Nurturing Independence: A Guide to Supporting Teens on Their Journey

Adolescence is a time of transition, as teens navigate the delicate balance between childhood and adulthood. It's a period marked by newfound freedoms, responsibilities, and the quest for independence. As parents, caregivers, and mentors, it's crucial to recognize the importance of fostering independence in teens while providing the necessary support and guidance along the way.

Here are some strategies to empower and nurture independence in teenagers:

1. Encourage Decision-Making

Allowing teens to make decisions, both big and small, is essential for fostering independence. Encourage them to weigh the pros and cons of different options and support them in making informed choices. Whether it's selecting extracurricular activities, managing their schedule, or choosing their own clothes, giving teens autonomy over their decisions helps build confidence and self-reliance.

2. Provide Opportunities for Responsibility

Assigning age-appropriate responsibilities at home, school, or within the community is another effective way to support teen independence. Whether it's chores, volunteer work, or part-time jobs, these responsibilities teach teens valuable life skills such as time management, accountability, and teamwork. By entrusting them with tasks and responsibilities, you demonstrate confidence in their abilities and empower them to take ownership of their actions.

3. Foster Open Communication

Open and honest communication lays the foundation for a healthy parent-teen relationship. Create a safe and non-judgmental space where teens feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Listen actively, validate their experiences, and offer guidance without imposing your own agenda. By fostering open communication, you strengthen your bond with your teen and empower them to voice their opinions and make decisions autonomously.

4. Support Their Passions and Interests

Encourage teens to explore their interests and pursue their passions wholeheartedly. Whether it's sports, music, art, or academics, support them in discovering what brings them joy and fulfillment. Provide opportunities for them to develop their talents, whether through classes, workshops, or extracurricular activities. By nurturing their passions, you help teens cultivate a sense of identity and purpose, fostering independence along the way.

5. Foster Problem-Solving Skills

Teach teens how to navigate challenges and setbacks by fostering problem-solving skills. Encourage them to approach obstacles with a growth mindset, viewing them as opportunities for learning and growth. Guide them through the process of identifying solutions, brainstorming alternatives, and taking action to address the issue at hand. By equipping teens with problem-solving skills, you empower them to tackle challenges independently and build resilience in the face of adversity.

6. Respect Their Boundaries

Respecting teens' boundaries is essential for fostering independence and building trust. Recognize that they are individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and boundaries. Avoid micromanaging or hovering over their every move, and instead, give them the space they need to explore their independence. Respect their privacy, autonomy, and need for independence while remaining available for guidance and support when they seek it.

7. Lead by Example

Lastly, lead by example and demonstrate the values of independence, responsibility, and resilience in your own life. Show teens what it means to take initiative, make decisions, and navigate challenges with grace and determination. By modeling these behaviors, you provide teens with a roadmap for building independence and succeeding in the journey to adulthood.

In conclusion, supporting teens' independence is a delicate balance of providing guidance and autonomy. By empowering them to make decisions, take on responsibilities, and pursue their passions, you help teens develop the skills and confidence they need to thrive in the world. With your support and guidance, teens can embark on their journey towards independence with courage, resilience, and a sense of purpose.

Empowering Young Adults: Boosting Self-Esteem and Embracing Independence

In the journey of life, young adulthood is a pivotal phase where individuals navigate through various challenges and transitions. It's a time marked by self-discovery, forging new paths, and laying the foundation for the future. Amidst this whirlwind of change, two crucial elements stand out: self-esteem and independence. Cultivating these traits can significantly enhance the quality of life for young adults, equipping them with the confidence and resilience needed to thrive.

Let's delve into how enhancing self-esteem and embracing independence can benefit young adults.

1. Self-Confidence Opens Doors

Self-esteem forms the cornerstone of self-confidence. When young adults believe in their abilities and worth, they're more likely to pursue their goals with vigor and determination. Whether it's applying for a dream job, speaking up in a meeting, or embarking on a new relationship, a healthy level of self-esteem empowers individuals to step out of their comfort zones and embrace opportunities.

Moreover, high self-esteem serves as a buffer against the inevitable setbacks and rejections that life throws their way. Rather than being deterred by failure, individuals with robust self-esteem view it as a learning experience, resiliently bouncing back and adapting their strategies for future success.

2. Independence Fosters Growth

Independence is the hallmark of adulthood, signifying the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for one's actions. As young adults gradually emancipate from the guidance of parents and mentors, they embark on a journey of self-reliance and autonomy. This process of individuation not only fosters personal growth but also cultivates a sense of empowerment and agency.

Embracing independence allows young adults to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and chart their own course in life. Whether it's living away from home, managing finances, or making important life choices, each step towards independence builds resilience and fortitude, laying the groundwork for a fulfilling and purposeful existence.

3. Strengthening Mental Health

The relationship between self-esteem, independence, and mental health is profound. Studies have shown that individuals with low self-esteem are more susceptible to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Conversely, fostering a positive self-image and a sense of autonomy can serve as protective factors against such challenges.

By nurturing self-esteem and independence, young adults develop coping mechanisms to navigate stressors and challenges more effectively. They become adept at setting boundaries, seeking support when needed, and prioritizing self-care. Ultimately, a strong foundation of self-esteem and independence bolsters mental well-being, enabling young adults to lead more balanced and fulfilling lives.

4. Building Resilience for the Future

In a rapidly changing world, resilience is a invaluable asset. By enhancing self-esteem and embracing independence, young adults cultivate the resilience needed to weather life's storms and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. They develop a sense of self-efficacy, knowing that they have the strength and resourcefulness to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity.

Moreover, a resilient mindset fosters a sense of optimism and possibility, fueling creativity, innovation, and growth. Rather than being daunted by challenges, resilient individuals view them as opportunities for learning and personal development. Thus, by investing in self-esteem and independence, young adults equip themselves with the tools to thrive in an ever-changing world.

In conclusion, the journey to adulthood is a transformative period characterized by self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. By prioritizing the cultivation of self-esteem and embracing independence, young adults can unlock their full potential and embark on a path of fulfillment and purpose. As they navigate the twists and turns of life, they'll find that their newfound confidence and autonomy serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the way forward towards a brighter, more resilient future.

Making Time for You: Self-Care Tips for Busy Women

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy for women to prioritize the needs of others over their own. However, practicing self-care is essential for maintaining physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips on how busy women can make time for self-care amidst their demanding schedules.

  1. Schedule Self-Care Like Any Other Appointment:

    • Treat self-care activities as non-negotiable appointments in your calendar.

    • Block out dedicated time each day or week for self-care rituals, whether it's a morning meditation, an evening walk, or a relaxing bath.

  2. Set Boundaries:

    • Learn to say no to activities or commitments that drain your energy or don't align with your priorities.

    • Delegate tasks and responsibilities to others when possible, whether it's at work, home, or in your social life.

  3. Practice Mindful Time Management:

    • Identify time-wasting activities or habits and minimize or eliminate them.

    • Prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, and tackle them one at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  4. Embrace Short Moments of Self-Care:

    • Incorporate mini self-care practices into your daily routine, such as taking deep breaths, stretching, or savoring a cup of tea.

    • Find opportunities throughout the day to pause, reset, and check in with yourself.

  5. Combine Self-Care with Other Activities:

    • Multi-task by incorporating self-care activities into other tasks or responsibilities. For example, listen to an inspiring podcast while commuting or practice mindfulness while doing household chores.

  6. Involve Others in Your Self-Care Routine:

    • Arrange self-care activities with friends, family members, or colleagues, such as going for a walk together, attending a yoga class, or cooking a healthy meal as a group.

    • Prioritize quality time with loved ones as a form of self-care, nurturing your relationships and social support network.

  7. Utilize Technology to Support Self-Care:

    • Explore apps or online resources that offer guided meditation, relaxation exercises, or self-care tips tailored to your needs and preferences.

    • Set reminders or alarms on your phone to prompt you to take breaks and engage in self-care throughout the day.

  8. Practice Self-Compassion:

    • Be gentle with yourself and recognize that self-care is not selfish—it's necessary for your well-being.

    • Let go of perfectionism and embrace self-compassion, accepting yourself as you are and treating yourself with kindness and understanding.

  9. Reflect and Adjust Regularly:

    • Regularly assess your self-care routine to determine what's working well and what needs adjustment.

    • Be flexible and open to trying new self-care practices or modifying existing ones based on your changing needs and circumstances.

Making time for self-care is not always easy, but it's essential for maintaining balance, resilience, and overall well-being, especially for busy women juggling multiple responsibilities. By prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and incorporating mindful practices into your daily life, you can cultivate a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lifestyle. Remember, investing in your own self-care is not only beneficial for you but also enables you to show up as your best self for those you care about and the world around you.

Embracing Self-Love: A Valentine's Day Journey through Mental Health

As the world celebrates love on Valentine's Day, it's crucial to recognize that love isn't solely about romantic relationships. It encompasses the most vital relationship of all: the one we have with ourselves. In a society often fixated on external validation, it's easy to overlook the significance of self-love, especially concerning mental health.

This Valentine's Day, let's embark on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the power of self-love and its profound impact on mental well-being.

Understanding Mental Health: Before delving into the depths of self-love, it's essential to grasp the complexities of mental health. Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing how we think, feel, and act. It's a spectrum, ranging from flourishing to struggling, and requires nurturing and care, just like physical health.

Challenges of Self-Love: In a world inundated with unrealistic standards and relentless comparisons, cultivating self-love can be arduous. Many individuals grapple with feelings of inadequacy, self-doubt, and criticism, exacerbating mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Moreover, societal stigma surrounding mental health often hinders individuals from seeking help or acknowledging their struggles.

Embracing Self-Love: Despite the challenges, practicing self-love is not only attainable but transformative. It involves fostering a compassionate and accepting relationship with oneself, recognizing one's worth beyond external achievements or validations.

Here are some strategies to embark on this journey:

  1. Self-Compassion:

    Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer to a loved one facing difficulties. Embrace your flaws and imperfections with empathy, acknowledging that they're part of what makes you human.

  2. Prioritize Self-Care:

    Dedicate time to activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's meditation, exercise, or pursuing hobbies, prioritize self-care as an essential component of your routine.

  3. Set Boundaries:

    Learn to say no to commitments or relationships that drain your energy or compromise your well-being. Establishing boundaries is crucial for protecting your mental health and honoring your needs.

  4. Practice Gratitude:

    Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life, no matter how small. Gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant, fostering a sense of fulfillment and contentment.

  5. Seek Support:

    Don't hesitate to reach out for support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals. Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness, and can provide invaluable guidance on your journey towards self-love.

Celebrating Love in All Forms: As we celebrate Valentine's Day, let's broaden our definition of love to encompass all forms of affection and connection. Whether it's romantic love, platonic love, or self-love, each holds immense significance in enriching our lives and nurturing our mental health. By embracing self-love, we not only enhance our well-being but also cultivate deeper, more authentic relationships with others.

This Valentine's Day, let's embark on a journey of self-love and mental well-being. By prioritizing self-compassion, self-care, and gratitude, we can overcome challenges and embrace our true selves wholeheartedly. Remember, love begins within, and by nurturing our relationship with ourselves, we pave the way for a brighter, more fulfilling future. Happy Valentine's Day, from me to you – may your heart be filled with love, today and always.

Nurturing Connections: The Crucial Role of Social Skills for Teens in Today's World of Mental Health

In the fast-paced and interconnected world of today, social skills for teenagers are more important than ever. Beyond the surface level of communication, these skills play a vital role in shaping mental health and overall well-being.

This blog explores the significance of social skills for teens, delving into the reasons they matter in the contemporary landscape and their impact on mental health.

  1. Building Support Networks:

    Social skills empower teens to build and maintain meaningful relationships. In times of stress or challenges, having a reliable support network can make a significant difference. Whether it's friends, family, or mentors, strong social connections act as a buffer against mental health issues by providing emotional support and understanding.

  2. Emotional Regulation:

    Developing social skills involves understanding and expressing emotions effectively. Teens who possess these skills are better equipped to regulate their emotions, navigate conflicts, and cope with stress. Emotional intelligence, a key component of social skills, contributes to mental resilience, allowing teenagers to face challenges with greater composure.

  3. Reducing Social Isolation:

    In the digital age, social media has become a dominant force in teen lives. However, online interactions can sometimes substitute for genuine face-to-face connections, leading to feelings of isolation. Strong social skills enable teens to engage in meaningful offline interactions, reducing the risk of social isolation and the mental health implications associated with it.

  4. Bullying Prevention:

    Social skills are a powerful tool in preventing and addressing bullying. Teens with well-developed social skills are more likely to establish positive relationships, fostering a supportive environment that discourages bullying behavior. Being able to navigate social situations with empathy and respect contributes to a safer and healthier social atmosphere.

  5. Academic Success:

    Effective communication and collaboration are crucial in academic settings. Teens with strong social skills can work well with peers, teachers, and other members of the school community. Positive social interactions contribute to a supportive learning environment, reducing stress and anxiety associated with academic challenges.

  6. Transition to Adulthood:

    As teens prepare to enter adulthood, social skills become indispensable in various aspects of life, including higher education, the workplace, and personal relationships. Developing these skills during adolescence sets the foundation for a successful transition to adulthood, contributing to long-term mental well-being.

  7. Digital Communication Challenges:

    While technology provides new avenues for social interaction, it also brings challenges. Teens need to navigate the complexities of digital communication, such as online etiquette, cyberbullying, and the impact of social media on self-esteem. Strong social skills help teens navigate these challenges, ensuring healthy online and offline interactions.

  8. Self-Expression and Identity:

    Social skills enable teens to express themselves authentically while respecting the perspectives of others. This balance is crucial in the formation of a healthy identity. The ability to communicate effectively fosters self-confidence, reducing the risk of mental health issues related to self-esteem and self-worth.

In the contemporary landscape, social skills for teens are not merely about polite conversation; they are a fundamental aspect of mental health and overall well-being. By fostering strong social skills, we empower the next generation to navigate the complexities of the modern world with resilience, empathy, and a foundation for lasting mental health.

Nurturing Connections: The Crucial Role of Social Skills for Teens in Today's World of Mental Health Teen Tampa Social Skills Group therapy

Unveiling Empowerment: The Profound Benefits of Women's Therapy Groups

In the heart of community support and mental health advocacy, women's therapy groups emerge as transformative spaces where individuals can navigate the intricate tapestry of their lives. Nestled within the embrace of shared experiences, these groups offer a myriad of benefits that extend beyond the therapy room.

In this exploration, we delve into the profound advantages of participating in women's therapy groups, understanding how they empower and uplift women in a multifaceted manner.

1. Camaraderie and Shared Understanding: Fostering Connection in Shared Experiences

Women's therapy groups provide a unique setting for individuals to share their experiences, realizing that their struggles, triumphs, and aspirations are not isolated. This sense of camaraderie cultivates a shared understanding, offering solace and comfort in knowing that one is not alone in navigating life's challenges.

2. Empowerment Through Shared Wisdom: Harnessing Collective Knowledge

Within the diverse fabric of a women's therapy group, participants bring a wealth of experiences and perspectives. The exchange of personal stories, insights, and coping strategies becomes a wellspring of collective wisdom. This shared knowledge empowers each participant with a broader perspective, fostering personal growth and resilience.

3. Safe and Supportive Environment: A Sanctuary for Vulnerability

In the supportive cocoon of a women's therapy group, vulnerability is not a weakness but a strength. Creating a safe and non-judgmental space, these groups encourage open and honest communication. Participants feel liberated to share their thoughts and feelings, fostering an environment where healing can flourish.

4. Enhanced Self-Expression: Finding Voice and Agency

Women often face unique challenges in expressing themselves authentically in various aspects of life. Therapy groups provide a platform for enhanced self-expression, allowing participants to explore and articulate their thoughts, emotions, and desires. This newfound ability to communicate contributes to increased self-awareness and personal empowerment.

5. Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: A Journey to Self-Acceptance

Women's therapy groups serve as incubators for building confidence and self-esteem. The positive reinforcement and support received from peers and facilitators become catalysts for self-acceptance. As women recognize their inherent worth, they embark on a transformative journey toward heightened confidence and self-assuredness.

6. Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Equipping Women for Life's Challenges

Life is replete with challenges, and women's therapy groups provide a space to explore and develop healthy coping mechanisms. Participants learn to navigate stress, anxiety, and adversity through shared experiences and coping strategies. This newfound resilience becomes a valuable asset in facing life's complexities.

7. Navigating Relationships: Developing Interpersonal Skills

Women often play diverse roles in their relationships, be it as partners, mothers, friends, or colleagues. Therapy groups offer a platform for exploring and refining interpersonal skills. Participants gain insights into effective communication, conflict resolution, and boundary setting, contributing to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

8. Identity Exploration: Embracing Personal Growth

The journey to self-discovery is a lifelong process, and women's therapy groups provide a dedicated space for identity exploration. Participants have the opportunity to delve into their values, aspirations, and personal narratives. This introspection fosters personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.

9. Validation and Affirmation: Acknowledging Personal Narratives

In the validating environment of a women's therapy group, participants receive affirmation for their experiences and emotions. This acknowledgment plays a pivotal role in diminishing feelings of isolation and self-doubt. As women share and receive validation, a collective strength emerges, fostering a sense of empowerment.

10. Reducing Stigma and Fostering Mental Health Advocacy: Breaking Barriers

Participating in a women's therapy group contributes to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. As women openly discuss their mental health journeys, they become advocates for mental health awareness within their communities. This ripple effect helps break down societal barriers and fosters a culture of understanding and support.

11. Mind-Body Connection: Holistic Well-Being

Women's therapy groups often incorporate holistic approaches, recognizing the interconnectedness of mental and physical well-being. Mindfulness practices, yoga, and other therapeutic techniques contribute to a holistic approach that addresses the mind-body connection, promoting overall well-being.

12. Peer Support: Strength in Numbers

The power of peer support within women's therapy groups cannot be overstated. Through shared experiences, participants become a source of strength for each other. Whether navigating a challenging moment or celebrating achievements, the camaraderie forged within the group serves as a bedrock of support.

13. Embracing Diversity: Learning from Varied Perspectives

Women's therapy groups are melting pots of diversity, encompassing individuals from various backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. This diversity enriches the collective experience, offering participants the opportunity to learn from varied perspectives and broaden their understanding of the world.

14. Goal Setting and Accountability: Nurturing Ambitions

Therapy groups provide a structured environment for setting personal goals and aspirations. Through collaborative goal-setting, participants receive support and accountability from their peers. This collective encouragement becomes a driving force for women to pursue and achieve their dreams.

15. Life Transition Support: Navigating Change Together

Life is a series of transitions, and women's therapy groups offer invaluable support during times of change. Whether navigating career shifts, relationship changes, or other significant life events, participants find solace in the shared experiences and guidance offered within the group.

In the heart of Tampa, Florida, women's therapy groups stand as beacons of empowerment and resilience. These transformative spaces go beyond traditional therapy, offering a holistic approach to well-being that encompasses connection, empowerment, and personal growth. As women come together to share, learn, and uplift each other, the profound benefits of these therapy groups resonate far beyond the therapy room, shaping empowered and resilient individuals who carry the torch of support into their communities and beyond.

Unveiling Empowerment: The Profound Benefits of Women's Therapy Groups Tampa St. Petersburg 33606 33629 33611 33609 Women Counseling Group Depression Anxiety

Embracing the Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Holiday Self-Care

As the holiday season approaches, the festive cheer often comes hand-in-hand with increased stress and overwhelming demands. Amidst the hustle and bustle, it's crucial to prioritize self-care to ensure a joyful and rejuvenating holiday experience.

In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips and strategies to nurture your well-being during the holidays, allowing you to truly savor the magic of the season.

  1. Set Realistic Expectations:

    • The pressure to create the perfect holiday can be overwhelming. Begin by setting realistic expectations for yourself and your celebrations. Understand that imperfections are a natural part of the season and that the most important aspect is the quality time spent with loved ones.

  2. Create Boundaries:

    • Establishing boundaries is key to maintaining balance during the holidays. Learn to say no to commitments that may contribute to excessive stress. Communicate your limits to friends and family, ensuring that you have the time and energy to engage in activities that bring you joy.

  3. Prioritize Self-Reflection:

    • Take moments for self-reflection amidst the holiday chaos. Consider the significance of the season for you personally and what aspects bring you the most fulfillment. This introspection can guide your choices and help you align your activities with your values.

  4. Mindful Holiday Planning:

    • Plan your holiday activities mindfully, focusing on what truly matters to you. Prioritize events and traditions that bring joy, and consider scaling back on those that feel more like obligations. Quality over quantity is the mantra for a fulfilling holiday experience.

  5. Self-Care Rituals:

    • Integrate self-care rituals into your daily routine. Whether it's a warm bath, a few moments of meditation, or a brisk winter walk, carve out time for activities that replenish your energy and promote relaxation. These small rituals can be a source of calm amidst the holiday frenzy.

  6. Healthy Eating Habits:

    • While indulging in holiday treats is part of the fun, be mindful of your overall eating habits. Ensure a balance between festive delights and nourishing meals to support your physical well-being. Staying hydrated is equally crucial, especially in colder climates.

  7. Connect with Loved Ones:

    • Prioritize meaningful connections with loved ones. Engage in activities that foster a sense of togetherness, whether it's a family game night, a cozy movie marathon, or a heartfelt conversation over a cup of cocoa. These moments contribute significantly to the joy of the season.

  8. Embrace the Power of "No":

    • Recognize that it's okay to decline invitations or opt-out of certain activities. Saying "no" when necessary is an act of self-care that allows you to preserve your energy for the things that truly matter.

In the midst of holiday celebrations, it's easy to overlook personal well-being. However, by incorporating these self-care strategies into your holiday routine, you can navigate the season with grace and mindfulness, ensuring that the festivities are not only joyful but also rejuvenating for your mind, body, and spirit. Embrace the spirit of the season by prioritizing yourself and creating a holiday experience that aligns with your well-being goals.

Embracing the Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Holiday Self-Care Tampa Jacksonville Therapist 33606 33629 33611 33609

Embracing Authenticity: Nurturing Positive Body Image in Teens

In today's fast-paced world, teenagers face immense pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by social media and popular culture. As they navigate the challenging terrain of adolescence, their self-esteem and mental health are significantly impacted by how they perceive their bodies. It's crucial to foster a healthy body image among teenagers, encouraging them to embrace authenticity and self-love.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of positive body image and provide practical tips to help teenagers cultivate a healthy relationship with their bodies.

Understanding the Impact of Body Image on Mental Health

A positive body image is essential for mental well-being. Teenagers struggling with body dissatisfaction are more prone to developing anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. It's essential to acknowledge that body image concerns are common among adolescents and that addressing these issues can significantly enhance their mental health and overall quality of life.

Media Literacy and Its Role

One of the primary sources of unrealistic beauty standards is the media. Encouraging teenagers to develop media literacy skills can empower them to critically analyze media messages. Teach them to question the authenticity of images they see online, emphasizing that these images are often heavily edited and filtered. By understanding the manipulative nature of media, teenagers can begin to separate fact from fiction, reducing the impact of media on their body image.

Promoting Self-Compassion

Teens need to learn the art of self-compassion. Encourage them to treat themselves with kindness and understanding, especially during times of self-doubt. Practicing mindfulness and self-reflection can help teenagers develop a deeper connection with their bodies, allowing them to appreciate the incredible things their bodies can do, rather than focusing solely on appearance.

Encouraging Healthy Habits

Emphasize the importance of healthy habits over appearance. Encouraging regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and sufficient sleep not only promotes physical health but also positively impacts mental well-being. When teenagers focus on feeling strong and energetic, rather than achieving a specific body shape, they are more likely to develop a positive body image.

Building a Supportive Environment

Create a supportive environment at home and in schools where teenagers feel comfortable discussing their body image concerns. Encourage open communication, active listening, and validation of their feelings. When teenagers know they have a safe space to express their insecurities, they are more likely to develop a positive body image.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Help teenagers set realistic expectations about their bodies. Bodies come in various shapes and sizes, and these differences should be celebrated, not criticized. Encourage them to focus on their unique qualities, talents, and achievements rather than comparing themselves to others. Remind them that true beauty is not skin deep but radiates from within.

In the journey toward nurturing positive body image, teenagers need guidance, support, and understanding. By fostering media literacy, promoting self-compassion, encouraging healthy habits, building supportive environments, and setting realistic expectations, we can empower teenagers to embrace their authentic selves. Let us work together to create a world where every teenager feels confident, valued, and beautiful just as they are. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of young individuals, promoting mental health and well-being for generations to come.

Embracing Authenticity: Nurturing Positive Body Image in Teens DBT Group Teen Self Esteem Group Body Image Group

Empowering Teens: Boosting Self-Esteem for a Brighter Tomorrow

In today’s fast-paced world, teenagers face an array of challenges that can significantly impact their self-esteem. From academic pressures to social media comparison and self-doubt, the teenage years can be emotionally turbulent. As parents, teachers, and caregivers, it is crucial to provide support and encouragement to boost their self-esteem.

In this blog post, we’ll explore effective ways to empower your teen, nurturing their self-worth and confidence, thus paving the way for a positive therapy experience.

1. Foster Open Communication:

Encourage your teen to express their thoughts and emotions freely. Be an active listener, showing genuine interest in their concerns. Validate their feelings, ensuring they know that their emotions are acknowledged and respected. By fostering open communication, you create a safe space for them to explore their inner world.

2. Encourage Self-Discovery:

Teens often struggle with identity and self-discovery. Encourage their interests and hobbies, allowing them to explore various activities. Whether it's art, sports, music, or writing, supporting their passions can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, boosting their confidence.

3. Set Realistic Goals:

Help your teen set achievable goals, both academically and personally. Break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, reinforcing the idea that effort leads to success. This sense of accomplishment can significantly enhance their self-esteem.

4. Promote Positive Self-Talk:

Teach your teen the power of positive affirmations. Encourage them to challenge negative self-talk and replace it with self-affirming and empowering statements. Remind them of their strengths and capabilities, emphasizing that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.

5. Cultivate Healthy Relationships:

Support your teen in forming positive friendships. Healthy relationships provide emotional support, reduce feelings of isolation, and boost self-esteem. Encourage them to surround themselves with people who uplift and respect them. Discuss the importance of boundaries and assertiveness in relationships.

6. Teach Coping Skills:

Life is filled with challenges, and learning how to cope with stress and setbacks is essential. Introduce your teen to mindfulness techniques, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. These coping skills can help them manage anxiety and build resilience, enhancing their self-confidence.

7. Promote Self-Care:

Encourage your teen to prioritize self-care activities. Adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced diet significantly impact mental and physical well-being. When they take care of their bodies, they are more likely to feel good about themselves, boosting their self-esteem.

8. Be a Positive Role Model:

Demonstrate healthy self-esteem through your own actions and words. Show your teen that it's okay to make mistakes and that self-worth is not based on perfection. Your example can profoundly influence how they perceive themselves and their value.

9. Seek Professional Help When Needed:

If your teen is struggling significantly with self-esteem issues, consider seeking professional help. A therapist can provide expert guidance and support tailored to their specific needs, helping them navigate their emotions and build a positive self-image.

In conclusion, boosting your teen's self-esteem requires patience, understanding, and consistent support. By fostering open communication, encouraging self-discovery, setting realistic goals, promoting positive self-talk, cultivating healthy relationships, teaching coping skills, promoting self-care, being a positive role model, and seeking professional help when needed, you can empower your teen to develop a strong sense of self-worth. Remember, the journey to improved self-esteem is ongoing, and your unwavering support can make a significant difference in their lives, setting the stage for a brighter and more confident future.

Empowering Teens: Boosting Self-Esteem for a Brighter Tomorrow Depression Anxiety Trauma DBT Teen Group

Nurturing Positive Body Image in Teens: Empowering the Next Generation

In today’s digital age, where images of seemingly flawless individuals flood social media platforms, teenagers face immense pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards. The impact of body image on adolescents is profound, influencing their self-esteem, mental health, and overall well-being.

Understanding and addressing body image concerns in teenagers are crucial steps toward nurturing a generation of confident, self-assured individuals.

The Influence of Media and Peer Pressure:

The media, coupled with peer pressure, plays a pivotal role in shaping how teens perceive their bodies. Constant exposure to airbrushed celebrities and social media influencers can lead teenagers to develop negative body image. They may feel the need to compare themselves to these digitally altered images, fostering feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

The Role of Parents and Educators:

Parents and educators play a vital role in helping teenagers develop a healthy body image. Open communication is key; creating a safe space where teens can discuss their insecurities without fear of judgment can make a significant difference. Encouraging discussions about media literacy and the unrealistic portrayals of beauty can empower teenagers to critically analyze what they see.

Promoting Self-Love and Acceptance:

Teaching teens to love and accept their bodies is fundamental. Emphasizing the uniqueness and individuality of each person can shift their focus from comparison to self-appreciation. Encourage them to engage in activities that make them feel good about themselves, whether it's pursuing hobbies, sports, or creative endeavors. By focusing on their abilities and accomplishments, teens can build a strong sense of self-worth beyond physical appearance.

Addressing Peer Influences:

Peer pressure can be both positive and negative. Encourage teenagers to surround themselves with friends who uplift and support them for who they are. Discussing the importance of empathy, kindness, and acceptance can help them form healthier relationships, where they are appreciated for their personalities and character rather than their looks.

Mental Health Support:

It's crucial to recognize the signs of body image-related distress in teenagers. Withdrawal from social activities, sudden changes in eating habits, or expressions of self-hate are red flags. Seeking professional help from therapists, counselors, or support groups specialized in body image issues can provide teenagers with the necessary tools to cope with their insecurities and develop a positive self-image.

Educating About Diversity and Inclusivity:

Educational institutions can contribute significantly to fostering positive body image by promoting diversity and inclusivity. Curriculums that celebrate various body types, ethnicities, and cultures can help challenge stereotypes and promote acceptance. Moreover, involving teenagers in discussions about body positivity and organizing workshops on self-esteem can provide them with valuable insights and coping mechanisms.

Media Literacy and Critical Thinking:

Teaching media literacy is essential in empowering teenagers to critically analyze the media they consume. Schools and parents can collaborate to educate teens about digital manipulation techniques, the impact of filters, and the difference between real life and staged images. Equipping them with the skills to question media representations can bolster their self-confidence and resilience against harmful influences.

Nurturing positive body image in teenagers requires a collective effort from parents, educators, and society as a whole. By fostering open communication, promoting self-love, and providing the necessary tools to critically analyze media messages, we can empower teens to embrace their unique identities. Through these efforts, we can inspire a generation of confident individuals who appreciate themselves for who they are, paving the way for a future where body positivity prevails over unrealistic standards.

Nurturing Positive Body Image in Teens: Empowering the Next Generation Body Image Tampa Teen DBT Group

Guiding Your Child Through Stress: Effective Coping Strategies

Childhood is a time of growth and exploration, but it's not without its challenges. From school pressures to social interactions, children can experience stress just like adults. As a parent, you play a crucial role in helping your child develop healthy coping mechanisms to navigate stress.

Here are effective strategies to guide your child through stressful situations:

1. Open Communication:

Create an environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their feelings. Encourage them to express what's bothering them, and actively listen without judgment. Sometimes, sharing their stress with a trusted adult can offer immediate relief.

2. Teach Relaxation Techniques:

Introduce relaxation techniques that your child can use when they feel stressed. Deep breathing, mindfulness exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can help calm their mind and body. Practice these techniques together to make them a natural part of their routine.

3. Promote Physical Activity:

Physical activity is a natural stress reliever. Encourage your child to engage in activities they enjoy, whether it's playing a sport, riding a bike, or dancing. Regular exercise boosts mood, reduces anxiety, and helps them blow off steam.

4. Establish a Routine:

A consistent routine provides a sense of stability and predictability. Structure their day with a balance of study time, playtime, and relaxation. Knowing what to expect can reduce uncertainty and ease stress.

5. Encourage Healthy Habits:

A balanced diet, adequate sleep, and proper hydration contribute to resilience against stress. Ensure your child gets the nutrition and rest they need to manage stress effectively.

6. Problem-Solving Skills:

Teach your child problem-solving skills by breaking down challenges into smaller, manageable steps. Brainstorm solutions together and help them weigh the pros and cons of each option. This empowers them to tackle stressors head-on.

7. Limit Over-Scheduling:

While extracurricular activities are beneficial, over-scheduling can overwhelm your child. Find a healthy balance that allows them time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with family.

8. Encourage Positive Self-Talk:

Help your child recognize and reframe negative thoughts. Teach them to replace self-critical statements with positive affirmations. Cultivating a positive self-image can enhance their ability to cope with stress.

9. Model Healthy Coping:

Children often learn by example. Demonstrate healthy coping mechanisms by managing your own stress effectively. Show them how you handle challenges in a calm and constructive manner.

10. Seek Professional Help if Needed:

If your child's stress seems persistent or overwhelming, consider seeking professional help. A school counselor or a child therapist (like the team at Serene Mind) can provide specialized support to help your child manage their stress.

Conclusion: Helping your child cope with stress equips them with essential life skills that will serve them well into adulthood. By fostering open communication, promoting healthy habits, and teaching effective coping strategies, you empower your child to handle challenges with resilience and confidence. Remember that your support and guidance play a vital role in shaping their ability to navigate stress and lead a balanced, fulfilling life. 🌟🌈 #ParentingTips #ChildhoodStress #CopingStrategies

Serene Mind Blog Title: Guiding Your Child Through Stress: Effective Coping Strategies Tampa Therapist 33606 33629 33611 33606

How + Why to Prioritize Your Self Care

In a culture and society that is all about the hustle and bustle, self-care often takes a backseat to things we find ”productive” like work, exercise, and chores around the house. What is important to learn is that self-care is productive, and very important for our health and wellbeing. Self-care helps us give our minds a break and to relax.

Unplugging from the constant stimulation of texts, busy work schedules, to-do lists and helps us feel more into our parasympathetic nervous system and release from the on-edge feelings of always being connected.

Taking the time for self-care will actually improve your productivity- helping you feel energized and refreshed.

  • Eat Well

  • With our fast-paced lifestyle, it is easy to swing by a drive-thru fast-food restaurant or pick up a grab-n-go meal from your local grocery store. Grant yourself just 30 minutes each week to create a meal plan for yourself. Meal prepping is helpful to create an easy and quick meal that can be stored in the fridge and heated up in minutes. By taking a small amount of time during the week to prep and plan meals, you are saving more time (and money!) in the long run- not to mention fueling yourself with higher quality ingredients and important nutrients that fast food and frozen/prepackaged meals can’t provide.

  • Take a Break from Social Media

  • Find yourself constantly scrolling? This is a hint that you may be overstimulated or bored. Let yourself rest by unplugging, even if it is just for an hour. Constantly staying connected keeps our brains on overdrive, taking away from the present moment.

  • Maintain your Sleep Schedule

  • Up late to meet that deadline? Staying up to cram for an exam? Indulging in a Netflix marathon until 2am? When these habits pile up, it starts to take a toll on your physical, and even mental health. Sleep is the body’s way of regenerating, and it should be treated as a non- negotiable self-care routine. Create a schedule that works best for you and try to stick with it. Go to bed around the same time each night so your body creates a natural rhythm. Waking up feeling rested and refreshed will help you feel even more productive in your day-to-day tasks and activates.

  • Social Time

  • Connect with you friends (in person!) Need we say more? Social time is so important for our health and wellbeing. Feeling connected and that we belong is crucial to our sense of self-esteem and emotional health. Call up a friend or family member and make plans, even if it is just for a quick coffee meet-up. Even short interactions can help foster and nourish the foundation of our relationships and help us feel supported and secure.

  • Get Bored; Embrace Leisure

  • It is easy to pick up your phone and scroll when you are feeling bored or uneasy. When you’re feeling bored, let the creativity take over. Pick up the paintbrushes and create something new! Or maybe grab your notebook and start those journaling prompts you’ve been piling up. Sign up for that last minute cycle class.

  • When you give yourself space to be bored and have free time, you’ll start to remember the things you enjoy and want to engage in more often. Sometimes the spur of the moment leisure activities can spark even more creativity and inspiration in other areas of your life!

Looking for a therapist or life coach to help you on your self-care journey? We are here to help. Email us at or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

How + Why to Prioritize Your Self Care  Serene Mind Blog - Tampa 33606 33611 33629 33609 Women's Group

Our Therapists Share 3 Ways Social Media Impacts Mental Health

In our modern day and age, social media has dominated communication in many different areas. Connecting with friends and family through messages, sharing pictures of your life, shopping, dating, and even networking to further your career can be done all from a tiny screen that you can tote in your pocket. There are thousands of apps that can fit virtually any need, and most have a social component within the app. Although there can be many positives with the rise of social media, there are also some attributes to these apps that can negatively impact mental and emotional health.

1. Instant Gratification

Getting an immediate reward, or instant gratification is a common product of regular social media use. Being able to speak to someone immediately, purchase goods, or even scrolling constantly being introduced to different stimuli can create a sense of power and control.

A chemical in the body called dopamine is released when we partake in instant gratification behaviors, and when participated in often, can change an individual’s behavior completely. Needing to be constantly stimulated (example: scrolling, checking texts or emails, etc.) releases dopamine and when this is done frequently, the body becomes overstimulated. This can create feelings of anxiety and overwhelm when instant gratification is unavailable to an individual who is used to it. This is also a way to disconnect and disassociate from needing to problem solve or wait for stimuli to present itself.

The more we become accustomed to the instant gratification, the more we seek this pleasurable activity. This can lead us down a spiral and ultimately lead to great disappointment.

2. The Comparison Game

Seeing others on social media posting their achievements, purchases, and even daily life can create a “comparison game” within. This game can turn into a rabbit hole of feelings and thoughts such as, “Why can’t I have those things?”, “They are so much more attractive than me”, “They must be rich to afford that”. These comparisons are hurtful, lead to expectations that are unattainable and unrealistic.

Most people post the best of their worlds on their social media platforms. When seeing the best parts of someone’s life through pictures or word on a screen, it is easy to forget that they are humans too- people that have challenges, difficulties, and vulnerabilities.

The Comparison Game can also lead to FOMO, or “Fear of Missing Out”, where individuals feel like they don’t fit in or belong with their peers. Constant exposure to these platforms can create feelings of shame, guilt, not feeling worthy, and even missing out on things they think they may deserve or wish they could have. It is important to keep in check the realities of each post and person posting.

3. Cyberbullying

Within the last 10 years the popularity of social media platforms has increased, and so has cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can have tremendous effects on a person’s self-image, self-esteem, and social skills.

Many individuals find it easier to argue, make fun of, and even harass others through a digital format rather than in real life, face-to- face interactions. When prolonged and unreported, cyberbullying can take an extreme toll on a person’s mental and emotional health, and even start to affect their physical health. It is hard to escape bullies on social media, they are constantly there and you may feel as if it is out of control.

The world of social media is a new territory for many of us. We have no way of knowing what further studies or future generations will be impacted by the decisions we make on social media today. It is a scary and unfamiliar world for ourselves, our kids and teens. Always remember that you have the power to control the amount you use, the platforms you access and how accessible you are in the realm of social media.

Are you feeling that you are experiencing negative thoughts or feelings due to social media use? We are here to help. Email us at or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

Serene Mind Counseling Blog: Our Therapists Share 3 Ways Social Media Impacts Mental Health 33606 33629 33611 33609

4 Ways To Improve Self Esteem

Cultivating and tending to your self-esteem is a lifelong process. Our confidence and self-esteem can be affected by countless factors- consciously and subconsciously. Sometimes it may be challenging in creating goals for boosting yourself up and gaining more confidence. It is often easier to focus on others, giving and doing for them. This only further hinders our ability to gain self esteem and care for ourselves.

Here are some ways you can begin the process and practice of fostering healthy self-esteem:

1) Practice trusting yourself:

We often seek outside validation for on our views, decisions, and choices. Learn to trust your gut and what you feel is best for you. Practice taking time and reflecting on the options you have before making a concrete decision. You have all the answers within you.

2) Surround yourself with people who encourage you:

Sometimes we may not realize how our social environment affects us. When we are around negativity, we can absorb those thoughts, feelings, and patterns if we do not take extra care in being mindful about our environment. Make an effort to surround yourself with individuals who are positive, supportive, and motivating. The influences of positive people around you can affect you, even subconsciously.

3) Take care of yourself- physically, mentally, and emotionally:

Make it a priority to eat well, exercise, and reflect and acknowledge your emotional state. This doesn’t have to be intense. Maybe the best exercise for you is walking around the block each day. Maybe you prefer something that is of a higher intensity like running or weightlifting. Move your body- it helps you connect with yourself and can release endorphins- those “feel good” chemicals that are naturally released through physical activity. Acknowledge your boundaries and limits- with others and yourself. Notice if you are taking on too much, or perhaps you could instill some more effort in an area of your life. Are you feeling emotionally fulfilled and supported? If not, where can you tweak this area of your life? Do you need help or support in doing so?

4) Learn to laugh at and release your mistakes:

We all make mistakes. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself- especially pressure to be perfect. Making mistakes help us learn and grow. Learning to brush off little mistakes (or sometimes even big ones) will create a sense of self-acceptance and self-love. Cut yourself a break!

Are you struggling with your self-esteem and confidence? Do you feel stuck and need some support? We are here to help. Email us at or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

4 Ways To Improve Self Esteem

4 Ways to Start Your Self-Love Routine and Your Mental Health

What is love and how do you show it? The great Pooh Bear once told Piglet, “you do not spell love, you feel it.” We would agree with him.

Love lives in all areas in our life, from friendships, to relationships, friendships that become relationships, to self love, to the LGBTQ+ community, and also to understanding asexuality and what that kind of love looks like (spoiler alert, it’s different for everyone).

Ultimately, love will come and go through relationships and friendships but there is always one place you should be able to find it: within yourself.

Self love is the only kind of love that comes from a place within your heart and can express it in a multitude of ways. 

So what are some ways to begin practicing self-love?

  1. Know that you deserve it: make sure your mindset is open and ready to make a commitment to yourself. Changing your perspective and outlook is the first step towards improving your self-love routine.

  2. Make a list of things you love (make sure to include things you can do on your own, for you and by you). Some great examples are: writing, coloring, listening to music, playing an instrument, cooking, baking, being outside, walking, jogging, meditation, yoga, eating in the present moment and hydrating.

  3. Create a schedule of what you would like to start with. All you need is one activity to start, try that for a week or 2. As it becomes a self-love routine, you will be able to add more self-love into your life.

  4. Be in the moment: make sure to stay in the present moment and check in with how you are feeling about loving on yourself. This happiness, confidence and freedom can help give you a boost of positivity. It will also help you remember why your self-love routine is important to you.

Remember that self-love is a practice and is not easy for most of us to do (let’s face it, we can all use some more self-love in our lives). Be gentle with yourself, start where you are at and after about 3 months or so, self-love can become a routine.

Start Your Self-Love Routine and Your Mental Health

Beach Body Ready - A Mental Health Perspective

We see it every day: Women with curves are on the front cover of Sports Illustrated and members of the LGBTQ community preaching free love and good vibes over social media. We are finally living in a world open to acceptance, where we can be free to be who we are and love who we love. But, does this mean we love who we are? Does this mean that since society says it is okay to be thin or curvy that we think it’s okay? No, not really.

Just because we know we are loved and accepted does not mean we take the extra step to love and accept ourselves. It is not always easy to see someone preaching “big and beautiful” and feel like your curves are actually accepted.

But why is that?

What keeps those feelings of self-doubt floating around our minds when we are told we are perfect just the way we are?

It is because we do not allow ourselves to incorporate three basic traits into our daily lives: Love, forgiveness and humor.

We are taught self-love is the most important trait and that you must learn to love yourself before you love others. Although it is healthy and important to love yourself, sometimes, in the process of finding love for ourselves, we do not allow love of any kind in. We disregard the love from our family and we ignore the love given to us by our friends. It is acceptable to learn to love yourself and learn what it feels like to be loved by others as well. So, if we feel love, we can learn to accept love. If we learn to accept love, we can learn to give love.

Forgiveness is tough. We can forgive others and look past the mistakes they make but when it becomes personal, it gets a little tricky. The grudge we create for ourselves, subconsciously, make that body positivity we are striving for just a little farther out of reach. Maybe we start a diet and cheat a little two days into it. Maybe we begin a workout routine and it only lasts for a week. Things like this can definitely cause some frustration but that should be the extent of it; temporary frustration. Acknowledge that a mistake has happened forgive yourself because the point of life is not to diet and go to the gym. Continue going to the gym because you enjoy it. Change your eating habits for your health, your well-being, your happiness. To forgive is to move forward. Holding a grudge with yourself will only result in the lack of results. Keep pushing forward, we are only human.

Lastly, we forget to introduce humor. Laugh at the stigma that we still remain to see within the media, regardless of the self-love action going on. There are still girls that we see with the “perfect” bodies and men we see who are “perfectly” buff with symmetrical abs and 15 inch biceps. Those bodies are what Americans have portrayed to be ideal. This is a stigma that we, as a society, is slowly breaking down but we are not quite there yet. Instead of focusing on how you wish you could be them, chuckle at the absurd idea that every human should look that way.

In a study don’t by Psychology Today it was shown that women have a higher sense of self- worth after looking at an Instagram account created to challenge the societal norms. Celest Barber is a famous instagramer who creates “images of celebrities and models and recreates them herself in a humorous way. Both the original image and her parody image are posted side by side, accompanied by a witty comment. Together, her posts poke fun at our society’s absurd and unrealistic appearance ideals.” In this study they had a separate control group of women who only looked only at the model pictures.

The study proceed as follows:

Before and after viewing the images, all women completed questionnaires to assess their mood and how they feel about their body. The researchers found that the women who viewed Celeste Barber’s parody images experienced an increase in body satisfaction compared to the women in the control group. Further, the women in the control group, who only viewed the images of the celebrities and models, experienced a decrease in happiness. With this being said, it is easy to see how humor can be used to change the perspective we have on our bodies. It is relieving to see people who look like we do, normal, on a large platform similar to models and celebrities.

Saying something and actually doing something about the way we feel about ourselves are very different. It is important to surround yourself with positive people and good vibes. It’s summertime here and Florida and EVERYONE has a “Beach Body.” So enjoy the sun and the waves and love yourself just the way you are!

Beach Body Ready - A Mental Health Perspective

4 Steps For Self-Growth - A Mental Health Perspective

How often do you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering where the 18-year-old version of you disappeared to? You look at yourself, thinking that the size of your jeans actually plays a part in your ability to make friends or fall in love. You may catch a glimpse of yourself while walking out the door and think that if you could look a certain way, maybe people would treat you differently. Negative thoughts of yourself swirl through your mind just to pollute the your self image.

Well, I’m here to tell you that those thoughts are not working for you. You will always be the only version of YOU and no one can take that away. As humans, we sometimes believe that growth is something that just comes with time. We think that things will eventually just change for the better and we will naturally just grow into the person we want to be. It is important to think deeper into that theory and imagine what our lives would be if we choose to do nothing and just assume growth will happen.

You can think of it almost like the life of a plant. Now, I have no green thumb but I do know that if you forget to water your plant and keep it out of the sunlight, it will soon wither away to a very little, frail version of its previous self. This is similar to what happens to us as humans. If we forget to love ourselves, to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, to love the body we have, we will become weak and frail. The best way to avoid this is to simply tell ourselves we are enough.

Now, I say simply, but I know this is no simple task at all. This will require work and dedication. It takes discipline. If every time we looked in the mirror we told ourselves we loved the body we live in, rather than hate it, eventually we will. Like a plant, we all need a little love, compassion, and sunlight to help us grow. Being mean to others never got you ahead in life. What makes you think being mean to yourself will?

Here are some steps to help you focus on your good qualities and the love you deserve to show yourself. Self-growth is a process, be gentle with yourself.

Step One: Locate the problem. What is affecting your self-esteem? Is it a relationship or an outside source? Where is it coming from?

Step Two: Avoid negative self-talk. Like we talked about before, speaking negatively toward yourself will only harm you.

Step Three: Connect with those who love you. This may be a relative or friend, anyone who sees the good in you that maybe you are having a hard time finding. Being around positive supports can help us remember why we love ourselves. .

Step Four: Set a goal and make it your challenge. Focus on the good around you and create routines to achieve it. Having good hygiene and a clean room will help clear your mind as well. Open the blinds to allow light and take a walk outdoors.

All of these things will be pieces of the puzzle that will eventually fit together to complete your challenge, finally showing you the full picture. Don’t forget, we are all human and no one is perfect. Rather, perfectly imperfect in our own ways.

4 Steps For Self-Growth

Therapist’s Share 3 Ways to Treat Yourself this Valentine's Day

With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, the longing for a significant other becomes overwhelmingly apparent for those of us lacking our “perfect person.” For those of us in a relationship, the pressure of Valentine’s Day can be growing and we may be running to find the “perfect gift.” It is impossible to walk through a retail store without feeling overwhelmed by oversized teddy bears and heart shaped chocolates. It is natural for us to want another half, someone to hold or hug, someone who brings out the best in us.

We all know a perfect first date doesn’t exist, even if we are in a relationship.

How can we make Valentine’s Day About Self-Love?

Movies portray an unrealistic vision of how love really looks like and ultimately forces us to create unhealthy and unnecessary expectations for a potential partner and Valentine’s Day celebration.

So, instead of blindly searching for your person this February, or the perfect gift, I challenge you to find your self-love.

Here are three tips to spend your day in a healthy way:

1. Galentine’s day (or we can call it Palentine’s day for the fellas out there): Have a Valentine’s Day exchange with some of your friends, Secret-Santa style. This time, focus your gifts on self-love: everyone loves a good face mask, scented candles, great book, a gift card to your favorite spa or restaurant.

2. Snag a friend for the day and take advantage of Valentine’s Day deals: A half-off couple massage and discounted dinner for two are definitely some deals to take advantage of. You do not have to be in a relationship to enjoy great discounts.

3. Pamper yourself: Maybe you don’t want to go out, that is totally fine. While others stress about the pressure of planning the most romantic day of the year, you can sit and relax in your bathtub, watching standup comedy or horror movies, while eating your favorite chocolate. Soak in those positive endorphins and focus on you.

Love is everywhere we look, including inside ourselves. Searching in the wrong places will just leave you finding something you were not looking for. By finding and loving ourselves, we attract others who have the same energy. Your Valentine’s Day is what you want to make of it, be positive about your relationship status and focus on the relationship you have with yourself.

Treat Yourself this Valentine's Day

Our Therapists Share How to Spring Clean Your Self-Care Routine

What do you think of when you hear the phrase “spring cleaning”? Do you envision the dirt and dust that has accumulated throughout the year around your living space or do you imagine a pile of material objects that you are able to toss or donate? It seems that we, as human beings, tend to follow this mindset that if we clean up our external world then our internal world will fall into place. But what if we were to “spring clean” from the inside out? If we were to make a conscious choice to take care of our internal dirt and dust, then our external world may seem less overwhelming when it comes time to renew and clean during the Spring season.

You may be wondering how you begin to inwardly spruce up. It can start by beginning to understand your need for self-care and establishing a routine that works for you. Self-care is ways that you take care of yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. It is about connecting with your body and mind and asking for what you need. Asking for what you need can be difficult if you are used too often caring for others before caring for yourself. I am going to ask that you read the steps below for establishing a self-care routine and TRY. All you can do is try and begin to practice caring for yourself. Self-care can be a stumbling point for me, especially as a new counselor in the field, so I will work hard to practice these steps right along with you.

Steps to Creating A Self Care Routine

1. Sleep When You Are Tired: This one may seem obvious but in today’s fast-paced world, it can difficult to find time to rest your body and sleep. This step is not saying that you need to give things up to sleep but to determine how to get the best amount of sleep for your body and lifestyle. Sleeping is so important to be able to recharge physically, emotionally and mentally.

2. Eat Until You Are Satisfied: After overindulging, have you ever felt sluggish, sick and just generally zapped? I know I have. This step challenges you to recognize the sign your body is giving you when you have reached a point of satisfaction while eating without feeling overly full. Eating to feel satisfied can leave you feeling less like taking a nap and more like taking on the day in between meals.

3. Find Time for Yourself: Finding time for yourself can be just five minutes throughout the day to practice your deep breathing, dance to your favorite song in your living room or listen to a song that brings you joy. It can be anything really as long as it is something that is meaningful to you and gives you space to channel your own energy.

4. Allow Yourself to Feel Your Feelings: This is so challenging but one of the most important parts of caring for yourself. This includes even those negative feelings that can be uncomfortable to feel. It may seem like you are being selfish for saying no to that person’s request, not wanting to be another person’s friend or letting someone know that they may have made you angry, but it is not selfish. Self-confidence comes with beginning to know all emotions are acceptable. Learning to recognize and express how you are truly feeling helps to make you more whole for YOU and everyone else.

5. Be Present: We hear this a lot in today’s fast-paced world but how many times do we truly take time to practice this? This includes unplugging from work responsibilities, phones, computers, tablets, etc. and just being there to experience your life. Maybe you take a walk and notice the colors of the foliage around you or you tune into what your dinner partner/partners are saying without any external distractions. You can even take a moment while at work or home to just recognize the colors around you. Whatever it might be, being present for a moment and not thinking about the mistake you made yesterday or the project you have due tomorrow begins to teach you how to connect with
your life.

All of the above is a guide for how to start asking for what you need. You can add to this list or pick out the most important steps for you and begin incorporating them into your life at your pace. However, you decide to begin, start small and give yourself grace along the way. Dusting and sweeping each area of your life takes time.

Spring Clean Your Self-Care Routine

How is your teens self esteem?

How is your teens self esteem?

As parents most of you believe you are in touch with your teen and would be able to tell if there was a problem growing at school or at home. One of the easiest ways to be aware about how your teen is feeling is to pay attention to how self confident they are feeling or acting.  Is your teen isolated, have little to no friends, are they talkative, are they moody or do you simply not know any of these answers? 

If you are unsure of your teen's self esteem level, here are some steps you can take to learn about their self confidence: 

1. Keep an open dialect: Ask, listen and summarize when you have conversations. This will help establish trust and keep your relationship growing. If they are answering poorly or barely answering, they may be hiding their low self esteem. If they are talking to you, you can learn about their self esteem just by listening.  

2. Meet their friends: They spend about half their time at school with their friends. Ask them to invite friends over, meet their friends and get to know them. Learn what their hobbies and interests are. Are your teens friends involve din drug use or sexual activity? If yes, this can be a sign of low self esteem. Judge as a parent how your teen is choosing friends and if they are genuine. 

3. Be observant: Look for signs of unhappiness, worry, sadness or anger. Mood swings to a certain extent are common in teens but if it is prolonged or excessive this can be a sign of anxiety or depression. 

Use the above steps to recognize your teens self esteem. Repeat the steps until you see that your teen is confident, if you see warning signs that your teen has low self esteem do not feel frustrated. Pick up the phone and do not hesitate to contact a professional!