you through a painful time or talk through past painful experiences. Everyone has a different journey and that is a beautiful thing. Healing takes time.

tampa jacksonvillle florida virtual therapy counseling mental health teen child young adult therapy infertility chronic illness dysautonomia autoimmune self esteem social skills career counseling maternal health

Body Positivity Summer - A Mental Health Counselor Perspective

It is summer time and summers here in Florida is HOT. They often come with a few hurricanes or tropical storms sprinkled in, so we just want to check in and make sure you're staying safe. 

And as much as we care about your physical well-being, we care about your mental well-being, too. If you’ve been following up along on our instagram, you would see that we are focusing on body positivity and an optimistic mindset. Now, these topics seem great and easy in theory but are often difficult to navigate in our own lives. 

Social media is a huge proponent of social interaction within our generation and this makes the realistic beauty standard feel so high. There are also a variety of other reasons that teens and young adults may struggle with body image while bathing suit season is upon us. According to Mayo Clinic, the most common reasons for low self-esteem are...

  • Natural or expected weight gain and other changes caused by puberty

  • Peer pressure to look a certain way

  • Social media and other media images that promote the ideal body as fit, thin or muscular and encourage users to aspire to unrealistic or unattainable body ideals

  • Having a parent who's overly concerned about his or her own weight or his or her child's weight or appearance

  • Seeing material in which a teen is seen as a thing for others' sexual use, rather than an independent, thinking person (sexual objectification)

Not only are our bodies supposed to change, mature, and grow, it is healthy for us to do so. Society and generational standards teach us that our bodies should stay the same as it does in high school, forever. This is simply untrue and unrealistic. Men and women alike go through huge changes in their teens and twenties that affect their hormones, their body fat composition, and the obvious appearance changes due to the addition of a baby, in some cases (yes, this affects men’s bodies, too).  

Parental influence also plays a large role in self-confidence and body image. Making sure that the message that is sent to your teens is realistic, accepting, and attainable is so important in creating well-rounded adults with the confidence to make healthy choices on their own. 

These risk factors can create many problems in teens and adolescents that can transpire in their adult lives. Some common effects of poor body image are: 

  • Low self-esteem

  • Depression

  • Nutrition and growth issues

  • Eating disorders

  • Having a body mass index of 30 or higher (obesity)

It is important to be building the skills necessary to create a body positive environment for yourself, and those around you, to avoid the potentially harmful effects of poor body image. According to the Mayo Clinic, some of the best ways to provide a healthy and safe environment for your child or teen, or even for yourself, is to…

  • Set a good example.

    How you accept your body and talk about others' bodies can have a major impact on you and those around you. Remind yourself that you exercise and eat a balanced diet for your health, not just to look a certain way. Also think about what you read and watch as well as the products you buy and the message those choices send.

  • Use positive language.

    Rather than talking about physical attributes of yourself or others, praise personal characteristics such as strength, persistence and kindness. Avoid pointing out negative physical attributes in others or yourself. Don't make or allow hurtful nicknames, comments or jokes based on a person's physical characteristics, weight or body shape. It’s just mean. 

  • Talk about media messages.

    Social media, movies, television shows and magazines might send the message that only a certain body type or skin color is acceptable and that maintaining an attractive appearance is the most important goal. Even media that encourages being healthy, athletic or fit might depict a narrow body ideal — one that's toned and skinny. Social media and magazine images are also commonly altered. Pay attention to what you are reading, scrolling through or watching and question what you see or hear. Let’s be realistic. 

  • Counter negative media messages.

    Expose yourself to individuals who are famous for their achievements — not their appearance. For example, read books or watch movies about inspiring people and their perseverance to overcome challenges.

  • Praise achievements.

    Value what you do, rather than what you look like. Look for opportunities to praise effort, skills and achievements in those around you to continue maintaining an overall body positive environment.

  • Encourage positive friendships.

    Friends who accept and support you can be a healthy influence. In particular, friends who have healthy relationships with their own bodies can be a positive influence on you too. Find those friends, and do your best to be that friend, for those around you. 

Remember that all bodies are summer bodies, you are allowed to be the person you want to be and love your body for what it is, and you can choose to feel comfortable, just the way you are.

For more information and tips on creating a safe body positive environments for teens, and check our sources, check out this link:

Body Positivity Summer

Therapists Answer: So How Does Therapy Really Work?

Deciding to give therapy a try is encouraging and empowering!

Understanding that there could be things you need to work on can be difficult and I promise we know it took true strength for you to decide to trust us with your mental health. Therapy is not the replacement for a friend, a quick fix, or a place to get advice. Therapy is a safe space to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with a professional who can help guide you through them. It is also important to remember that therapy is a process and will take time. You may have waited a long time to tackle these problems and they are probably draining your energy. It can be difficult to be patient with the therapy process, as you probably want this to be an immediate fix to everything you’ve been quietly dealing with.

The reality of it truly is that therapy is an art and a science.

When  we think about therapy, we have to consider it as a process in which the client will undergo phases. There are 4 main phases to the therapy process.

Phase 1: The Commitment Phase

This can be thought of as the beginning of the therapeutic relationship. Within this phase the counselor and the client will spend time getting to know each other, building trust, and empowering the client to allow them to feel safe and willing to share their experience. This can be expected to take anywhere between 3-6 sessions primarily dedicated to relationship building.

You can expect to talk about your goals for therapy, things that you have been struggling with, maybe play games, and begin to notice some small changes in your mindset. 

It is important to remember that you, or your child, will not make major progress right away. Though it may have taken a lot of courage to come see someone, you should not expect to make big changes and start feeling better right away. This phase should look more like finding stability through motivation and psychoeducation than making changes. 

The client can expect to learn coping skills, mindfulness strategies, and tips to manage their negative symptoms. 

Phase 2: The Process Phase

In the Process phase, it is expected that trust has been built and the client may finally start to open up about significant life events that they had been holding back before. For clients that laid it all out on the table in the first session, this is the time that they will be able to dive back into those experiences and search for patterns or new information that they may have skipped over the first time. 

This is often a time for consolidation between the client and the therapist. This is the most complex stage of treatment because the client will often begin to understand main themes in their lives that they may have ignored or not noticed before. The client will be able to spot out incongruence or inconsistency within their life and their counselor will help them make sense of these patterns by confronting the connections between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 

In this phase, the client can expect to begin implementing the skills they have learned and using them to their advantage within their daily lives, outside of the therapy room. 

Phase 3: The Change Phase

This phase, deep into the therapeutic process, is where the client will begin to identify the differences between their previously perceived self, to their more healthy version of themselves. They will be able to relinquish their negative identity and consciously replace it with a new, more positive version of themselves. 

The client can expect to initiate further changes they feel are necessary and be able to sustain positive behavior because they prefer these behaviors over their previously used maladaptive behaviors. 

Phase 4: The Termination Phase

Termination, or graduation, from therapy is the final stage of the therapeutic process when the client is officially an expert of their own mind, and it implies that the therapist and the patient recognize each other as autonomous and independent individuals.  The dependence for the therapist will begin to diminish and the client can be expected to realize their own strengths and responsibilities for their own life. 

The client will be able to identify their own ability to make choices and respect their own personal autonomy. Although in some cases this phase may pass extremely fast, this phase often lasts longer than the rest of the treatment. This can happen either in the form of memories and fantasies concerning the therapist, particularly at times of stress, or as infrequent requests for maintenance sessions with the therapist.

How Does Therapy Really Work?

Our Therapists Share How to Revamp Your Routines

Why are routines hard to start and hard to keep up with? They can be tedious but we know that once you are able to hone in on specific goals, routines will be an integral part of maintaining these goals.

Routines are helpful in giving us a feeling of control over our lives, even when it may seem like control is the last thing you have. Routines can also be helpful in coping with change, forming healthy habits, and reducing stress levels. 

Morning routines can be a great way to get your day started on the right track. Sometimes, getting out of bed is a struggle and it’s important to understand that you should not feel bad for skipping a morning routine. Though, having a routine may make those days a little easier. So, we can almost look at this like preparation for difficult days or weeks, while also setting us up for success on our good days.

It is also important to note that everyone’s lives are different and therefore the recommendations that I may have for a good morning routine may not fit into your life. It is up to you to determine the best way to start your day because consistency is the real key. 

The best step, in my opinion, for a successful morning routine is to simply let light in. This alone will increase those feelings of wakefulness, making the rest of this routine a little easier. After we let the light in, it is proven to be helpful to make your bed. By completing a task, first think in the morning, you can increase your own self-confidence and may be more inclined to complete the rest of your daily tasks.

Drink water and eat breakfast! Dehydration and lack of nutrients can decrease your daily cognitive functions, so don’t forget that banana! Starting your day with a meal can also boost your metabolism to help you with any meal routines you may set for yourself throughout the rest of your day.

Lastly, before you leave the house, it may be helpful to set 5 minutes aside to either meditate, set your daily intentions, stretch your body, or write down your daily goals. Beginning your day with just 5 minutes of focusing ONLY on yourself will pay off, in terms of your mental health, in finding your center and creating stability in your day. If your day seems to be straying from your comfort zone, you can fall back on those 5 minutes and refocus your day. 

Night routines can be just as important as morning routines. Shower, focus on your skincare or haircare, eat dinner, and refocus your intentions for the day to come by taking 5 more minutes, just for you. Just like a morning routine can set you up for the rest of the day, a night time routine can help to wipe the slate clean for the day to come. It can give you an opportunity to thank yourself for making it through one more day. 

As we finish up our nightly routine, lie your head down to go to sleep, remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day and you can conquer anything you put your mind to. 

Go out and conquer your day!

Revamp Your Routines

Goals to Help You Mentally Succeed

This month, we are still talking about the pressure of change. How is it that when January rolls around, the whole world seems to fall onto us at once? Change your eating habits. Get out of that relationship. Get into that relationship. Exercise more. Get more sleep. Write in your calendar…. And the list could go on.

Most of these changes are pressures we place on ourselves, visions of a better future or a better version of ourselves.

Though we can remove these pressures with positive self talk and practicing self-care,  some of these changes may be unavoidable.

Maybe it really is time to change those eating habits or increase your exercise routine and it took the “new year, new me” phenomenon to decide now is your turning point?

If these goals are necessary and they do simply contribute to making you a better you, we can talk about how to set the right goals and how to achieve them with ease. 

We can learn, at home, how to stare that daunting new task in the eyes and overcome the obstacle without breaking a sweat (unless your goal is exercise, then maybe we achieve your goal with lots of sweat!). 

We can do this by creating SMART goals (because everyone loves a good acronym)! 

S in SMART stands for SPECIFIC: These goals should be simple in nature to allow for an easy transition. This goal is ultimately created to help us achieve something, it is also important that this goal is sensible. We do not want to put effort into a goal that is not benefiting us. Lastly, this goal should be significant. Even though I said this goal should be simple, it should also be important. For example, if your goal is to get more exercise, for S, our goal should be something specific, simple, sensible, and significant: Going on a walk. The exercise at hand is specific, walking, and it is not difficult to squeeze into your schedule, but still has purpose and aids you in getting closer to a healthy lifestyle.

M in SMART stands for MEASURABLE: We want to be able to track our progress, so “going on a walk” may be too vague to meet our M goal. This should also be meaningful and motivating. A good example of an M goal, for our same example, would be: Going on a one walk a day for at least one mile. 

A in SMART is ACHIEVABLE: Our goal of going on one walk a day for one mile, is a specific and measurable goal, but is it motivating? Does it seem too difficult too quickly? We want this goal to be meaningful and if it is not motivating enough, you probably aren’t going to do it. We can adjust our goal to be more motivating: Going on a walk every day starting with one lap around the block and increasing by one lap, each week. 

R in SMART is RELEVANT: Can we go on a walk every day? In Florida, yes probably. In Buffalo, NY, there are blizzards and snow and truly no, we probably could not take a walk every day. But, if we live in Florida, and we are okay occasionally getting drizzled on, then our goal can remain the same because it is reasonable. 

T is SMART is TIME BOUND: Making goals that work within your schedule may be the most important because if our goal fits in all of our SMAR reasons but we can not manage to take that time out of our day, we will never get around to reaching it. If we work a 9-5, maybe take the time right after dinner to take this walk with your family. Have a back-up option for days that time may be limited. For example, if we can track our steps during our walk around the block, we may be able to walk around our house days that we can not make it outside to receive a similar step-count to get close to your goal. 

Setting and carrying out goals can be difficult, believe in yourself and make sure your goals are realistic… and smart… we can make reaching those goals possible. You have got this!

Goals to Help You Mentally Succeed

4 Steps For Self-Growth - A Mental Health Perspective

How often do you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering where the 18-year-old version of you disappeared to? You look at yourself, thinking that the size of your jeans actually plays a part in your ability to make friends or fall in love. You may catch a glimpse of yourself while walking out the door and think that if you could look a certain way, maybe people would treat you differently. Negative thoughts of yourself swirl through your mind just to pollute the your self image.

Well, I’m here to tell you that those thoughts are not working for you. You will always be the only version of YOU and no one can take that away. As humans, we sometimes believe that growth is something that just comes with time. We think that things will eventually just change for the better and we will naturally just grow into the person we want to be. It is important to think deeper into that theory and imagine what our lives would be if we choose to do nothing and just assume growth will happen.

You can think of it almost like the life of a plant. Now, I have no green thumb but I do know that if you forget to water your plant and keep it out of the sunlight, it will soon wither away to a very little, frail version of its previous self. This is similar to what happens to us as humans. If we forget to love ourselves, to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, to love the body we have, we will become weak and frail. The best way to avoid this is to simply tell ourselves we are enough.

Now, I say simply, but I know this is no simple task at all. This will require work and dedication. It takes discipline. If every time we looked in the mirror we told ourselves we loved the body we live in, rather than hate it, eventually we will. Like a plant, we all need a little love, compassion, and sunlight to help us grow. Being mean to others never got you ahead in life. What makes you think being mean to yourself will?

Here are some steps to help you focus on your good qualities and the love you deserve to show yourself. Self-growth is a process, be gentle with yourself.

Step One: Locate the problem. What is affecting your self-esteem? Is it a relationship or an outside source? Where is it coming from?

Step Two: Avoid negative self-talk. Like we talked about before, speaking negatively toward yourself will only harm you.

Step Three: Connect with those who love you. This may be a relative or friend, anyone who sees the good in you that maybe you are having a hard time finding. Being around positive supports can help us remember why we love ourselves. .

Step Four: Set a goal and make it your challenge. Focus on the good around you and create routines to achieve it. Having good hygiene and a clean room will help clear your mind as well. Open the blinds to allow light and take a walk outdoors.

All of these things will be pieces of the puzzle that will eventually fit together to complete your challenge, finally showing you the full picture. Don’t forget, we are all human and no one is perfect. Rather, perfectly imperfect in our own ways.

4 Steps For Self-Growth

3 Tips to Reduce Stress - A Mental Health Perspective

Every once in a while, we think we have it all together and then we take a long moment and figure out that we just DO NOT. And that is okay for a little while. It is totally fine to have a break down and freak out for a few hours. When the weight of a tough semester, the job you hate, and the stresses of a rough breakup get to you, it is okay to momentarily question all of your life choices. It is okay to lock yourself in your room and cry about absolutely nothing. It is definitely okay to eat an entire pint of ice cream in pajamas and binge watch Netflix for a night.

But, eventually, we have to get it together. Eventually we have to get up and leave our room. Eventually the meltdown has to end. When life starts to get though, whether by the stressors of school, a relationship, or your job, when you cannot seem to find your own purpose, I have some tips and tricks to just give you a little push on your road to feeling better.

1. Exercise: Some people benefit from a long run around the block and other people like to lift weights. Yoga, on the other hand, is my guilty pleasure and (BONUS) does not have to be strenuous or even hard at all. Any form of exercise is healthy and can be beneficial but sometimes when your head is up in the clouds a little Downward Dog is all you need to bring you back to reality. If your school offers free yoga classes, give it a try. If you don't have access to free classes and you don’t feel like paying to go, there are plenty of apps you can download on your smart devices to get you started with the basics. Following inspirational people like Rachel Brathen, also known as Yoga Girl, and listening to podcasts might help you realize that you are not alone in your struggles. Some Sava Sana may be all you need to kick that funk you are in.

2. Self-love: When you realize the only thing you have had to eat for the past week is Target brand coffee and microwaved Ramen Noodles maybe it is time to splurge. Go treat yourself to your favorite sushi roll, put on a face mask, wear PJs all day because you can. When you notice... hmm maybe you do not remember the last time you trimmed your facial hair or shaved your legs... take a long shower. Clean yourself up. The better you feel physically, the better you will feel mentally. Do not be afraid to tell your friends you are busy and take a personal day.

3. Connect with someone: If all else fails, we are here for a reason and we are all human. Find someone you can talk to and find some support in them. Maybe it is your sibling, or your parent, or maybe even your roommate, but it may help to just let it all out. But if you do not, talking to a therapist or counselor can really do your mind some justice by giving you a safe space to vent. Some schools offer free help sessions for student who feel like they can not handle the stress alone, too. The world may seem like a lot sometimes and it is not wrong to ask for someone to listen.

Being a person is hard. Sometimes we forget how much we do, and how stressful everyday life can be. Taking time to focus on ourselves and finding purpose in our day to day routine can bring us great happiness and joy. Be grateful for your struggles, they will only make you stronger.

3 Tips to Reduce Stress

A Therapist Shares The Truth About Therapy

How do you feel about the word therapy? Some of us are under the impression that attending therapy means we are going “crazy” or “insane.” This is false and if you believe this you are actually stereotyping and increasing the stigma related to mental health. Therapy is for ALL, the everyday unique person who simply wants to better them self. You do not have to be experiencing a major life crisis, transformation or a traumatic event to benefit from someone listening to you.

I want to debunk some therapy rumors and clear up any misconceptions about therapy:

1. My issues are not a big deal: Your anxiety may be related to things others may not understand or empathize with. That does not mean they do not matter or are important to you. By coming to therapy you can talk to someone who can empathize, listen and understand how illogical thoughts may be growing in your own head.

2. In therapy I will be told what to do: Nope, that is the most far from the truth. A therapist listens and guides. We do not tell anyone what to do. You come up with our choices based on what you want to accomplish. In therapy, you gain insight and the ability to make your own healthy choices.

3. My therapist does not care about my problems: That may be true or not, every therapist is different and unique. If you feel they do not empathize or understand you, please leave. Find another therapist, we are as unique as you are and we all have different talents. The most important thing for you to benefit from therapy is simply your relationship with your therapist and how well you get along.

4. It is too expensive: This can be true, but it can also be false. Therapists can work with insurance providers, some have sliding scales or discounts for college students. I always say therapy is not permanent, it is an investment. Put away your online shopping habit and instead commit to something that can help you gain better relationships, a promotion and self-esteem.

5. Talking won’t help me solve anything: Of course, it can! You just have not found the right person for you to talk to. See talking to a therapist is not like talking to a friend, spouse or family member. It is unique in that your therapist has no motif, no underlying gain. Plus they do not know you or your acquaintances. A therapist learns to see you the way you see yourself, through your own eyes.

6.  I can not change people around me: Very true, in therapy, you will learn this. But you should not be going to therapy to change people, you should be going to therapy to improve your own thinking and insight.

7. It is embarrassing: If you feel this way, talk about it in therapy. I do not see people feeling embarrassed about going to the doctor, dentist and even your gynecologist. Talking to a therapist is empowering.

8. Therapy is forever: No, it does not have to be forever. Find a therapist with a therapy style that gives you results (not every therapist is the same). You do not have to invest your entire future going to therapy.

Please remember your therapist is a human too. In fact, many of us attend our own therapy. It is not as shocking, embarrassing or outlandish as you may think. We study the art and science of psychology, it is important for us all to realize our own limitations and to consult with other like-minded humans, who are impartial and non-biased when we need an extra boost.

The Truth About Therapy

Our Therapists Share How to Spring Clean Your Self-Care Routine

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “spring cleaning”? Do you envision the dirt and dust that has accumulated throughout the year around your living space or do you imagine a pile of material objects that you are able to toss or donate? It seems that we, as human beings, tend to follow this mindset that if we clean up our external world then our internal world will fall into place. But what if we were to “spring clean” from the inside out? If we were to make a conscious choice to take care of our internal dirt and dust, then our external world may seem less overwhelming when it comes time to renew and clean during the Spring season.

You may be wondering how you begin to inwardly spruce up. It can start by beginning to understand your need for self-care and establishing a routine that works for you. Self-care is ways that you take care of yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. It is about connecting with your body and mind and asking for what you need. Asking for what you need can be difficult if you are used too often caring for others before caring for yourself. I am going to ask that you read the steps below for establishing a self-care routine and TRY. All you can do is try and begin to practice caring for yourself. Self-care can be a stumbling point for me, especially as a new counselor in the field, so I will work hard to practice these steps right along with you.

Steps to Creating A Self Care Routine

1. Sleep When You Are Tired: This one may seem obvious but in today’s fast-paced world, it can difficult to find time to rest your body and sleep. This step is not saying that you need to give things up to sleep but to determine how to get the best amount of sleep for your body and lifestyle. Sleeping is so important to be able to recharge physically, emotionally and mentally.

2. Eat Until You Are Satisfied: After overindulging, have you ever felt sluggish, sick and just generally zapped? I know I have. This step challenges you to recognize the sign your body is giving you when you have reached a point of satisfaction while eating without feeling overly full. Eating to feel satisfied can leave you feeling less like taking a nap and more like taking on the day in between meals.

3. Find Time for Yourself: Finding time for yourself can be just five minutes throughout the day to practice your deep breathing, dance to your favorite song in your living room or listen to a song that brings you joy. It can be anything really as long as it is something that is meaningful to you and gives you space to channel your own energy.

4. Allow Yourself to Feel Your Feelings: This is so challenging but one of the most important parts of caring for yourself. This includes even those negative feelings that can be uncomfortable to feel. It may seem like you are being selfish for saying no to that person’s request, not wanting to be another person’s friend or letting someone know that they may have made you angry, but it is not selfish. Self-confidence comes with beginning to know all emotions are acceptable. Learning to recognize and express how you are truly feeling helps to make you more whole for YOU and everyone else.

5. Be Present: We hear this a lot in today’s fast-paced world but how many times do we truly take time to practice this? This includes unplugging from work responsibilities, phones, computers, tablets, etc. and just being there to experience your life. Maybe you take a walk and notice the colors of the foliage around you or you tune into what your dinner partner/partners are saying without any external distractions. You can even take a moment while at work or home to just recognize the colors around you. Whatever it might be, being present for a moment and not thinking about the mistake you made yesterday or the project you have due tomorrow begins to teach you how to connect with
your life.

All of the above is a guide for how to start asking for what you need. You can add to this list or pick out the most important steps for you and begin incorporating them into your life at your pace. However, you decide to begin, start small and give yourself grace along the way. Dusting and sweeping each area of your life takes time.

Spring Clean Your Self-Care Routine

Mental Health Matters

"Once my loved ones accepted the diagnosis, healing began for the entire family, but it took too long. It took years. Can't we, as a nation, begin to speed up that process? We need a national campaign to destigmatize mental illness, especially one targeted toward African Americans...It's not shameful to have a mental illness. Get treatment. Recovery is possible."

–Bebe Moore Campbell, 2005
Co-developer of Minority Mental Health Month

I’d like to take a moment to first give kudos to the individuals and groups of individuals who have made great efforts to destigmatize mental health over the past several years.

Campaigns such as ‘Time to Change’, and have created safe spaces for individuals and their loved ones who experience mental illnesses to vent about their experiences, and connect with others who they can relate to. These sort of campaigns have been created with the purpose of destigmatizing mental health, and it seems that they have done an excellent job of educating individuals about mental health, and fostering hope for individuals by sharing venues for getting help.   

Unfortunately, it seems that many individuals still feel a sense of shame and helplessness when it comes time to getting care for themselves or for their loved ones. Statistics vary depending on the source, but between 1/5 and ¼ of all Americans are currently living with a diagnosable mental health condition. NAMI reports that individuals who are Hispanic, Black, Asian, and American Indian, are as or more likely to have a mental illness as white individuals. But when it comes to receiving care, White Americans are most likely to receive care for their mental health. African Americans and Hispanic Americans do not tend to receive the mental health services that they need and Asian Americans were found the least likely to receive care. 

So what explains this disparity between white individuals and minorities receiving mental health treatment? According to NAMI, individuals in multicultural communities receive a poorer quality of care, experience higher levels of stigma, receive services within a culturally insensitive health care system, may experience language barriers from their clinicians, and have lower rates of health insurance.  These statistics, although discouraging, serve as a sign to mental health practitioners that we need to do more to reach clients of all ethnic backgrounds, especially individuals who fall into these underserved communities. Minority Mental Health Month was developed to improve the public’s awareness of mental health among minorities and to improve access. 

What can you do to help?

Educating yourself and others about mental illnesses may be the first step. You can visit for additional information regarding the facts and myths associated with mental health. You can connect with other individuals and families, neighbors and people who have sought help for their mental health in the past. You may also speak with your doctor to see if therapy may be a good fit for you or a loved one.

It is not always easy to talk about mental health but by just reading this blog you are already helping others. Awareness is key and by coming together we can begin to end the stigma associated with mental illness, especially for minorities.

Mental Health Matters

Exercise to Promote Mental Health

Exercise to Promote Mental Health

The power of exercise is unique! Exercise helps our mental, emotional and physical well being. As a counselor I ask my clients to take the time to schedule at least 30 minutes of exercise into their busy lives. It is a difficult goal to attain for most but my clients have noticed after about a month to two months a new exercise habit is formed and exercise becomes a natural routine.

Exercise is beneficial in reducing stress and improving your mood. It is a powerful tool for people who need to manage anger, anxiety, depression and even addiction. If you need another motivating factor for exercising and want to run for a helping cause, here is a free app I use to count the miles your run: This exercise app applies the miles you runs and swaps them for money that is donated to a charity of your choice.