5 Signs of High Functioning Depression - From a Depression Therapist

Being trapped in a high pace world, with your every day routine and demands can be exhausting. Your day may appear to be full of just everyday happenings without realizing or being in tune with how you actually feel (are you depressed?). Our society promotes living in a high pace, stressful and demanding life. This makes depression even harder to spot. We can live in a depressed state that is functioning and just used to mechanically producing.

Here are 5 signs of functional depression:

  1. Seeking Perfection: The want to always be perfect, not make mistakes is a sign that you are depressed. Not allowing yourself to make mistakes takes away from your growth and learning. If you are unable to fall and get back up, you may eventually just stop trying.

  2. Poor eating habits: Over eating or under eating, skipping meals can be signs of being busy. However, depression can also have fluctuating eating habits due to our emotions and neurotransmitters related to hunger.

  3. Lack of Energy: Being permanently exhausted is a sign that you are depressed. Not having the social or emotional energy to be with loved ones can be due to depression. Depressed people isolate and feel lonely.

  4. Irritability: Being quick to react, high strong and always defensive are signs that you are depressed. Depression can cause you to feel own edge, highly critical of yourself and lead to thinking of yourself in a negative light.

  5. Sleep Problems: When we have depression we tend to under or over sleep. Our brains are working hard and this exhaustion can cause our deep sleep to suffer. Depression makes it hard for us to rest and relax.

Depression is a struggle to live with. You may think you have your life under control but depression may be seeping in. Having depression can make everyday feel like a daunting chore. If you are feeling depressed, talking and expressing yourself in therapy can help you better learn what path you want to take. Depression does not have to last forever.

5 Signs of High Functioning Depression