Our Therapists Share: 7 Signs Your Teen May Be Struggling with Anxiety

More and more teens are experiencing anxiety, and the symptoms of anxiety can reveal themselves in many different ways. With the fast-paced culture and lifestyle teens live in today, fears, overstimulation, and social situations blossom into full blown anxiety. There are ways to see signs of these symptoms and help to lessen or even stop the discomforts of anxious feelings and thoughts.

Here are some common indicators that your teen may be struggling with anxiety:

Appetite changes

Some teens experience a loss of appetite and skip a meal (or even 2 or 3) when feeling extremely anxious. Others may have a significant increase in appetite.

Trouble Concentrating

The inability to complete tasks and forgetfulness falls under the umbrella of anxiety symptoms. This can also appear as task avoidance, overstimulation, overwhelm, and discouragement. Some teens may be jittery, aloof, and confused- all of these characteristics indicate anxiety may be present.

Connected to devices

Notice your teen constantly scrolling on their social media apps? Scrolling, texting, and even just the instant gratification of picking up a cell phone device can serve as a distraction from anxiety triggers, but in turn can increase them two-fold. These devices are often used as a coping mechanism to distract from the discomfort of anxious thoughts and feelings.


Can’t get your teen to come out of their room when their home? Is it a battle trying to get them to eat at the dinner table, attend family functions, or even engage in conversation? Withdrawing from social interactions is a key indicator that your teen may be feeling anxious. Nervousness, shyness, visible discomfort- all contribute to a social withdrawal.

Physical Symptoms and/or Anxiety attacks

Anxiety can show many physical symptoms, including:

-Nausea &/or vomiting





-Rapid breathing

-Racing heartbeat

Difficulty Sleeping

Restlessness and insomnia are often indicators of anxiety. When the mind is not focusing on other things or being distracted, it can revisit thoughts or feelings that are uncomfortable or anxiety provoking. This often happens during bedtime when distractions are decreased in comparison to during the day. There is less stimulation and more sitting with the self. Some teens will stay up late on social media or playing video games to distract from these thoughts and feelings, then fall asleep out of pure exhaustion involuntarily.

Academic Decline

Grades starting to slip? Anxiety may be behind it. The pressure of performing academically effects countless teens, where other teens may be distracted with other anxious thoughts that schoolwork is sent to the back burner. Check in with your teen to see how you can support them with their schooling.

Is your teen experiencing anxiety? Do they need extra support in navigating their symptoms? We offer teen counseling and rolling groups for teens that focus on many areas of life during the teenage years. Wanting to deepen the connection between you and your teen?

We also offer family therapy. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or call us at 813.321.8280 for more info.

Check out our upcoming teen social skills group starting this summer here: https://www.serenemindpsych.com/teen-social-skills-group

Understanding Adolescent Identity Development: A Guide for Parents to Help Their Teens

Hi parents! Today we wanted to write some tips to help you guide your teen through identity development! When your children are growing up, they can go through many stages of development, including changes in appearance, interests, and identity. What this means is that as our children grow into teenagers, they start the natural process of exploring themselves and asking questions about who they are, where they belong, and how to fit into the world around them.

This can be a confusing process for both parents and teens alike, so to help you better understand the evolution of teenage identity development, our Tampa-based team of therapists has put together this helpful guide to provide insight and guidance on how to foster healthy growth during this important stage in your teen's life.

In this post, we'll provide an overview of the phases of adolescent identity development and even explore ways social media can impact it. We'll also offer some tips for parents on how to encourage their teens to explore their identities in healthy and sustainable ways. Our journey begins below; let's explore!

Phases of Identity Development for Growing Teens - And How to Help

According to notable psychologist James Marcia, there are four identity statuses or phases of identity development, and here's how they may relate to your teen. 

These may include:

  • Identity Diffusion:

    In this phase, a teen has not yet committed to any particular identity and is not actively seeking one out. They may feel lost or confused about who they are and what they want to do with their lives.

How can I help with this? To help your teen in this phase, provide them with opportunities to explore their interests and values while making sure they know you’re there to support them.

  • Identity Foreclosure:

    In this phase, a teen has committed to an identity without exploring other options. They may have adopted the beliefs and values of their parents or peers without questioning them or considering alternative viewpoints.

How can I help with this? To help your teen in this phase, ask open-ended questions about their identity and encourage them to explore different points of view. Make sure they know it’s okay to be curious and ask hard questions about life.

  • Identity Moratorium:

    In this phase, a teen is actively exploring different identities and trying out different roles and activities. They may experiment with different clothing styles, hobbies, and friend groups to find out what feels most authentic to them.

How can I help with this? In this phase, it’s important to provide your teen with a safe space to explore without judgment. Make sure they know that you love them no matter what and are available as a sounding board if needed.

  • Identity Achievement:

    In this final phase, a teen has successfully developed a strong sense of identity based on their own values, beliefs, and experiences. They have explored different options and made thoughtful decisions about who they are and what they want to do with their life.

How can I help with this? In this phase, it’s important to celebrate your teen’s achievements and provide them with resources for pursuing their goals. By letting them take ownership of their identity in healthy ways, we will give them the confidence to keep growing in a positive direction.

This may seem clinical, and this advice is by no means meant to replace the support of a licensed therapist. If, at any point, this feels overwhelming, consider reaching out to our team for support. Remember, our Tampa-based therapy team is always here to support you through this process.

Impact of Social Media on Identity Development

Now let's briefly touch on social media. While social media can be a valuable tool for connecting with others and expressing oneself, it can also have negative effects on adolescent identity development.

Studies have shown that excessive social media use can lead to low self-esteem, poor body image, and anxiety. Teens may also feel pressure to conform to certain standards or expectations set by social media influencers or peer groups.

So to help with this, encourage your teen to take breaks from social media and focus on real-world activities such as sports, music, or art. By doing this, you're encouraging your teen to explore their identity in the real world in healthy ways, which we believe will have long-term positive impacts on their lives. To read more about this, check out our previous blog on 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Overcome Isolation in the Age of Social Media

Tips for Encouraging Healthy Identity Development - Outlining the above in an easy-to-digest format

With the above information noted, we want to make it clear that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. As a parent, there are several things you can do to support your teen's identity development, so to elaborate on this, here are the tips again in an easy-to-digest format. Read below and see if any of these resonate with you:

  • Encourage exploration:

    Encourage your teen to try new things and explore different interests and hobbies. This can help them develop a better understanding of what they enjoy and what they're good at.

  • Foster open communication:

    Be open and available to talk about any questions or concerns your teen may have about their identity. Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where they can share their thoughts and feelings.

  • Limit social media use:

    Set boundaries around social media use and encourage your teen to take breaks from their devices. This can help them develop a healthier relationship with social media and prevent negative effects on their self-esteem and body image.

  • Seek professional help if needed:

    If your teen is struggling with their identity development or experiencing mental health challenges, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional. Therapy can provide a safe and supportive space for teens to work through their emotions and develop a greater sense of self early on.


At Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations, we understand that your teen's identity development can be a complex and challenging time. That's why we're excited to announce our upcoming teen social skills group starting in June. In this group, we will help your teen connect with other teens in a healthy and safe setting. To learn more, check out more information here.

Lastly, if you're interested in understanding more about how we can support your teen on this journey, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations.

Remember, your child's teenage years are a time of growth and exploration. By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, we can help our teens navigate this important stage of life with confidence and grace.

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The Benefits of Social Skills for Kids + Teens

As social creatures, we thrive from connecting with others and learning from each other. In today’s day and age that is chock full of digital communications and content, we are slowly moving away from the social connection that keeps us grounded and healthy. We have carried on coping mechanisms post-pandemic, such as working from home, exercising from home, video chatting our friends instead of meeting with them in person. Online dating, social media, even school can be completed through a tiny computer screen. Kids today have grown up with these technologies, not needing to be put in social situations and environments children were once in. Even with our ever-changing world, social skills are crucial to creating a happy, confident, and competent lifestyle.

How can I help my child improve their social skills?

Registering your child for a social skills group is a fantastic way to connect them to others their age, engage them in an in-person activity, and get their social skills put to action.

Learn to connect with peers

In a social skills education group, kids & teens will have access to hands-on experience and exercises to aid them in finding ways to connect with their peers. These educational and informative groups teach kids and teens about empathy and sympathy and how to differentiate the two. Learning to embody empathy and sympathy will help to ignite and maintain relationships for your child. In learning in groups such as age- targeted social skills group, your child will inherently connect with other members of the group by shared goals, communal vulnerability, and radical authenticity. These are lifelong stills that will benefit them as they continue their paths in life.

Identify social cues

Reading a room, understanding facial expressions, and decoding tone are key skills in successful relationships; whether they be personal, professional, or even strangers you meet in your day-to-day activities and errands. A social skills education group will teach your child about these imperative skills and techniques to help them feel confident in these settings and situations.

Conversational skills

Being able to start and carry a conversation with peers, family, and people of the workplace is paramount in leading a life that is socially connected. Conversation skills are not only important for in-person interactions, but also digital communications. Social skills groups can teach your child how to initiate conversations, approach others, and continue conversations- along with skills and techniques to avoid awkward silences or disconnected comments.


When mastering foundational components of social skills, kids and teens will build their confidence with each session. These groups give kids opportunities to learn on the spot, roll play, and practice with other members of the group.

Is your child or teen needing a boost in their confidence skills? Would a social skills group help them bolster their social skills? We offer children and teen counseling and rolling groups that focus on many areas of life during the childhood years. Wanting to deepen the connection between you and your child? We also offer family therapy. Email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com or call us at 813.321.8280 for more info. Check out our upcoming teen social skills group starting this summer here: https://www.serenemindpsych.com/teen-social-skills-group

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Our Therapists Share 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Overcome Isolation in the Age of Social Media

In our previous blog, we discussed The Importance of Social Skills for Teens, but today we wanted to expand on how we can support our teens with social skills when it comes to online use. In today's digital age, where social media platforms like TikTok have become ubiquitous, it's not uncommon for teenagers to feel isolated despite being seemingly connected. 

As a parent or guardian, we understand how tough this can be because, as a parent, you play a crucial role in supporting your teen's emotional well-being and helping them navigate the challenges of social isolation. 

That’s why, in today's blog, we will discuss five practical ways to assist your teen in overcoming isolation and fostering meaningful connections in the digital era.

1. Encourage Offline Interactions

We know that social media platforms can offer a sense of connection, but they often fall short of providing genuine human interaction. That's why we suggest you encourage your teen to engage in offline activities and spend quality time with friends and family.

Encourage them to participate in hobbies, join clubs or sports teams, and engage in face-to-face conversations. By fostering offline connections, your teen can experience the richness of real-life interactions, build lasting friendships, and overcome the isolating effects of excessive screen time.

2. Facilitate Open Communication

Create a safe and non-judgmental environment at home that encourages open communication.

Don't be afraid to initiate conversations with your teen about their online experiences at the dinner table, including how they are using social media platforms like Instagram or Snapchat, among others. Make sure you discuss the positive and negative aspects and emphasize the importance of balance.

3. Teach Your Teen Digital Well-Being

We recommend helping your teen understand the impact of social media on mental health and self-esteem early on! Discuss the concept of digital well-being, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries, limiting screen time, and being mindful of the content they consume. Also, encourage your teen to follow accounts that promote positivity, self-acceptance, and mental well-being as well!

By teaching your teen healthy digital habits, you empower them to navigate social media responsibly and mitigate the negative effects of isolation.

4. Foster Empathy and Kindness

In a digital world where interactions can be impersonal, it's crucial to instill the values of empathy and kindness in your teen. Encourage them to show empathy towards their peers online and offline. Let them know about the dangers of Cyber-Bullying and make sure they know to alert adults when they recognize it happening. Also, remind them that everyone faces challenges and insecurities, and a kind comment or gesture can make a significant difference in someone's day. 

In the real world, don’t be afraid to encourage your teen to participate in volunteer work or community service; this can help promote a sense of belonging and connection beyond the virtual realm.

5. Cultivate Real-Life Social Skills

While online communication has its merits, it's essential for your teen to develop real-life social skills.

Help your teen build confidence in initiating conversations, try to educate them on the benefits of active listening, and help them with verbal and non-verbal communication skills. By honing these skills, your teen will feel more comfortable and connected in various social settings, reducing feelings of isolation.


Remember, every teen's journey is unique, and it's crucial to provide ongoing support and understanding. By implementing these five strategies, you can empower your teen to overcome isolation, build meaningful connections, and navigate the digital landscape with resilience and confidence.

If you feel that your teen could benefit from professional guidance in navigating social isolation, we invite you to reach out to us at Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations in the Tampa area. We have experienced counselors who specialize in teen counseling and can provide personalized strategies to support your teen's emotional well-being and help them build meaningful connections. 

Also, we have a teen social skills group launching this summer that can help your teen connect with new friends in a safe and supportive environment. Learn more here!

Don’t hesitate to contact us today and take the first step towards empowering your teen's journey.

Note: The content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional advice. If you or your teen are experiencing severe emotional distress or mental health concerns, please seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

Serene Mind Blog 5 Ways to Help Your Teen Overcome Isolation in the Age of Social Media Social Skills Teen Group

The Importance of Social Skills for Teens: Overcoming Isolation and Building Connections

Parents, are you looking for ways to help your teen develop social skills? As our young ones grow older, they need to learn how to interact with other people in real life and not just behind computer screens. This means learning how to talk and get along with others at school, in after-school activities, and at home. Having strong social skills can help teens build relationships, communicate clearly, and feel more confident in their skin.

At Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations, we understand the importance of social skills for teens and offer a variety of programs and services to help support their growth. Let's dive into more details on why teens need to develop social skills from an early age and how we can support them through this delicate process. Are you curious to learn more? Let's get started!

Why are social skills important for teens?

Developing social skills is crucial for teenagers as they navigate their relationships with peers, family, and teachers. By developing strong social skills, they can effectively communicate their thoughts and feelings, manage conflicts, and establish and maintain meaningful relationships. Social skills are essential for success not only in academic settings but also in their future professional lives. These skills include collaboration, teamwork, and leadership, which are highly valued by employers.

Furthermore, according to a recent study by Brooking.edu this is also important because:

“During the teen years, our minds change in the way we remember, think, reason, focus attention, make decisions, and relate to others. From around age twelve to age twenty-four, there is a burst of growth and maturation taking place as never before in our lives. Understanding the nature of these changes can help us create a more positive and productive life journey.”

– Daniel Seigel, clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine

Also, in today's fast-paced digital world, social skills have become more critical than ever. The rise of social media and technology has transformed the way teens communicate and interact, making it even more crucial to develop face-to-face communication skills. Don't let your teen get lost behind their screens, let's discuss more ways we can help!

How Can Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations Help? - Teen Social Skills Group Launching Again This Summer

At Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations, we offer a variety of programs and services designed to support teens in developing social skills. Our team of experienced therapists works closely with teens to identify their specific needs and goals and create customized plans for their growth.

One of our most popular programs is our Teen Social Skills Group, which provides a safe and supportive environment for teens to practice social skills, build relationships, and learn new communication techniques in the Tampa area. Led by experienced therapists, our Teen Social Skills Group is dedicated to focusing on developing skills such as active listening, empathy, assertiveness, and conflict resolution.

In addition to our Social Skills Group, we offer individual therapy sessions that address specific social skill challenges, such as social anxiety or difficulty making friends. Our therapists use evidence-based techniques to help teens overcome these challenges and develop confidence in their social interactions.

Now enough about how we can support, let's get deeper into how you can support your teen as they develop their social skills.

How Can Parents Support Their Teen's Social Skill Development?

To assist your teen in enhancing their social skills, here are a few suggestions for parents:

  • Encourage positive peer interactions – Encourage your teen to find friends that share similar interests or values and allow them to spend some time with them.

  • Model positive social skills – Lead by example and show your teen how to interact positively with others.

  • Create family conversations – Create a safe space for your teen to talk about their feelings and experiences with others around the dinner table.

  • Praise good behavior – Let your teen know when they are demonstrating good social skills and provide positive reinforcement. If they make a new friend or effectively resolve a conflict with a classmate, make sure to recognize their accomplishments and affirm them.

  • Set boundaries – Establish clear expectations for how your teen should and should not behave in social settings.

The Benefits of Developing Social Skills

To further elaborate, here are some more benefits of developing social skills that can have a profound impact on a teen's life, both now and in the future. Some of the benefits of building social skills include:

  • Improved communication and conflict-resolution abilities

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence

  • Greater success in academics and careers

  • More meaningful and fulfilling relationships

  • Reduced stress and anxiety in social situations

At Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations, we believe that every teen has the potential to develop strong social skills and thrive in their relationships and social interactions. Our programs and services are designed to provide the support, guidance, and resources necessary to help teens achieve their full potential.


In today's fast-paced digital world, social skills are more important than ever for teens. 

At Serene Mind Counseling and Evaluations, we’re here for you! Whether it's through our Teen Social Skills Group that will be launching this summer or our individual therapy sessions, our team of experienced therapists is committed to helping teens achieve their full potential.

If you're interested in learning more about our services, don't hesitate to reach out today! And remember, at Serene Mind Counseling, we're here to support you and your teen every step of the way.

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Is Group Therapy Right For Me?

Group therapy can be an incredibly healing experience. Connecting with others who are going through or have gone through similar experiences can create a sense of validation, belongingness, and community. Often times, individuals are intimidated to start the therapeutic process on their own, or to open up to a therapist one-on-one at first. Group therapy is a great way to introduce yourself to the therapeutic process, and also to connect with others. Group therapy is built on a common foundation and grows through understanding and empathy.

How does Group Therapy work?

Typically, group therapy is based on a common topic or focus that all participants can relate to. Once the focus of the group is established, the therapist creates discussion prompts, group goals, and group guidelines. Each therapist is different in their approach, but the foundation of group therapy truly encompasses the purpose of connection and affirmation of all participants. Some therapists prefer to keep groups simple and only facilitate discussion in group sessions, while other therapists may incorporate books, shows, movies, therapy materials, quotes, journaling, and even homework into these group sessions. Be sure to get as much detail about groups you are considering ensuring it is a good fit for you.

How many people are in group sessions?

This depends on the type of group, the size of the therapeutic space, and the number of facilitators present. Usually, therapists will cap their registration to a specific number to be able to speak to all participants and give each group member an opportunity to speak and contribute if they would like to. For example, at Serene Mind, we typically cap in person group sessions to 12 individuals per therapist.

How long do sessions last?

Session duration depends on the group size and the group agenda that is created by the facilitator. Group sessions can be as short as an hour, and last up to several hours. Some groups meet monthly on a rolling basis, while other groups are held on a specific day and time for a planned time period that requires a commitment of attendance from all participants.

How does group therapy work?

Are there virtual groups I can join? Yes! Virtual groups are a great option for individuals who have a busy schedule, lack of transportation, or just need some flexibility in attendance due to their lifestyle. Virtual group sessions still create a space that fosters community connection and acceptance.

I’m shy. Do I need to speak up in a Group Therapy session?

No! You do not need to share if you don’t feel comfortable to. Sometimes being in the presence of others who are walking a similar path, or even listening to the discussion can cultivate connection and acknowledgment of your thoughts and feelings. Therapeutic success is not a one size fits all and can look differently for each person.

We have many groups starting at Serene Mind this year, including in-person and virtual groups. Visit us at serenemindpsych.com, email us at hello@serenemindpsych.com, or call us at 813.321.8280 for more information about out group sessions.

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