6 Ways to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety can feel overwhelming and like there is no relief available. But, there are ways to address and tackle the stress of anxiety.

Here are six ways to help overcome anxiety:

1. Move your body - Exercise, such as walking and yoga, can aid in regulating levels of stress and help you relax. Meditation and calming breathing techniques can also promote relaxation and help to focus your mind.

2. Eat well - Another important part of taking care of your body is making sure you eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your meals can help you maintain healthy sugar levels which can improve cognitive function.

3. Talk about your feelings - Whether speaking with a trusted friend or family member, speaking with a counselor or utilizing peer counseling groups, talking about your feelings and your particular situation can help you vent and get a different perspective on your situation.

4. Utilize apps - There are many online and mobile apps available that promote well-being and aid in cultivating mindfulness practices. Find a resource that works for you so you can build a routine prioritizing calming practices.

5. Journal - Taking time to reflect on your feelings can help you see patterns in your life. By writing down your thoughts, you can see what triggers your anxiety and can work through solutions.

6. Be gentle with yourself - Try to remember that you are doing your best and allow yourself grace as you navigate through your feelings.

Though anxiety can feel neverending, there are ways to take charge of your feelings and bring a sense of calm back to your life.

6 Ways to Overcome Anxiety

The Intentional Postpartum - By Baby Boldly

Over the course of pregnancy, the average expectant mother spends around 20 hours preparing for her birth. Those same mothers-to-be spend anywhere from no time at all to up to two hours preparing for her postpartum experience. Therein lies our setup for a potentially dangerous postpartum period.

Some consider the “postpartum period” to be the first 6-8 weeks post birth, while others consider it to be the first 12 months. . Either way, there’s no arguing that those first 6-8 weeks are, by far, the most critical time for momma’s recovery. While we obviously advocate for birth prep, we also believe that intentionally preparing  for what happens after birth is just as important. 

When we set our intentions we often have a completely different experience than when we don’t, and  intentionally preparing for what momma’s postpartum recovery will look like, will allow for a much smoother recovery and bonding period. Maternal suicide is tragically the most common cause of death for postpartum moms. When we spend less time packing a Tik-Tok-worthy birth bag and focus on a comprehensive recovery plan, we’re all going to feel better prepared. Babies will be better off, partners, employers, the community at large gains everything from a momma intentionally preparing for her post-birth life. There are plenty of ways that society isn’t rallying around new mothers, so the burden falls heavily on mom’s shoulders to spend more of her time preparing and less time waiting for it to happen to her. When we allow postpartum to just happen to us, we are fooling ourselves. When we intentionally prepare for postpartum, we have a completely different outcome that benefits everyone. 

So how can you intentionally prepare for postpartum? Here are our top 10 recommendations. Maybe you have a few of these already on your list of preparations, but as most mommas prepare hardly at all, we suggest you consider these 10 steps to ensure you’re set for a better postpartum at home.

  1. Educate yourself on what postpartum is.

  2. Enlist help with cleaning your house.

  3. Make at least four postpartum stations around your house.

  4. Enlist help if it isn’t offered and say “yes” if it is.

  5. Stock your kitchen with nutrition.

  6. Consider hiring a lactation consultant. 

  7. Consider hiring a postpartum doula.

  8. Consider hiring a mental health counselor.

  9. Consider hiring a pelvic floor therapist.

  10. Clearly communicate your boundaries for visitors.

For a more in-depth explanation on these 10 ways, we’ve written a two-part blog series that you can access here. 

Resist the urge to spend all your precious pregnancy time decorating the ultimate nursery, home-editing the baby’s closet and spending money on a custom mobile. Use those nine-ish months to also plan for what’s going to be happening to you. As moms, we begin neglecting ourselves as soon as we get the positive test result, whether intentionally or un-intentionally. Be proactive and have an intentional postpartum. It matters. 

Natalie McBride is co-founder of Baby Boldly, a mission driven e-commerce retail platform that is known for offering the first non-toxic, pre-packed hospital birth bag. She is married to her husband James for 10 years and together they share two daughters - Abigail (7) and Mabel (4). They reside in Jacksonville, FL.

The Intentional Postpartum

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is an intense, excessive and persistent fear or worry of day-to-day life situations. It can be about a one-off stressful situation or about perceived scenarios that haven’t taken place. Feelings of anxiety can come on at any time, but being aware of some signs of anxiety can keep you aware and alert. 

Here are some signs that you may be experiencing anxiety: 

1. Feeling a sense of impending doom - Anxiety can show up as a feeling that something bad is about to happen even if there are not tangible signs that there is anything to be concerned about. It is a constant feeling of dread, worrying about the what-if’s of everyday life. 

2. Having trouble concentrating - Staying focused on everyday tasks and routines may become difficult during a bout of anxiety. Feeling like your mind is racing and not able to stay connected to reality are all signs that anxiety may be at work. 

3. Feeling restless or unable to fall asleep - When it’s time to fall asleep, anxiety won’t let you get a moment’s peace. Anxiety likes to take all of your attention and can leave you tired and on edge. 

4. Breathing rapidly or increase in heart rate - Physical signs of anxiety can show up as a pounding of the chest or difficulty breathing. With racing thoughts of the mind, the rest of the body can follow suit and take on outward signs of your internal feelings. 

5. Losing your temper or becoming easily irritated - With worry and anxiety constantly on your mind, it may become difficult to control your emotions. Having a short temper or being easily annoyed are two signs that your worry and anxiety are taking the focus of your day to day life. 

Anxiety can show up for many reasons. Understanding some signs of anxiety can help you identify triggers, assess your emotions and work toward improving your relationship with

What is Anxiety?

5 Tools to Help You Embrace Change

Experiencing a change can cause us to wonder if we have the capacity to handle change. Can we handle the unknown or a new experience? Change is an opportunity to utilize a positive mindset and look forward to something new and different.

Here are a 5 tools to help you towards positive change:

1. Patience with yourself - Experiencing a change allows us to take a pause and assess what is going on in our life. We can give ourselves permission to slow down and practice patience in a new situation. Give yourself grace to experience something new. It takes time to adjust and become used to a new job, new move, or even a new family member.

2. Vulnerability with others - Going through a change with someone else allows us to be vulnerable to our needs and the needs of others. Opening up to someone else is a great way to learn more about what we are capable of and where we can improve emotionally. Communicating what you need and how you feel can help others better understand how you feel about change.

3. Mistakes that are forgiven - Change is not perfect, so learning from mistakes and new experiences is a great way to expand our skillset, build confidence and practice grace toward ourselves and others. By realizing you expect to make mistakes, you make the standard for yourself much more attainable and less daunting. Making mistakes is a major part of growth and growth mindset. Without mistakes many inventions and things we use everyday would not even exist.

4. Aim for progress, not perfection - It is important to try, make an effort and learn. Knowing that perfect does not exist, can help you be more open minded to trying new positive things. Always try to make progress and know that you are aiming for a realistic goal. Nothing will ever be perfect, and that is completely fine.

5. Stay in the moment - Be present with yourself and try to enjoy the process. Understanding that every ending has a new beginning, is a beautiful thing. Not every day is the same, and even in challenging times we can find things to be grateful for. Find something to always be thankful for.

Every new change is a chance to grow, to learn about ourselves and those around us. If we are open to new possibilities we have the potential to become a better version of ourselves. This is exactly what we need to aim for, be kind to yourself and you will get there.

5 Tools to Help You Embrace Change

4 Ways to Reduce Your Back to School Stress - From Our Therapists

School coming to a start can add pressure for everyone. It is important to take the time to focus on ways to make the transition as smooth as possible. Having a plan on how to tackle the new school year is important.

Here are 4 ways you can make sure this school year is smooth.

  1. Create a routine - Did you know that predictability sends soothing messages to the brains of those that struggle with stress? Setting up a routine such as a regular bedtime, a daily gym session, or even a music playlist or audiobook that you listen to on the drive to/from school can help you solidify a routine. Something that will allow your brain to not be so stressed throughout the day.

  2. Communication is key - When it comes to children, if you as a parent have changes in plans you should communicate that to your child as soon as possible. A child can become very stressed and anxious if they are unsure of how they’re getting home or where they are going. If they are caught up in the mix of complicated changes, it ends up being very difficult to focus on their learning.

  3. Connect through questions - Go ahead and try connecting with your child through questions such as how their day went, who they sat next to at lunch, if anything funny or exciting happened throughout the day. You can even chime in with your own experiences when you were going to school and what caused you a lot of stress and anxiety. With that, you can end up asking them if there is anything that may be causing them a bit of anxiety with school.

  4. Listen - Our natural tendency when we hear that someone is stressed is to try and fix it. However, when we go ahead and try to do that, we end up invalidating the other person's feelings and in turn not really helping them at all. Instead of trying to fix whatever it is that has them stressed. Try asking questions such as “How can I support you right now” or “Would you like to talk about what’s currently bothering you?” Once you listen to them, if you have a thought that you feel may be helpful, go ahead and ask them if it’s okay for you to share it.

As we all transition back to school, remember to take care of yourself too. The best support a child can have is an adult who is taking care of their own well being and mental health too!

4 Ways to Reduce Your Back to School Stress

4 Ways to Maximize Your Study Habits

As we all get back into the flow of things during a new school year, we need to find ways to help us study in a more efficient way that will allow us to stay grounded and prevent unwanted stress. You may be wondering, how can I successfully study and retain information without over stressing?

Here are a few tips to help you within this next school year and hopefully the rest of your life!

1. Space out your studying - We are all guilty of cramming for exams the day before. However, this is not the best way to study for exams! It’s best to space out your study sessions over a longer period of time. A great way to do this is to schedule an hour a day or every other day until the day of your exam. Flash cards is a great way to do this.

2. Practice! - When you look at a musician at a concert, do you think that they simply woke up one morning and knew how to play as seamlessly as they currently do? Of course not! It took them many years of practice to master and hone in on their skills. Why would you be any different? When learning a new subject practicing is VERY important. Make sure you practice as much as possible. The more you do it, the more it’ll become second nature.

3. Don’t just re-read books and notes - You may think that simply re-reading material is best and will allow you to retain the material, but it’s no different that memorizing the answers to an exam. Actually read the material and notes to understand them. If you understand what you are reading and learn how to apply it you will have a higher success rate on your exams.

4. Test yourself! - Once you are done studying and practicing as much as you can, test yourself! If you think it’s better to have someone test you instead, ask a family member or even a friend. A great way to test yourself is to use Quizlet’s flash cards or even their testing options! This will allow you to see how much you truly understand and have retained.

Following these steps will allow you to formulate a routine and healthier studying habits and in turn reduce the amount of stress as exams get closer.

4 Ways to Maximize Your Study Habits

Back to School Ready - From Our Therapists

Having great organizational skills is the key to success! This is the key to having a great school year as well. No one is born being organized, we can all brush up on our skills. The first thing you have to remember is to be patient with yourself while you learn a new routine. Learning takes practice and the more you practice, the easier it will become.

Here are a few tips to get your children (or yourself) ready for the new school year:

1. Use checklists - Using checklists to post assignments, chores or even reminders of what materials your children might need for class is a good habit to have. Purchase a small planner or notebook for your child and dedicate it specifically to listing homework assignments. Once they are done with homework assignments, projects or any other tasks have them cross them off. This list will give them a sense of accomplishment!

2. Break down tasks - By making tasks smaller, we make them more manageable. This makes it easier to feel accomplished, thus boosting our confidence. Use this boost to help you complete the entire project. Baby steps need to be celebrated to increase your motivation to complete your school work.

3. Organize homework assignments - Encourage your child to do their homework assignments in the order that they should be completed. A good way to structure this is by starting with the shortest or “easiest” assignment first and then moving to the longest assignment. Any bigger assignments or projects that aren’t due right away can be worked on in smaller chunks than typical homework assignments.

4. Designate a study space - Having a designated workspace and/or study space allows for consistency. Your child should ultimately have a designated work space for studying and doing homework that is quiet and away from most distractions. Ultimately, having their school supplies and materials nearby would also be best. It would also help for them to have designated study times that aren’t too long.

5. Take breaks - Having time to eat, relax and play are also important in helping us finish assignments. Taking a mental time out from learning and doing things helps us recharge. This is helpful in helping us complete an assignment, think of it as a reward for the work you have been completing.

Going back to school is never easy. Sure you may have some excitement but it is usually combined with worry. By being more organized and prepared you can make some of that worry go away. Have a great first day and month of school!

Back to School Ready

6 Signs of Anxiety

Anxiety is an odd emotion. When we are thinking of things that may or may not happen we can become worried, but when the worrying turns into rumination it causes anxiety.

Anxiety can be difficult to manage and seeking help early can cause a major difference. If you are unsure, here are some signs that you may be experiencing anxiety.

1. Excessive worrying- When something crosses your mind but lingers around we can get stuck on that thought. If there is something bothering you on an hourly, or daily basis you may be having anxiety.

2. Stomach pain- This may seem untrue but your stomach has a lot to do with anxiety. Sometimes when we are worried about something it can cause pain and cramping.

3. Avoidance- Are you starting to avoid things, people, or places because you know they cause you to be anxious? Going to these places or seeing these people can increase our anxiety and result in choosing not to do certain things.

4. Increased heart rate and sweating- Being nervous can cause the body to react physically.

5. Lack of appetite- When we are anxious we may not feel like eating.

6. Fidgeting- Many times when we are worried we will fidget.

While there are many indicators and signs of anxiety, there are also many ways to combat anxiety. Managing it can be easier when it is caught early. Talking with a professional can always help.

6 Signs of Anxiety

Mindful Nutritional Habits for Your Mental Health

What if I told you that consuming fewer processed foods could lead to the betterment of your emotional and mental health? Would you consider making small changes to your diet? We definitely would!

Did you know that a lot of the processed food we eat on a day to day basis stimulate the dopamine centers in our brain? This area of our brain is associated with pleasure and reward.

Meaning that it becomes highly addictive to the point where we need these foods to feel good, but lets be honest, we only ever feel good for a quick moment. It never truly helps us in the longterm neither emotionally, mentally or even physically.

Here are a few healthy eating tips that can help you make small changes:

  1. Create a healthy shopping list and stick to it.

  2. Do not go shopping while hungry! When we are hungry we are more likely to grab everything that looks appetizing at the time. Typically causing us to make unhealthy choices and a lot of impulse purchases. Try to have a small meal or snack before your next trip to the grocery store.

  3. Incorporate healthy fats such as avocado oil, olive oil, and coconut oil into your diet to help support brain function.

  4. Do your best to limit processed snacks such as potato chips and soda. These can impair your ability to concentrate and tend to cause your energy levels to fluctuate. (It is perfectly okay to still enjoy these foods in moderation! Simply do your best to have them in moderation.)

  5. When you’re hungry do your best to opt for a healthier option instead of the donuts or the chips sitting on your kitchen counter. Hard boiled eggs, fruits, or even nuts are all great options and will give you more energy than processed foods.

  6. Try to be aware of when and where you eat. Do you usually eat in front of the television? Doing so can distract you and before you know it you’ve overeaten. Do your best to find a place where you can sit, relax and really acknowledge the food that you’re putting into your body. This will allow you to stop eating when you’re full because you will actually be aware of the food you’re intaking and listening to your body’s signals!

Although it may seem difficult to start changing your nutritional habits for the better, we promise you that taking small steps will ultimately help you jumpstart your journey to better nutrition and overall better emotional, mental and physical health.

Mindful Nutritional Habits for Your Mental Health

5 Reasons to Start Family Therapy

A lot of the time families begin their search for a family therapist with the goal of improving the relationships and overall functioning of the members of the family. Typically, this can include anyone the members identify to be family and/or those who are involved in the issues currently being addressed. Family relationships are full of opportunities to grow. However, a lot of daily stressors could cause us to feel misunderstood by or even disconnected from the people closest to us.

If you’re unsure if you should seek for a family therapist, then here are 5 very good reasons you probably should:

1. Depression, anxiety, or mental illness: If there is even one family member in the family that is experiencing any form of depression, anxiety, or mental illness then there is probably a big likelihood that the rest of the family could also be being affected. You may think that those closest to you don’t notice, but they do and they worry. When this happens within the family, a therapist may be a great person to seek out as they can help teach you ways to navigate many of the situations you may be dealing with. This way, instead of pulling away from one another, the whole family can learn to support one another.

2. Separation or divorce: Divorces are very hard on many families, especially the children. A lot of the time, it feels like things are being turned upside down for not only the children but the parents too. A family therapist can play a very important role in helping you to remain whole and intact even during a separation or divorce.

3. The blended family: In our modern world, creating and even seeing blended families is pretty common. More commonly, when two people come together, it is very likely that they may have children from previous relationships and challenges typically tend to arise. During this time, a family therapist may be vital to help you navigate changes and challenges. They can aid you in creating a safe space for everyone involved and helping you make sure that each child feels loved and supported.

4. Dealing with loss: Loss is a very difficult thing to overcome whether in a family or out of one. There are many emotions such as extreme sadness, anger, guilt or maybe even some relief that someone or something close to us is gone. No matter what stages of grief you and your family are going through, a therapist can definitely aid in the healing process.

5. You live with a teenager: Teenagers are full of drama, hormones, and many emotions. Usually when children reach their teenage years, they feel misunderstood by their families and tend to lash out or even distance themselves. This makes it difficult for communication to flow the way it should within a family. If you feel like you are having a hard time communicating with your teenager, then maybe it's time you schedule a family session that will allow for a therapist to show the family tools that will allow for more open and clear communication.

Family therapy can bring families together. Our therapists are here to help you and your family overcome disagreements and unite you as a family.

5 Reasons to Start Family Therapy

5 Self Care Practices - From a Mental Health Counselor

Many of us equate self care to a yoga session, meditation, or even a spa day. What we don’t realize is that no amount of stress relief activities are going to help us if we aren’t properly taking care of ourselves. Going to a yoga session, but getting barely any sleep is simply going to cause us to fall asleep. Similarly, not eating well and regularly does not allow us to fuel our bodies with nutrient-dense foods that would allow us to hit the gym at full throttle and relieve necessary stress.

Below we will be discussing different types of self care and why they are so vital in our day to day lives.

1. Physical Self Care:

If you want your body to work efficiently you need to take care of it. There is a very strong connection between body and mind. When you are actively taking care of your body by fueling it with nutritious food, sleeping well, being active, and caring for your physical needs your mind will also follow suit because you are overall feeling good about yourself and probably more energized too! Making sure to attend your medical appointments and take any necessary medication or vitamins is also a very vital point in good self care.

2. Social Self Care:

We humans thrive on social interaction. It’s no surprise that socialization is also one of the key components to great self care. Although it’s difficult to make time for friends and your relationships due to work and other obligations, it’s necessary to do so! Having close connections in your life is extremely good and important for your well being. You don’t need to force yourself to devote hours on end to your friends or even work on your relationships. It truly depends on what your social needs are. The key here is to figure out what your social needs are and to create time in your schedule to create the best social life for you.

3. Mental Self Care:

The things we constantly think about and fill our minds with will greatly influence our mental well being. Taking care of our mental health typically includes doing things that get your mind going. Do you want to learn a new subject or maybe try some new tabletop games? How about reading a new book or watching a musical that not only inspires you but gets your mind thinking. Mental self care as a whole simply involves doing things that help you stay mentally healthy. Simply practicing acceptance and positive affirmations helps you maintain a healthier inner dialogue.

4. Spiritual Self Care:

When spiritual self care is mentioned it mostly involves nurturing your spirit, but does not necessarily have to involve any kind of religion. It would simply be something that allows you to develop a deeper sense of meaning and understanding or even a connection with the world, universe, or nature. You can work on your spiritual self care by meditating, attending a religious service, or simply being in nature with yourself.

5. Emotional Self Care:

Emotional self care usually includes activities that allow us to not only acknowledge but express our emotions in a more safe and regular way. It is important to foster healthy coping skills that allow us to deal with uncomfortable emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and even anger. Whether you speak to a close friend, relative, or a partner about how you feel or you decide to set time for yourself to disconnect and process your emotions, it is very important to incorporate emotional self care into your life!

Self care is all about prioritizing your different needs. It is about making a strong internal foundation, so that you are able to provide this same love to others.

5 Self Care Practices

Prioritize Your Mental Health, Make it a Self Love Summer

Have you ever wondered why it’s important to practice self love? Well, there are actually various reasons why practicing self love is important. Self love as a whole motivates you to make healthy life choices that will benefit you instead of hinder you. You are more likely to choose the things that will be good for your well being and serve you well. Many of these things can take the forms of exercising, having healthy relationships, and even eating healthy. 

Ways to practice self love include:

  1. Being Mindful:

    When you become more mindful you allow yourself to truly understand how you feel, think and even what you truly want for yourself. This allows you to practice self love and in time you will learn to love yourself more.  

  2. Good self care:

    The people that have a high sense of self love partake in daily activities that are great for their mental and physical health. Things such as nutrition, exercise and proper sleep, intimacy and healthy social interactions. 

  3. Creating healthy habits:

    Creating habits can be a bit difficult to get off the ground. However, taking a day to set goals and slowly plan on how to create those habits will allow you to start! Establishing a healthy set of dauly habits will allow you to grow that sense of self love. Do these things because you care about YOU, not because it’s something you feel you “have to do”.

Just remember that to practice self love you need to first begin by being patient, kind and compassionate with yourself the same way you would treat a loved one.

Prioritize Your Mental Health, Make it a Self Love Summer

Summer is for Mental Health Days

Even during the summer we need a few things to help us disconnect from the hustle and bustle of work, meetings, summer classes and more. Summer is a calmer pace and taking it easy can help you boost your energy.

Since summer is practically around the corner, here are five things that could help you boost your mental health this summer:

1. Go outside -

Many studies have shown that stress is relieved within minutes of going outside. When time is spent in green spaces such as parks, grassy fields, or even a trail your cortisol levels drop. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone so reducing this can definitely improve your mental health. Nature also boosts endorphin levels and dopamine production which in turn promotes happiness!

2. Be active -

Exercise in any form can help to decrease anxiety, depression, and negative mood by improving self-esteem and cognitive function. It helps to improve our cardiovascular and overall physical health and even helps to reduce skeletal muscle tension which in turn allows you to feel more relaxed.

3. Stay hydrated -

Being dehydrated can lead to fatigue, mood swings and difficulty concentrating. Make sure to hydrate with electrolyte drinks to boost your energy and keep you going. Drinking water is good but you have to replenish what you loose.

4. Meditate -

Having time and space to clear your mind can help you feel more grounded and connected. Make time to meditate. Even 5 or 10 minutes can help you gain clarity and peace.

5. Start a new hobby you’ve always wanted to try! -

We all have a lot of things that we want to do but constantly put off. Since summer is around the corner, this means that it is the absolute perfect time to try that one thing you’ve always wanted to do. There is no better way to relax than to do something you truly enjoy. Doing something you enjoy and trying something new is definitely a way to boost your mental health this summer.

It is summer time and this is the best time to start a mental health routine. Making your mental health a priority now can help you keep going for the busy fall to come. What are you waiting for?

Summer is for Mental Health Days

5 Keys to a Healthy Relationship - From Our Therapists

Relationships are tricky. There are ups and downs, unforeseen obstacles, and they require both partners to be putting in effort in order to last. While it’s true that every relationship is different, there are practices that can be generally applied to building a healthy relationship.

Here are some key components of a healthy relationship:

1. Communication:

Open and honest communication is arguably the most important part of a healthy relationship. Communication is a two-way street; you and your partner must be able to express thoughts and emotions, but also actively listen to what the other has to say. This will allow you and your partner to be on the same page and know what one another’s expectations are for the relationship. Do not be afraid to have uncomfortable conversations – bottling up your emotions rather than communicating them will hurt your relationship in the long run.

2. Respect:

In a healthy relationship, you and your partner must have mutual respect, even if you don’t always agree with them. Respecting your partner’s beliefs or boundaries means working to understand where they are coming from, and not trying to change them. Always treat your partner how you would want to be treated.

3. Boundaries:

Setting and respecting boundaries is a fundamental part of a healthy relationship. It’s best to clearly establish clear boundaries early on in the relationship.

4. Trust:

Trust is not given automatically; it is something that takes time and effort to build between partners. Show your partner, through both words and actions, that you follow through on commitments and keep your word.

5. Support:

Provide your partner with positivity and encouragement as you support them. The form support takes depends on your partner’s needs. Communication is key in determining how you can best support your partner.

Relationships are hard work. You have to nurture your relationship in order for it to bloom and become the type of relationship you want for yourself.

5 Keys to a Healthy Relationship

Healthy + Safe Mindfulness Spaces to Recharge Your Mind

As we talk about ditching ineffective work out habits and mindfulness tactics to replace them with more energizing and fulfilling routines, creating healthy spaces plays a role here.

If there is no place you feel safe, how could you possibly participate in a meaningful meditation and mindfulness practice? If you do not feel safe, how can you feel comfortable to wear what you want and avoid falling prey to those intrusive thoughts regarding the judgement of others? 

We can create a safe space for ourselves by following these 4 simple steps:  

1. Finding any space where you feel comfortable. 

This may sound easy but I really want you to think here. When you are sad or upset, where do you go? Probably your bed, maybe you go on a drive, or you might even drown your sorrows in music or video games. You may feel comfortable in these places, but it’s also obvious that you also feel sad there. It is possible you are tying this space to a negative emotion, making it difficult to feel joy or happiness here. 

You can avoid this by going out of your comfort zone and finding a new place outdoors. Another option to find a comfortable place would be to reorganize an existing place in your room or home to omit positive vibes and a calming presence. 

2. Make a space your own

My favorite way to do this is to start by thinking of a color that makes me happy. For example, I love shades and hues of blue. Try to incorporate as many or as little objects as you feel comfortable. Do not let this space be determined by the home aesthetic, but instead by what moves you to find inner calm and seek happiness.

You may also want this space to be inaccessible to others, meaning it may be nice to have a door or barrier of some kind to give you the privacy that you may need in times of discontent.

3. Scheduling time to be present in this space

We have all been in a position where we SWEAR we are going to dedicate time to our passion but oftentimes fallen short. The idea of adding space to your calendar to designate specifically for you can help hold you accountable and provide you the relief from self-guilt. You deserve time to yourself, even if you have to set an alarm to take it. 

Scheduling a time to spend in a safe space can also be a cool trick to managing anxiety symptoms. Pick a time of the day, maybe an hour or maybe 5 minutes, where you can expect to be entirely free. Make this time your designated stress time, sad time, anxious time, happy time, or whatever other emotion you feel you must plan time around. When 10am rolls around and you are presented with a reason to stress, you can remind yourself, it is not your time and you can stress about that later.  This often leads to you either forgetting the stressful event, or decreasing the intensity of the stress by allowing time to pass before tackling it. 

4. Creating a routine

You did it, you found the space, you made it safe and secluded, it is all yours, you scheduled the time and it is working: Let’s make it a habit! Going back to this space to reflect on your week can create a healthy habit of initiating your own happiness. Acknowledge this time as a priority and allow yourself to grow in your ability to find gratitude and comfort in the small moments.

Now enjoy your space to rest, relax and restore.

Healthy + Safe Mindfulness Spaces to Recharge Your Mind

Dogs Can Be Amazing Therapists Too - Bruce Lee Therapy Pup Approved

If you haven’t yet checked out our Hello page on the website, you may not have ever seen Bruce Lee. Well, he’s a hot commodity around here, I can tell you that! Besides being adorable, some people may wonder what his role actually is in the therapy room. Today, this good boy is getting all the praise! 

Bruce’s job is to provide a safe, comfortable space for all of his clients. He is a source of comfort, support, and love (as long as he’s gotten his pre-session treats, of course). But, how does he do this? 

Well, dogs in the therapy room play key roles in supporting and maintaining mental and physical health. Though, regular therapy is definitely effective, having Bruce in the room gives the therapy sessions just a little extra love.

Animal-assisted therapy provides comfort and a positive way to cope with our stresses and anxieties. Oftentimes, when anxiety and depression begin to take over, isolation and loneliness are two common feelings that we struggle with. Having a dog around is found to decrease those feelings and provide that support and love that lifts our spirits.  Dogs naturally aid us in those feelings of optimism that we sometimes lack when suffering from anxiety. Bruce also helps decrease boredom if the session seems to have fallen into a lull. Most importantly, having a therapy dog in the room increases communication, socialization, and the sense of community in the individual who is participating. 

Not only does Bruce help our mental health in the therapy room, animal-assisted therapy also helps our physical health! 

It has been proven that being in the presence of a gentle, friendly dog can significantly affect our physiology. For example, pet therapy can actually decrease our blood pressure and improve our cardiovascular health. Imagine that! Being around a dog also increased the production of a variety of “feel-good” hormones, like dopamine and oxytocin, making our physical bodies feel more relaxed and in tune with our typical rhythm. 

Finally, Bruce encourages people to seek the help they deserve! He is a cutie for sure and truly draws in a crowd. If you were considering therapy before but was not sure if you could connect to it, let Bruce Lee be your sign! 

Dogs Can Be Amazing Therapists Too - Bruce Lee

Infertility Does Not Define You - A Therapy Perspective

1 in 8 couples will have trouble conceiving a baby, that means 1 in 8 of your family members and friend group. That is too many people to even count, yet why do we feel all alone when we can not grow our family? Instead of talking, sharing and learning to empower each other we create guilt, fear and shame that does not allow us to grow. Infertility does not have to define you or hold you back, your worth is not based on your ability to have a baby.

So what is infertility?

According to the Office of Women’s Health, for women under the age of 35, infertility is defined by not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying. If you are over the age of 35, it is categorized by 6 months of trying. In the United Sates, about 10% of women between the ages of 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Here are some common Misconceptions about infertility:

It is the woman’s fault.

This is not always the case. In fact, about 1/3 of infertility cases are due to maternal factors and 1/3 are due to paternal factors. The other third of problems regarding infertility are unknown or caused by a mixture of both.

Most people can conceive whenever they want.

In fact, according to the Fertility Specialist Medical group, it is normal for even two perfectly healthy, fertile people to try for a few months to get pregnant. Over five million Americans of child bearing age have some sort of issues with fertility in their lifetime.

Infertility means you cannot have a child.

Infertility only means that you have been unsuccessful in conceiving a child naturally after one year of trying. In today’s society, with the help of modern medicine, the majority of people who seek help and are given the proper treatment do go on the have children.

Now, because infertility is typically a private thing, you may not know that your sister, cousin, friend, brother, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew is struggling with the stress of not being able to conceive. Therefore, it is important that we stay impartial to those who may be having a hard time.

There is no reason to place stress on couples to grow their family.

Questions like, “So, when should we be expecting a new member?” or “You’ve been together for a while, why haven’t you gotten pregnant yet?” can be extremely painful questions.

Parenthood is a transition into adult life for men and women individually, as well as a couple. Being unable to have a child can lead to serious negative emotions like anxiety, depression, and anger which can ultimately lead into marital problems and social isolation.

Couples that are going through this may feel burdened by the ideas of stigmatization and diminishing self-esteem. This is why empathy is so important.

If someone you know reaches out to you about their struggles with infertility, here are a few things you should NOT do:

Offer recommendations.

Unless you are an expert on the subject, chances are you will offer the same advice google did, which can be extremely stressful and redundant. Sometimes offering an ear is the best you can do.

Be overly expressive about your own pregnancy.

Although it is great for you to be excited for yourself, this is sensitive for others. If you know someone who is dealing with this, it may be difficult for you to share your good news with them. If they are your friend, you can still tell them, just in a more sensitive manner. Instead of bursting with joy over the phone, maybe reach out over dinner and casually let them know, including the fact that you do not want to upset them but rather keep them in the loop.

Be dismissive.

Saying things like “It will work itself out.” Or “You’re still so young!” can make someone feel as though their feelings are inadequate. Instead, offer support and let them know you are around to help if they ever need it.

Just remember, you don’t always know what is going on behind closed doors. You don’t always know what people are battling. Be cautious with what you say to couples who do not have children (or are trying for a second) and try to just listen.

Infertility Does Not Define You

A Side of Love, Forgiveness and Patience - Relationships Matter

You're at your favorite date night restaurant, and you've been looking forward to it all day. You order the salad with dressing on the side and wait patiently as you sip your glass of wine. Finally, the waitress comes over with your delicious salad bowl, and you dive right in! It takes you about a minute to notice...she forgot your dressing. A little dismayed, you flag her down when she's near, and politely let her know. She's is so sorry! She was buzzing around and it simply slipped her mind, she asks that you please forgive her. You tell her it's no big deal at all, you just wanted to remind her. You offer a reassuring smile as she scurries to go get your dressing. Within seconds, it's on the table and you go right back to your meal. It is delicious and you are once again reminded as to why this is your favorite place. 

So why when your significant other doesn't listen to what you're saying or forgets something, are you not as forgiving and friendly as you were with the forgetful waitress?

Surely you love them more than the waitress, so what is keeping you from being just as kind?

Maybe because it's a common thing, and you feel as though you are constantly reminding, and repeating yourself.

If that is the case, ask yourself this: when is the last time someone had to remind me of something?

In today's world, I can guarantee it wasn't that long ago. 

Communication comes in two primary forms. Verbal, and non-verbal. It seems that in times of frustration or stress, many of us remember our verbal communications well, but what about the non-verbal? Have you ever said something was 'okay' with your mouth, but your face and that long sigh said something else? "It's fine, I'll just run to the store myself and get it." You say, as you snatch the keys and shove them in your pocket, marching towards the door.

Body language says everything when your mouth doesn't, and it can be one of the main roadblocks to proper communication. Reactions like this can bring such unnecessary stress into your relationship when one of you feels they have to walk on eggshells and have the memory of an elephant. The solution to this is something that must be practiced, and it involves three words.

Love. Forgiveness. Patience. 

There are many times during our day that I am sure we wish we had more patience. At the minimum, can we try to give our loved ones the same courtesy as we do our waiters and waitresses? All of us know what it is like to be human, and we should try to remember that the next time we say something without saying it. Do we want to be sure that we aren't doing this all for a show, right? Let's not smile through the conversation, and lament in our heads for the rest of the evening. Forgiveness not only releases the person, but it frees you as well from the burden of agonizing over it. The most important of the three is love, and it is my favorite. No matter what, you should always speak to your significant other out of love. This is a great way to keep yourself in check, and in times of frustration, you will be shocked at the results. Their reaction to being spoken to out of love rather than irritation will not only ease them but bring you both happiness in solving the issue together. Try it. Practice it. And be kind to everyone you meet, waitress included! 

A Side of Love, Forgiveness and Patience - Relationships Matter

Therapists Share Your First Semester at College Survival Guide

As a high school senior you were on top of the food chain. You probably knew your school like the back of your hand and best of all you were comfortable. August is finally here and the fall college semester will begin soon. Some of you are heading to schools where you will be one of thousands of students, others are heading to small schools in which you will be one of hundreds. Either way it is a BIG change and college anxiety is real. 

Here are some ways to ease your mind and look forward to your first day of college: 

1. Purchase the essentials: Aside the typical dorm items, remember to purchase school supplies and your books. Show up to class prepared and ready to take notes (even if it is the first day of class). In college professors will expect you to always be prepared to learn, there is no movie day or freebie. 

2. Go explore the campus: Learn where your dorm is, the nearest dining halls and where your classes are. Learn to take the bus and time how long you take to reach your destination. This will help you plan how much time you have between classes. 

3. Get to know your professors: No, you do not have to take them to lunch, but introduce yourself during a class break and research their ratings on www.ratemyprofessor.com or a similar website  (this will make you aware of their teaching style and personality).  

4. Get to know your roommates: Spend time together, talk, go out to eat and learn what you have in common. Your roommates can be a great part of your college experience (they still are a great part of my life). You will be living with them so make the best of it and work on building a friendship. 

5. Have a schedule: Write down and plan out your day (from start to finish). This will help ease your stress and increase your timeliness. You can add lunch, time with friends, work out time, study hours and quizzes to all fit your schedule. 

6. Have fun: Take the time to join clubs and make friends. College is not just about your studies. It is a great opportunity to make social connections (future work connections are always great) and explore the things that really interest you. This will help you find your identity, which can help you choose a career that aligns with who you are. 

Prepare yourself for a year of learning, fun and exciting new ventures! College is what you make of it. Remember to take one day at a time. Patience is key to learning your way around, adapting to a new environment and surviving your first semester.  

Your First Semester at College Survival Guide

Parents We Can Teach Our Kids to Say No to Bullies

Tis' the season of back to school shopping, open houses and new class schedules. This time of year many teens can be anxiously awaiting the new school year. For many teens this is a positive nervous, excited feeling of the first day of school. But for some it can be very stressful, nerve wrecking and even depressing. 

The topic of bullies is one that never grows old. Bullies can be found in all schools, all grades and in all cities. The population of teens that are in middle school who are bullied is ever growing. Many parents and teens are afraid, worried and simply do not know what to do. Teach your kids how to say no. 

For starters, bullies are insecure, lonely, angry and fearful. They pick on kids and teens who are quiet, shy and mostly introverted. Bullies want to feel powerful and they believe they will gain this by controlling the emotions of another. But they could not be more wrong. 

Kids and teens who are bullied are actually strong, have their own mindset and independence. They have to be reminded that they are powerful and can stand up for what they believe in. Standing up as a teen is not always easy, but is possible. Empowering a teen who has been bullied is a step in the right direction. 

As parents, please take the time this school year to talk to your children about bullies. Your child or teen may not have the courage to approach the topic, but it is of upmost importance. Bullying is a serious offense and thus it should be treated as such. Talk to your kids about standing up for what they believe in and about saying no in difficult situations. The more they practice and role play the easier it will be, if they are confronted by a bully. 

Parents We Can Teach Our Kids to Say No to Bullies