5 Tools to Help You Embrace Change

Experiencing a change can cause us to wonder if we have the capacity to handle change. Can we handle the unknown or a new experience? Change is an opportunity to utilize a positive mindset and look forward to something new and different.

Here are a 5 tools to help you towards positive change:

1. Patience with yourself - Experiencing a change allows us to take a pause and assess what is going on in our life. We can give ourselves permission to slow down and practice patience in a new situation. Give yourself grace to experience something new. It takes time to adjust and become used to a new job, new move, or even a new family member.

2. Vulnerability with others - Going through a change with someone else allows us to be vulnerable to our needs and the needs of others. Opening up to someone else is a great way to learn more about what we are capable of and where we can improve emotionally. Communicating what you need and how you feel can help others better understand how you feel about change.

3. Mistakes that are forgiven - Change is not perfect, so learning from mistakes and new experiences is a great way to expand our skillset, build confidence and practice grace toward ourselves and others. By realizing you expect to make mistakes, you make the standard for yourself much more attainable and less daunting. Making mistakes is a major part of growth and growth mindset. Without mistakes many inventions and things we use everyday would not even exist.

4. Aim for progress, not perfection - It is important to try, make an effort and learn. Knowing that perfect does not exist, can help you be more open minded to trying new positive things. Always try to make progress and know that you are aiming for a realistic goal. Nothing will ever be perfect, and that is completely fine.

5. Stay in the moment - Be present with yourself and try to enjoy the process. Understanding that every ending has a new beginning, is a beautiful thing. Not every day is the same, and even in challenging times we can find things to be grateful for. Find something to always be thankful for.

Every new change is a chance to grow, to learn about ourselves and those around us. If we are open to new possibilities we have the potential to become a better version of ourselves. This is exactly what we need to aim for, be kind to yourself and you will get there.

5 Tools to Help You Embrace Change

How to Support Our Veterans

The purpose of Veteran’s Day is to recognize the service of each and every American veteran. Veteran’s Day especially emphasizes honoring and giving thanks to living veterans who served their country. In the spirit of commemorating veterans, it is important to acknowledge the trauma and subsequent mental health challenges many of them experience and learn how best to support these veterans.

Here are a few ways you can help support veterans:

1. Educate yourself.

One of the best ways you can support veterans is to learn about the mental illnesses they may be experiencing. This allows you to better understand what they are going through and be compassionate. Common mental health challenges include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, and Traumatic Brain Injury.

2. De-stigmatize mental illness.

Many members of the military do not seek mental health treatment due to stigmas; these stigmas include the view that veterans with mental illnesses are “weak.” Dismissing these hurtful viewpoints and promoting recovery for veterans can increase their comfort level with seeking help.

3. Assist available resources.

There are many organizations that were created to support veterans and provide mental health care. Volunteering with these organizations and/or raising awareness of their existence is a great way to support the health and wellbeing of veterans. Here is a great list of just some resources, https://www.vehiclesforveterans.org/free-mental-health-resources-for-veterans/

Remember, supporting for our veterans and advocating for mental health care should be a priority every day, not just on Veteran’s Day.

How to Support Our Veterans