4 Ways to Sharpen Your Social Skills

Social skills are a vibrant part of life. They help us connect and share with each other, they help us grow and learn, not to mention they help us feel heard and understood. Social skills are an incredibly important skill that school do not always teach. Having the ability to socialize brings meaning and value to our life. Some of us are more skilled in this area, some of us could use improvement in this area. Either way, maybe you need a little guidance on how to improve your social skills?

Here are 4 ways to sharpen your social skills:

  1. Overcome mental blocks:

    Try and let go of things holding you back mentally. Some of us shy away from conversations or meeting new people due to the fear of being judged. Let go of the “what if” thinking mentality and challenge yourself to be brave.

  2. Create a safe mental space for yourself:

    By feeling safe in your own body you can regulate your nervous system. This can help you stay connected and grounded. You can create a safe space through calming techniques, meditations and grounding exercises. Use your senses to bring yourself back into the social space you are in.

  3. Approach someone new:

    Go and say hi to a new person. This can be a challenge if we are worried about judgement and do not feel safe. Make it fun, and try an ice breaker to reduce your tension. A great way to do this is by using a joke or laughing to make the conversation flow and reduce your anxiety.

  4. Go to a new place:

    Visit a new place and try to venture outside of your comfort zone. Getting out of your routine can help you learn to confront your fears. Start small, go to somewhere new within a proximity of your comfort zone and then branch off from there. This will also make your goal more attainable.

Social skills are such an important, under rated skill. To be successful and live our life to the fullest we need connection and a sense of belonging. Social skills can help us create a sense of community to live life alongside our family, friends and people of the world.

4 Ways to Sharpen Your Social Skills  Serene Mind Blog Social Skills Group

6 Ways to Overcome Anxiety

Anxiety can feel overwhelming and like there is no relief available. But, there are ways to address and tackle the stress of anxiety.

Here are six ways to help overcome anxiety:

1. Move your body - Exercise, such as walking and yoga, can aid in regulating levels of stress and help you relax. Meditation and calming breathing techniques can also promote relaxation and help to focus your mind.

2. Eat well - Another important part of taking care of your body is making sure you eat a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Incorporating fruits and vegetables into your meals can help you maintain healthy sugar levels which can improve cognitive function.

3. Talk about your feelings - Whether speaking with a trusted friend or family member, speaking with a counselor or utilizing peer counseling groups, talking about your feelings and your particular situation can help you vent and get a different perspective on your situation.

4. Utilize apps - There are many online and mobile apps available that promote well-being and aid in cultivating mindfulness practices. Find a resource that works for you so you can build a routine prioritizing calming practices.

5. Journal - Taking time to reflect on your feelings can help you see patterns in your life. By writing down your thoughts, you can see what triggers your anxiety and can work through solutions.

6. Be gentle with yourself - Try to remember that you are doing your best and allow yourself grace as you navigate through your feelings.

Though anxiety can feel neverending, there are ways to take charge of your feelings and bring a sense of calm back to your life.

6 Ways to Overcome Anxiety

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is an intense, excessive and persistent fear or worry of day-to-day life situations. It can be about a one-off stressful situation or about perceived scenarios that haven’t taken place. Feelings of anxiety can come on at any time, but being aware of some signs of anxiety can keep you aware and alert. 

Here are some signs that you may be experiencing anxiety: 

1. Feeling a sense of impending doom - Anxiety can show up as a feeling that something bad is about to happen even if there are not tangible signs that there is anything to be concerned about. It is a constant feeling of dread, worrying about the what-if’s of everyday life. 

2. Having trouble concentrating - Staying focused on everyday tasks and routines may become difficult during a bout of anxiety. Feeling like your mind is racing and not able to stay connected to reality are all signs that anxiety may be at work. 

3. Feeling restless or unable to fall asleep - When it’s time to fall asleep, anxiety won’t let you get a moment’s peace. Anxiety likes to take all of your attention and can leave you tired and on edge. 

4. Breathing rapidly or increase in heart rate - Physical signs of anxiety can show up as a pounding of the chest or difficulty breathing. With racing thoughts of the mind, the rest of the body can follow suit and take on outward signs of your internal feelings. 

5. Losing your temper or becoming easily irritated - With worry and anxiety constantly on your mind, it may become difficult to control your emotions. Having a short temper or being easily annoyed are two signs that your worry and anxiety are taking the focus of your day to day life. 

Anxiety can show up for many reasons. Understanding some signs of anxiety can help you identify triggers, assess your emotions and work toward improving your relationship with

What is Anxiety?

Therapists Share 5 Reasons to Embrace Your Fear

Fear is often portrayed in a negative light - as something we need to “defeat.” While it is important to not let fear prevent you from living your life, it is still okay to feel afraid. Fear helps us. It is an important emotion to have. Many of us feel afraid when we are in a situation where we do not yet trust or feel safe. Listening to how we feel in situations can help us learn to trust , connect with others and feel grounded.

Here are 5 ways that fear can be embraced, just remember:

1. Fear is a normal emotion, therefore being afraid is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Experiencing anxiety or fear does not make you weak. It makes you human.

2. Avoiding or denying your fear only allows it to grow.

It is better to acknowledge, embrace, and process your fear than attempt to suppress it.

3. Experiencing fear can be a sign you are stepping out of your comfort zone.

Trying new things can be scary but facing your fears will lead to personal growth.

4. Fear provides a sense of prospective.

In order to fully appreciate the feeling of calmness, you must also know what it is like to feel afraid.

5. You do not always have to “overcome” your fear, as it can protect you.

Sometimes feeling afraid is a warning sign that you should avoid something that could be emotionally triggering or physically dangerous.

Fear is a healthy emotion. Without fear most of us would be in threatening situations or living our life on the edge everyday. A helpful amount of fear is appropriate and well needed to feel balanced.

Reasons to Embrace Your Fear

Therapists Agree, You Can Make Change Happen

Routines are hard to maintain. They are healthy because they keep us organized and help us maintain some sense of normalcy. But what happens when there is a glitch in our routine? What happens when we have to make a change?

Now, change can be a very broad term. We can change many things like the color of our hair, the clothes we wear, the way we act or even the way we think.

Each form of change comes with one common factor: the unknown.

Every time we make a change we take a risk, no matter how small or how noticeable this change may be. The changes that are the hardest to make though are those that come from within, rather than those that appear on the outside. Working to make an inner change is hard and it is completely normal to not know where to start or how to go about it.

Let’s talk about some examples of what making an inner change looks like.

It is healthy for us to notice our negative qualities and want to adjust them.

A bad trait we sometimes have is addressing ourselves with a negative tone. By this I mean you wake up in the morning, get ready for work, walk past a mirror and think “yikes” to yourself as you walk out the door because you’ve had better hair days before and today was just not cutting it.

We can start by taking baby steps toward the changes we wish to make that will create an overall happier version of ourselves.

Step 1: Identify the problem. What is causing you to be upset? When you go through your daily routine, take note of the things that make your day better and of the things that make you feel uncomfortable. By identifying the underlying causes of our feelings and insecurities, it becomes easier to change these behaviors slowly over time.

Step 2: Create a plan to make things better. If you notice every day you do happen to be that person that tells yourself you don’t look that great when you walk out the door in the morning, make it a priority to find something about you that you DO like. Look at yourself and find one thing to compliment. This will help build self-esteem and help us realize that no one is perfect so we must love our imperfections.

Step 3: Surround yourself with support. If you feel uncomfortable around a group of people, you feel like they are not good for your mental health, find a way to fix it. This does not always mean kicking people out of your life or cutting them off but, instead, try to find other grounds to talk about, other common factors. Learn to listen, rather than talk for a more positive outcome.

Step 4: Maintain a routine. Once we have identified the things we wish to change and come up with a plan to enact this change within our daily lives, we must find a way to keep the positivity prevalent.

As I’ve said before, being human is hard. It is not always easy to know right from wrong. It is not always clear what steps we should take to make ourselves feel happier. Change is ultimately inevitable. So, if we can learn how to maintain a sense of normalcy while going through a change that we decide on, it will make it easier to cope with the changes in our lives that are out of our control.

You Can Make Change Happen