3 Ways to Help You Overcome Depression

Feeling depression and the symptoms that come along with depression can be challenging and discouraging. Depression symptoms can arise for anyone at any point in their life, this is nothing to be ashamed of. These feelings are natural and there are many ways to manage (and even overcome depression) these feelings of depression and symptoms of depression - with or without supplements or medication.

What are some ways I can overcome feelings of depression?

1) Evaluate your lifestyle (influences, diet, sleep, etc.) Some important things to think about and ask yourself when these feelings of depression arise are: How is my physical environment contributing to my mindset and feelings? How are the people I am surrounded by affecting and influencing my emotions and thought patterns? (Work, school, family, friends, etc.) Does my sleep hygiene and physical hygiene support me emotionally and mentally? Does my diet support my body? Do I have a support system that helps me feel loved and safe?

After asking yourself these questions, you may be able to find the origins of where these feelings of depression have come from.

2) Establish an interest that can turn into a passion or hobby.

Having a focus, passion, or interest that you can direct your attention can create inspiration in your life. This can create self-motivation and self-encouragement - which battle feelings of depression. These kinds of activities can grow into many different areas of your life, expanding into social circles where you can connect with others and find even more support in your life. Having an interest that you connect with ignites a sense of purpose and drive. Ultimately, helping you overcome depression.

3) Reach out to a mental health, functional doctor or medical professional If you are diagnosed with depression, this diagnoses or “label” does not define who you are.

You are not depression; you are experiencing it. Depression is NOT something you need to own or embody. There are many different reasons why these depression feelings can make their way into your life- it can be from a situation, a traumatic experience, patterns in your lifestyle, or from many other cascading things. Some mental health and medical professionals believe that symptoms of depression can be hereditary as well.

If you need help identifying contributing factors for your depression symptoms, reach out to a mental health therapist to help guide you through this process. There are many different therapeutic techniques and tools that therapists can provide to you that are tailored to your needs, preferences, and lifestyle. Some individuals benefit from supplements or medication therapies, which would require a visit or consult with a medical doctor or naturopathic professional. Medication or herbal therapy can also be used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities, such as psychotherapy, coaching, exercise, diet change, and so much more.

Are you struggling with feelings of depression? Do you feel stuck and need some support? We are here to help. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or give us a call at 813.321.8280 to set up an intake appointment to see if one of our therapists can aid you in your healing journey.

Ways to Help You Overcome Depression