Empowering Young Adults: Boosting Self-Esteem and Embracing Independence

In the journey of life, young adulthood is a pivotal phase where individuals navigate through various challenges and transitions. It's a time marked by self-discovery, forging new paths, and laying the foundation for the future. Amidst this whirlwind of change, two crucial elements stand out: self-esteem and independence. Cultivating these traits can significantly enhance the quality of life for young adults, equipping them with the confidence and resilience needed to thrive.

Let's delve into how enhancing self-esteem and embracing independence can benefit young adults.

1. Self-Confidence Opens Doors

Self-esteem forms the cornerstone of self-confidence. When young adults believe in their abilities and worth, they're more likely to pursue their goals with vigor and determination. Whether it's applying for a dream job, speaking up in a meeting, or embarking on a new relationship, a healthy level of self-esteem empowers individuals to step out of their comfort zones and embrace opportunities.

Moreover, high self-esteem serves as a buffer against the inevitable setbacks and rejections that life throws their way. Rather than being deterred by failure, individuals with robust self-esteem view it as a learning experience, resiliently bouncing back and adapting their strategies for future success.

2. Independence Fosters Growth

Independence is the hallmark of adulthood, signifying the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for one's actions. As young adults gradually emancipate from the guidance of parents and mentors, they embark on a journey of self-reliance and autonomy. This process of individuation not only fosters personal growth but also cultivates a sense of empowerment and agency.

Embracing independence allows young adults to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and chart their own course in life. Whether it's living away from home, managing finances, or making important life choices, each step towards independence builds resilience and fortitude, laying the groundwork for a fulfilling and purposeful existence.

3. Strengthening Mental Health

The relationship between self-esteem, independence, and mental health is profound. Studies have shown that individuals with low self-esteem are more susceptible to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Conversely, fostering a positive self-image and a sense of autonomy can serve as protective factors against such challenges.

By nurturing self-esteem and independence, young adults develop coping mechanisms to navigate stressors and challenges more effectively. They become adept at setting boundaries, seeking support when needed, and prioritizing self-care. Ultimately, a strong foundation of self-esteem and independence bolsters mental well-being, enabling young adults to lead more balanced and fulfilling lives.

4. Building Resilience for the Future

In a rapidly changing world, resilience is a invaluable asset. By enhancing self-esteem and embracing independence, young adults cultivate the resilience needed to weather life's storms and adapt to unforeseen circumstances. They develop a sense of self-efficacy, knowing that they have the strength and resourcefulness to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity.

Moreover, a resilient mindset fosters a sense of optimism and possibility, fueling creativity, innovation, and growth. Rather than being daunted by challenges, resilient individuals view them as opportunities for learning and personal development. Thus, by investing in self-esteem and independence, young adults equip themselves with the tools to thrive in an ever-changing world.

In conclusion, the journey to adulthood is a transformative period characterized by self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. By prioritizing the cultivation of self-esteem and embracing independence, young adults can unlock their full potential and embark on a path of fulfillment and purpose. As they navigate the twists and turns of life, they'll find that their newfound confidence and autonomy serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the way forward towards a brighter, more resilient future.

Socially Savvy: Unlocking the Power of Social Skills for Young Adults

Welcome to Serene Mind, your go-to resource for mastering social skills and unlocking countless benefits in your personal and professional life.

In this blog, we'll explore how honing your social abilities can positively impact various aspects of your life and provide you with the tools and confidence to thrive in any social setting.

Benefits of Developing Social Skills:

  1. Improved Communication: Effective communication lies at the heart of success in both personal and professional relationships. By sharpening your social skills, you'll enhance your ability to express yourself clearly, listen attentively, and convey your thoughts and ideas with confidence.

  2. Enhanced Relationships: Strong social skills pave the way for deeper connections and more fulfilling relationships. Whether it's making new friends, strengthening bonds with family members, or nurturing romantic relationships, the ability to relate to others authentically is essential for building meaningful connections.

  3. Increased Confidence: As you become more adept at navigating social interactions, your confidence naturally grows. You'll feel more comfortable in social settings, whether it's networking events, job interviews, or social gatherings, allowing you to present your best self and seize opportunities with assurance.

  4. Expanded Networking Opportunities: Networking is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. By mastering social skills such as small talk, active listening, and rapport-building, you'll effortlessly expand your network, opening doors to new opportunities, collaborations, and mentorship.

  5. Conflict Resolution Skills: Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship, but possessing strong social skills equips you with the tools to navigate disagreements constructively. By understanding how to communicate assertively, empathize with others' perspectives, and find mutually beneficial solutions, you can resolve conflicts peacefully and maintain harmonious relationships.

  6. Career Advancement: In today's competitive job market, possessing excellent social skills can set you apart from the crowd. Employers value candidates who can communicate effectively, collaborate with diverse teams, and engage with clients and stakeholders professionally. By showcasing your strong interpersonal skills, you'll increase your employability and prospects for career advancement.

  7. Enhanced Emotional Intelligence: Social skills are closely intertwined with emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions and those of others. By honing your social abilities, you'll develop greater empathy, self-awareness, and emotional resilience, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with grace and composure.

  8. Improved Mental Health: Building strong social connections has been linked to better mental health outcomes, including reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. By cultivating supportive relationships and developing your social skills, you'll bolster your psychological well-being and create a robust support system to lean on during difficult times.

  9. Positive Influence: As you master social skills and exude confidence and charisma, you'll naturally become a more influential presence in your social circles and community. Whether it's inspiring others through your leadership, advocating for causes you believe in, or simply uplifting those around you, your positive influence can ripple outward, creating a more vibrant and connected world.

  10. Overall Life Satisfaction: Ultimately, the benefits of developing social skills extend far beyond individual interactions—they contribute to a more fulfilling and satisfying life overall. By investing in your social growth and nurturing meaningful connections with others, you'll experience greater happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of belonging in the world.

Embracing the journey of mastering social skills is not only a pathway to personal growth and success but also a transformative experience that can enrich every aspect of your life. Whether you're looking to excel in your career, cultivate deeper relationships, or simply navigate social situations with confidence and ease, remember that the benefits are endless when you invest in honing your social savvy. Stay tuned to Socially Savvy for practical tips, insightful advice, and inspiring stories to guide you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself in social settings.

5 Truths About Adult Social Skills That Impact Your Mental Health

Navigating social interactions is an integral part of adult life, and the way we engage with others can have a profound impact on our mental well-being. While social skills may seem complex, they hold the power to shape our relationships, self-esteem, and overall mental health.

In this article, we'll explore five truths about adult social skills and their significance for your emotional wellness.

1. Social Skills Are Essential for Mental Health

It's no secret that human beings are social creatures. Our connections with others influence our emotional state, from joy and contentment to stress and loneliness. Engaging in positive social interactions provides a sense of belonging, which is a fundamental aspect of mental health. Healthy relationships create a support network that can offer comfort during difficult times, reducing the risk of mental health struggles.

2. Social Skills Can Be Developed and Enhanced

Contrary to the belief that social skills are innate traits, they are learned behaviors that can be cultivated and improved over time. Just like any other skill, practice and patience play a crucial role in enhancing your ability to communicate, empathize, and connect with others. By seeking out opportunities to engage in social interactions and learning from your experiences, you can gradually become more skilled in navigating diverse social scenarios.

3. Mindful Communication Nurtures Positive Interactions

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful social interactions. Practicing mindfulness – being fully present in the moment – during conversations can significantly impact the quality of your connections. Active listening, showing empathy, and responding thoughtfully demonstrate that you value and respect the other person's thoughts and feelings. Such mindful communication fosters deeper understanding and strengthens bonds, contributing to improved mental well-being.

4. Boundaries Are Vital for Self-Care

While fostering connections is essential, maintaining healthy boundaries is equally crucial for your mental health. Clearly defining your personal limits in social interactions ensures that you engage in relationships that are respectful, supportive, and mutually beneficial. Boundaries protect your emotional energy, prevent burnout, and allow you to prioritize self-care – all of which are vital components of a well-balanced mental health regimen.

5. Quality Over Quantity in Social Connections

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to equate the number of social connections with popularity and well-being. However, the quality of your relationships matters more than the quantity. Cultivating a few deep and meaningful connections can provide a strong emotional support system that significantly contributes to your mental health. These connections offer a safe space for vulnerability and authenticity, reducing feelings of isolation and promoting emotional resilience.

In conclusion, adult social skills are not only relevant but crucial to your mental health. Engaging in positive social interactions, honing your communication abilities, setting healthy boundaries, and fostering meaningful connections all play a pivotal role in your emotional well-being. Remember that growth in social skills is a journey, and with consistent effort and a willingness to learn, you can transform your interactions and improve your overall mental health.

By recognizing these truths and actively working on your social skills, you empower yourself to create fulfilling relationships that positively impact your emotional and psychological state. As you navigate the intricacies of social interactions, remember that each step you take toward improvement contributes to your journey of self-discovery and mental well-being.

Do you have an interest in improving your social skills? Our social skills adult group is starting soon. Email us to reserve a seat today.

Serene Mind Blog 5 Truths About Adult Social Skills That Impact Your Mental Health Tampa Jacksonville FL Group Social Skills Adult Group Therapy

6 Ways to Ensure a Successful First Day Back to School

The start of a new school year can bring mixed emotions - excitement, nervousness, and a touch of uncertainty. Ensuring a successful first day back not only sets a positive tone for the academic year but also contributes significantly to your mental well-being.

Here are six effective strategies to make your return to school a mentally healthy and successful experience:

1. Prepare Ahead:

Proper preparation can alleviate anxiety. Organize your school supplies, pack your bag, and lay out your outfit the night before. This simple act can ease your mind and ensure a smooth morning routine.

2. Establish a Calming Morning Routine:

Begin your day with activities that promote calmness. Whether it's a few minutes of meditation, a light breakfast, or a short walk, these rituals can set a positive tone for the day.

3. Positive Affirmations:

Start your day with positive self-talk. Remind yourself of your strengths, capabilities, and past achievements. Repeating affirmations can help boost your confidence and reduce self-doubt.

4. Connect with Friends:

Reconnecting with friends can ease the transition back to school. Social interactions provide a sense of belonging and support, which are crucial for mental well-being.

5. Set Realistic Expectations:

It's normal to feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. Remember that nobody has a perfect first day. Set realistic expectations for yourself and focus on the progress you make rather than striving for perfection.

6. Practice Self-Care:

Throughout the day, prioritize self-care. Take short breaks between classes to stretch, practice deep breathing, or simply relax. Stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and ensure you get a good night's sleep afterward.

Remember, a successful first day goes beyond academics. Prioritizing your mental well-being contributes to your overall success and happiness throughout the school year. Approach the day with positivity, self-compassion, and the belief that you have the tools to handle whatever comes your way. 🌟📚 #BackToSchool #MentalHealthMatters #PositiveStart

4 Ways Social Skills Can Help Me Succeed

When we think of our childhood, for many of us moments in social settings stand out. These social situations are the very essence of our memories. Social skills can play a crucial role in your success across various aspects of life. The importance of social skills sometimes is underestimated, but the reality is without social skills success is weary.

Here's how social skills can help you succeed:

  1. Improved Communication:

    Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in both personal and professional settings. Social skills training helps you develop active listening, assertiveness, and empathy, enabling you to express yourself more clearly and understand others better. When you can communicate confidently and empathetically, you build stronger connections and foster positive relationships with others.

  2. Enhanced Networking:

    Networking plays a vital role in career growth and personal development. By honing your social skills, you can become more comfortable in social settings, making it easier to initiate and maintain conversations with new people. This can lead to valuable connections, mentorship opportunities, and potential collaborations that can boost your success in your chosen field.

  3. Conflict Resolution:

    Conflict is inevitable, but how you handle it can make a significant difference in your success. Social skills training equips you with the ability to manage conflicts constructively. You learn how to stay calm in tense situations, express your concerns without hostility, and find solutions that are mutually beneficial. This skill is invaluable in personal relationships and workplace dynamics.

  4. Increased Emotional Intelligence:

    Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing your own emotions as well as recognizing and empathizing with the emotions of others. Social skills training helps you develop emotional intelligence, which is crucial for making sound decisions, building trust, and motivating and inspiring others. It also allows you to handle stress more effectively and maintain a positive outlook in challenging situations.

In summary, social skills training empowers you to communicate effectively, build strong networks, handle conflicts with grace, and understand and manage emotions. All these abilities contribute to your overall success, both in your personal life and in your professional endeavors.

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Our Therapists Share 6 Social Skills for a Healthier You

Humans are social beings. We seek connection, unity and inclusiveness. As we grow older it becomes more difficult to connect with others. We become more selective, stricter with social guidelines of whom we could befriend. Socializing can feel like hard work for many of us. What if there was a way that could help us socialize more openly, with confidence and positivity?

Here are 6 ways to help you regain connections and better socialize with others:

  1. Be open minded:

    Realize that having an open mind is a key to making new lasting relationships. Going into a new place, event or social setting as if you are ready to make friends and listen to others. This mindset will help you attract the people you want to create new relationships with.

  2. Love yourself:

    By loving and knowing who you are you can be more confident. Go into an event knowing what you bring to your relationships and portray this. This confidence can help others be more attracted to your energy, which will also make you appear to be more socially available.

  3. Practice what you want to say:

    By rehearsing and reciting how to introduce yourself, you can make yourself less nervous about the event. Having a couple of funny lines or stories is a great way to meet people. We tend to gravitate to stories about dogs, pets, babies and common interests. Come up with a way to gain potential connections by having a couple of lines that you want to say.

  4. Find people with common interests

    People like you, want to be friends with you. The key here is you have find them. Having similar interests makes us automatically more likely to connect and be more able to socialize with each other. When we have similarities a group or bond can naturally grow.

  5. Know your non-negotiables:

    We all have those pet peeves or values that are deal breakers in any relationship. Go into a socially setting knowing what your non-negotiable are. For some people it is telling the truth, for others it is a specific sense of humor, or possibly even an affinity for dogs. Know what your deal breakers are in a relationship and if you hear them when you are getting to know someone, realize this may be ultimately what breaks the relationship.

  6. Go out and practice:

    Try, try and try again. The more you expose yourself to social settings and new people, the more practice you will have in socializing. This will make you better equipped to meet others and help you lower any social anxiety. Take baby steps and slowly but surely put yourself out there. You can do this!

Socializing in this post pandemic era is a struggle. Humana want to feel as a part of a community and culturally some of us seek this more often as well. People have become very used to isolation and are not even aware of how our social skills may have regressed. It is important to be empathetic with yourself, and help yourself get back out there again. Trying to connect, gaining more confidence in your social abilities and finding a great group of friends are all things you can accomplish.

Have you heard about our Serene Mind Social Skills Groups? Coming this fall we will have a social skills group for kids, teens and young adults. Each group will be geared to a different age group. We hope you come socialize with us!

Social Skills for a Healthier You Serene Mind Tampa Social Skills 33609 33611 33606 33629

Our Relationship Therapists Share How to Cope with Friendship Breakups

Friendship breakups can feel as heartbreaking and disappointing as romantic splits. Sometimes the paths of our lives start to move in different directions and our friendships evolve. The friendships we create can be for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. We connect with others based on common interests, opinions, and life circumstances.

The endings of these relationships can leave us feeling lost and confused. Friendships can end because of a specific event or issue, or sometimes they can slowly diminish without us even realizing it.

Here are some tips our therapists have put together to aid you in navigating a friendship breakup.

Why Do friendships end?

-Breaking of trust

-Physical or emotional distance

-Difference in views

-Misunderstandings or disagreements

- Unresolved power differential

- Abuse

How to Cope with friendship breakups:

1) Process the relationship dynamic

Give yourself the space and time to honor the relationship and grieve the loss of it going forward. Take the time to evaluate the lessons learned within the friendship and what good came out of the relationship.

These are some questions to sit on and ask yourself when processing the shifting of your friendship. Did the friendship teach you something? Did you subconsciously back out of the relationship, or put in more than the other party? What memories can you look back on and still be fond of? Where can you take accountability in challenges within the relationship? How can you grow and learn from this relationship dynamic so It does not develop in other friendships?

It may feel supportive to process the relationship dynamic with a trusted person like another friend, family member, or professional mental health counselor to help recognize any blind spots that you might be missing in your reflection.

2) Lean into self-care:

Like any breakup or loss in your life, friendship break ups can create feelings of grief, sadness, and even anger. Channel these feelings and energy into yourself care practices. Get out for a walk in nature, listen to your favorite music, treat yourself to your favorite meal. Being extra gentle with yourself when processing the ending of the friendship. It is okay to feel sad, angry, or maybe even resentful for a period of time. This is normal and natural.

When you feel ready, release the emotions that arise in healthy ways that feel safe and nourishing to you. Emotions are motivators and encouragers of movement-allow yourself to move and release the feelings and thoughts that come up that do not serve you.

3) Create space for new friendships:

Have you ever heard the saying, “when one door closes, another opens”? When you create the space for other friends or new friends, these connections have room to grow and blossom.

Dedicate your time and energy into relationships and friendships that feel nourishing during this time. When we put our thought and energy into relationships that have ended, are toxic, or are struggling, we often forget about the relationships that are supportive and healthy for us- and perhaps are even missing opportunities for potential friendships that could start to grow from even the smallest of interactions. If it feels resonate to you, try a new fitness class, neighborhood meet up, or social group- you never know what connections could be waiting for you unless you put forth effort and put yourself out there!

Just like relationships with family, colleagues, and even romantic relationships, break-ups do not have to last forever. Sometimes a “break” is necessary to move and shift within the relationship and taking time and space from a friendship can help heal some of the broken parts within the dynamic. Other times, a friendship breakup is the healthiest decision for all. All of these experiences help us grow as individuals and teaches us lessons on not only how to be a friend to others, but a friend to ourselves.

Are you struggling with a friendship breakup? We have several relationship therapists at Serene Mind who can help you process these transitions and explore these relationship dynamics. If you feel you need support, please feel free to reach out to us at hello@serenemindpysch.com, or call us at 813.321.8280. We are here to help you while you continue on your path!

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4 Ways to Maximize Your Study Habits

As we all get back into the flow of things during a new school year, we need to find ways to help us study in a more efficient way that will allow us to stay grounded and prevent unwanted stress. You may be wondering, how can I successfully study and retain information without over stressing?

Here are a few tips to help you within this next school year and hopefully the rest of your life!

1. Space out your studying - We are all guilty of cramming for exams the day before. However, this is not the best way to study for exams! It’s best to space out your study sessions over a longer period of time. A great way to do this is to schedule an hour a day or every other day until the day of your exam. Flash cards is a great way to do this.

2. Practice! - When you look at a musician at a concert, do you think that they simply woke up one morning and knew how to play as seamlessly as they currently do? Of course not! It took them many years of practice to master and hone in on their skills. Why would you be any different? When learning a new subject practicing is VERY important. Make sure you practice as much as possible. The more you do it, the more it’ll become second nature.

3. Don’t just re-read books and notes - You may think that simply re-reading material is best and will allow you to retain the material, but it’s no different that memorizing the answers to an exam. Actually read the material and notes to understand them. If you understand what you are reading and learn how to apply it you will have a higher success rate on your exams.

4. Test yourself! - Once you are done studying and practicing as much as you can, test yourself! If you think it’s better to have someone test you instead, ask a family member or even a friend. A great way to test yourself is to use Quizlet’s flash cards or even their testing options! This will allow you to see how much you truly understand and have retained.

Following these steps will allow you to formulate a routine and healthier studying habits and in turn reduce the amount of stress as exams get closer.

4 Ways to Maximize Your Study Habits

Back to School Ready - From Our Therapists

Having great organizational skills is the key to success! This is the key to having a great school year as well. No one is born being organized, we can all brush up on our skills. The first thing you have to remember is to be patient with yourself while you learn a new routine. Learning takes practice and the more you practice, the easier it will become.

Here are a few tips to get your children (or yourself) ready for the new school year:

1. Use checklists - Using checklists to post assignments, chores or even reminders of what materials your children might need for class is a good habit to have. Purchase a small planner or notebook for your child and dedicate it specifically to listing homework assignments. Once they are done with homework assignments, projects or any other tasks have them cross them off. This list will give them a sense of accomplishment!

2. Break down tasks - By making tasks smaller, we make them more manageable. This makes it easier to feel accomplished, thus boosting our confidence. Use this boost to help you complete the entire project. Baby steps need to be celebrated to increase your motivation to complete your school work.

3. Organize homework assignments - Encourage your child to do their homework assignments in the order that they should be completed. A good way to structure this is by starting with the shortest or “easiest” assignment first and then moving to the longest assignment. Any bigger assignments or projects that aren’t due right away can be worked on in smaller chunks than typical homework assignments.

4. Designate a study space - Having a designated workspace and/or study space allows for consistency. Your child should ultimately have a designated work space for studying and doing homework that is quiet and away from most distractions. Ultimately, having their school supplies and materials nearby would also be best. It would also help for them to have designated study times that aren’t too long.

5. Take breaks - Having time to eat, relax and play are also important in helping us finish assignments. Taking a mental time out from learning and doing things helps us recharge. This is helpful in helping us complete an assignment, think of it as a reward for the work you have been completing.

Going back to school is never easy. Sure you may have some excitement but it is usually combined with worry. By being more organized and prepared you can make some of that worry go away. Have a great first day and month of school!

Back to School Ready

School is in Session, Take Care of Your Mental Health

Back to school season is here and just like that another school year begins! Sports, clubs, extracurricular activities, and crowded weekends have started and we want to make sure you are prepared, not only for the busy schedules and challenging coursework but to make sure you are taking care of your mental health. 

When life gets busy, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of it all. It is common to fall into old habits and allow life to take us over, feeling out of control. First, I want to remind you that this is normal, we cannot expect to be on top of everything at every moment of every day- we are going to get behind. That is okay. 

But, since we do not want to stay down for too long, here are some quick back-to-school tips to keep you or your kiddos in good spirits to begin and end this school year strong. 

Do the best you can to use positive language when talking about yourself and others.

Positive self-talk has been linked to better problem-solving abilities and different, more constructive thinking patterns than those who do not practice positive self-talk. These problem-solving skills help build interpersonal relationships, reduce stress and anxiety, and aid in maintaining friendships. 

Positive self-talk can be applied in different ways, all to make life easier for you. Here are some examples you may be able to adjust your negative self-talk as early as today:

  1. Catch yourself.

    Taking the time to reflect on some of the things you may be telling yourself gives you the opportunity to notice, and make adjustments sooner the next time they come around. 

  2. Challenge those thoughts.

    Your inner critic can be a nasty fella, are they always being truthful though? Using positive affirmations can be helpful in challenging those not-so-nice thoughts. Instead of saying “I am never going to get this right,” challenge that thought with “I am doing my best, and my best is enough today.”

  3. Put it in your pocket.

    This may seem silly, but it is not uncommon for some of that negative self-talk to really take over and make you feel stuck or unable to escape them. Sometimes, you just need to take a break. After you have identified your negative thought, put them in your pocket, and decide to deal with them at another, more convenient time. Chances are that you will forget you put it there or you will not be feeling as critical later after the moment has passed. 

Incorporate routines wherever you can. 

Routines are difficult to maintain when life starts to get busy, but I am not referring to the same typical routines you may have thought of your whole life- wake up by 7am, make breakfast, shower, be in bed by 9pm kind of routine- Instead, try to just maintain hygiene by showering once a day, brushing your hair if you need to, brushing your teeth twice, and changing your clothes. Building routines around diet and exercise habits, like making sure you go outside at least once or eating at least 3 meals a day, can also be helpful in making sure you are providing your body with enough nourishment and activity to remain on task in school or in your extracurriculars. 

Lastly, don’t forget to take breaks. 

Though it may be hard to force ourselves to slow down and take a moment to ourselves, it is necessary. Breaks prevent burnout and no one wants to be burnt out. Even if you do not think you need one, it may be helpful for you to schedule one into your week, give yourself a chance to listen to your body, and adjust based on your needs. You deserve a break. You deserve to respect your own boundaries.

School is in Session, Take Care of Your Mental Health

Therapists Share Your First Semester at College Survival Guide

As a high school senior you were on top of the food chain. You probably knew your school like the back of your hand and best of all you were comfortable. August is finally here and the fall college semester will begin soon. Some of you are heading to schools where you will be one of thousands of students, others are heading to small schools in which you will be one of hundreds. Either way it is a BIG change and college anxiety is real. 

Here are some ways to ease your mind and look forward to your first day of college: 

1. Purchase the essentials: Aside the typical dorm items, remember to purchase school supplies and your books. Show up to class prepared and ready to take notes (even if it is the first day of class). In college professors will expect you to always be prepared to learn, there is no movie day or freebie. 

2. Go explore the campus: Learn where your dorm is, the nearest dining halls and where your classes are. Learn to take the bus and time how long you take to reach your destination. This will help you plan how much time you have between classes. 

3. Get to know your professors: No, you do not have to take them to lunch, but introduce yourself during a class break and research their ratings on www.ratemyprofessor.com or a similar website  (this will make you aware of their teaching style and personality).  

4. Get to know your roommates: Spend time together, talk, go out to eat and learn what you have in common. Your roommates can be a great part of your college experience (they still are a great part of my life). You will be living with them so make the best of it and work on building a friendship. 

5. Have a schedule: Write down and plan out your day (from start to finish). This will help ease your stress and increase your timeliness. You can add lunch, time with friends, work out time, study hours and quizzes to all fit your schedule. 

6. Have fun: Take the time to join clubs and make friends. College is not just about your studies. It is a great opportunity to make social connections (future work connections are always great) and explore the things that really interest you. This will help you find your identity, which can help you choose a career that aligns with who you are. 

Prepare yourself for a year of learning, fun and exciting new ventures! College is what you make of it. Remember to take one day at a time. Patience is key to learning your way around, adapting to a new environment and surviving your first semester.  

Your First Semester at College Survival Guide