Why do Women Need Support Groups?

In today’s world, women are facing many challenges that effect all aspects of their life. From trying to balance their family, career, self-image, societal expectations, gender bias, and a myriad of other issues women may face in their lifetime. Support groups can help make facing these challenges just a little easier. Having community and others that can relate to your experiences, empathize, and provide support can help tremendously in navigating life’s stressors.

Here are some ways women can benefit from support groups:

Emotional support:

The purpose of a support group is to give people the space to freely express their thoughts, emotions, and experiences; in a judgement free zone. Having the ability to share your feelings with others who can empathize and provide support can give us a great sense of relief and comfort that can translate to experiences in our day to day.

Empowerment and solidarity:

Support groups can provide a safe space for women to come together, share their experiences, and empathize and support one another. Having this space to connect with other women can help us feel validated, seen, and empowered to face the challenges ahead. There is power in numbers and having people you can connect with that you likely wouldn’t have otherwise met can give us perspective and support we didn’t know we needed.

Sharing knowledge:

Support groups don’t only provide emotional support but knowledge and resources to take on challenges. The great thing about talking with other people that have gone through similar things is that we have likely found resources, information, and ways to cope. The exchange of knowledge can be seen through things like strategies to help balance our lives, navigating relationships, or managing mental health struggles. Wisdom and perspective are some of the most valuable things that can help us in life, having support groups with a group of women you can connect with can help further this aspect of our lives.


Being a woman can be an incredibly isolating. When our society expects us to have a career, partner, children, take care of our looks and health, and have good relationships with friends, it can be hard to juggle it all. We have many times been conditioned to put others before ourselves and this can be isolating. Support groups can give us the space to connect and feel accepted by others. We all crave belonging and community and a group can help make us feel less alone.


Many support groups are facilitated by therapists, coaches, or enthusiasts on a topic. Either way, there will likely be a goal of educating, this could look like being taught ways to engage in self-care, stress management, or boundary setting. There may also be “homework” such as journaling prompts or other tasks to do for the time between group.

Having the tools to combat our struggles is healing and can help us build our confidence. Support groups can help women throughout all life stages and experiences many of us will face. Finding a group, you can connect with and feel inspired and empowered by can help us in positive ways all around. They do not need to be done in person and there are many you can find that are done online. Your people are out there, and you will find them, when you do, you can only grow as a person.

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4 Steps For Self-Growth - A Mental Health Perspective

How often do you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering where the 18-year-old version of you disappeared to? You look at yourself, thinking that the size of your jeans actually plays a part in your ability to make friends or fall in love. You may catch a glimpse of yourself while walking out the door and think that if you could look a certain way, maybe people would treat you differently. Negative thoughts of yourself swirl through your mind just to pollute the your self image.

Well, I’m here to tell you that those thoughts are not working for you. You will always be the only version of YOU and no one can take that away. As humans, we sometimes believe that growth is something that just comes with time. We think that things will eventually just change for the better and we will naturally just grow into the person we want to be. It is important to think deeper into that theory and imagine what our lives would be if we choose to do nothing and just assume growth will happen.

You can think of it almost like the life of a plant. Now, I have no green thumb but I do know that if you forget to water your plant and keep it out of the sunlight, it will soon wither away to a very little, frail version of its previous self. This is similar to what happens to us as humans. If we forget to love ourselves, to forgive ourselves for our mistakes, to love the body we have, we will become weak and frail. The best way to avoid this is to simply tell ourselves we are enough.

Now, I say simply, but I know this is no simple task at all. This will require work and dedication. It takes discipline. If every time we looked in the mirror we told ourselves we loved the body we live in, rather than hate it, eventually we will. Like a plant, we all need a little love, compassion, and sunlight to help us grow. Being mean to others never got you ahead in life. What makes you think being mean to yourself will?

Here are some steps to help you focus on your good qualities and the love you deserve to show yourself. Self-growth is a process, be gentle with yourself.

Step One: Locate the problem. What is affecting your self-esteem? Is it a relationship or an outside source? Where is it coming from?

Step Two: Avoid negative self-talk. Like we talked about before, speaking negatively toward yourself will only harm you.

Step Three: Connect with those who love you. This may be a relative or friend, anyone who sees the good in you that maybe you are having a hard time finding. Being around positive supports can help us remember why we love ourselves. .

Step Four: Set a goal and make it your challenge. Focus on the good around you and create routines to achieve it. Having good hygiene and a clean room will help clear your mind as well. Open the blinds to allow light and take a walk outdoors.

All of these things will be pieces of the puzzle that will eventually fit together to complete your challenge, finally showing you the full picture. Don’t forget, we are all human and no one is perfect. Rather, perfectly imperfect in our own ways.

4 Steps For Self-Growth