5 Ways to Parent Like a Pro

Parenting like a pro involves continuously learning, adapting, and prioritizing the well-being and development of your children. Our kids and teens really do need all our love and care. Of course it is hard to remember this among moments of stress and frustration. Times with our kids is very valuable and they learn everything from us.

Here are 5 tips to help you become a more effective and nurturing parent:

  1. Be Present and Engaged:

    Spend quality time with your children and be fully present during interactions. Engage in activities that interest them and show genuine interest in their lives. Having fun with your child or teen can set them up for success, not to mention boost their confidence as well.

  2. Set Clear Boundaries and Expectations:

    Establish consistent rules and expectations, and communicate them clearly to your children. Consistency helps children feel secure and understand what is expected of them. Kids and teens thrive from consistent and similar expectations. Remember they are learning if the world is safe and this is a keep indicator in regard to safety.

  3. Practice Positive Discipline:

    Focus on positive reinforcement and constructive discipline rather than harsh punishments. Encourage good behavior with praise and rewards, and use consequences that teach valuable lessons. Try to redirect and avoid meltdowns as much as possible. Although, if a meltdown does happen be prepared to listen, validate and not fuel the situation.

  4. Listen Actively:

    Practice active listening when your child wants to share something with you. Show empathy and validate their feelings, even if you might not agree with them. Kids and teens love validation and empathy. This helps them feel connected and also helps them learn that you are a safe person to go to in case of any dangers presented to them.

  5. Be a Role Model:

    Children often learn by observing their parents' behavior. Be a positive role model by demonstrating the values and behaviors you want to instill in them. Our kids and teens need great people in their lives. The great thing is you can be one of these people. Teach them things that you wish you had learned and always be the person you needed at their age.

Being a parent is no easy gig. Everyday is full of new challenges and curve balls. You really have to remember you are doing the best you can with what you have.

Do you feel that you need more parenting support? Our Parenting Group is coming to you this September. It will be online for a total of 8 weeks. Pre-register now by emailing hello@serenemindpsych.com

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5 Self Care Practices - From a Mental Health Counselor

Many of us equate self care to a yoga session, meditation, or even a spa day. What we don’t realize is that no amount of stress relief activities are going to help us if we aren’t properly taking care of ourselves. Going to a yoga session, but getting barely any sleep is simply going to cause us to fall asleep. Similarly, not eating well and regularly does not allow us to fuel our bodies with nutrient-dense foods that would allow us to hit the gym at full throttle and relieve necessary stress.

Below we will be discussing different types of self care and why they are so vital in our day to day lives.

1. Physical Self Care:

If you want your body to work efficiently you need to take care of it. There is a very strong connection between body and mind. When you are actively taking care of your body by fueling it with nutritious food, sleeping well, being active, and caring for your physical needs your mind will also follow suit because you are overall feeling good about yourself and probably more energized too! Making sure to attend your medical appointments and take any necessary medication or vitamins is also a very vital point in good self care.

2. Social Self Care:

We humans thrive on social interaction. It’s no surprise that socialization is also one of the key components to great self care. Although it’s difficult to make time for friends and your relationships due to work and other obligations, it’s necessary to do so! Having close connections in your life is extremely good and important for your well being. You don’t need to force yourself to devote hours on end to your friends or even work on your relationships. It truly depends on what your social needs are. The key here is to figure out what your social needs are and to create time in your schedule to create the best social life for you.

3. Mental Self Care:

The things we constantly think about and fill our minds with will greatly influence our mental well being. Taking care of our mental health typically includes doing things that get your mind going. Do you want to learn a new subject or maybe try some new tabletop games? How about reading a new book or watching a musical that not only inspires you but gets your mind thinking. Mental self care as a whole simply involves doing things that help you stay mentally healthy. Simply practicing acceptance and positive affirmations helps you maintain a healthier inner dialogue.

4. Spiritual Self Care:

When spiritual self care is mentioned it mostly involves nurturing your spirit, but does not necessarily have to involve any kind of religion. It would simply be something that allows you to develop a deeper sense of meaning and understanding or even a connection with the world, universe, or nature. You can work on your spiritual self care by meditating, attending a religious service, or simply being in nature with yourself.

5. Emotional Self Care:

Emotional self care usually includes activities that allow us to not only acknowledge but express our emotions in a more safe and regular way. It is important to foster healthy coping skills that allow us to deal with uncomfortable emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and even anger. Whether you speak to a close friend, relative, or a partner about how you feel or you decide to set time for yourself to disconnect and process your emotions, it is very important to incorporate emotional self care into your life!

Self care is all about prioritizing your different needs. It is about making a strong internal foundation, so that you are able to provide this same love to others.

5 Self Care Practices